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Chapter 21 Garp Has A Lot Of Illegitimate Children~~

Portgas·D·Ace! ! !

The moment he heard the name, Roger was struck by lightning! !

Although he died before his son was born, the name sounds like his son~~~

Without him~

Because his wife Rouge’s last name is Portcas, and the name of his favorite knife is Ace! ! !

Who else could the name produced by the combination of these two things be but his son? ? ?

Thinking of this, Roger couldn't sit still! ! !

Gol·D·Roger: "Garp!!"

Monkey D Garp: "Hey..."

Seeing Garp sigh, Roger suddenly understood everything! !

What else could he not understand?

Monkey D. Luffy: "What? That one named Sengoku, what did you say? Ace is going to be publicly executed at Naval Headquarters???"

At this time, Luffy and his team had just arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago and planned to go to the auction house to rescue the abducted fishman Haimi.

Now he suddenly saw such news from the sky, Luffy couldn't believe it! ! !

Portgas·D·Ace: "Luffy..., this thing is true, I will leave this world soon. But I have nothing to regret, I am lucky to have you as my brother. Promise Me, don’t be sad about my death.”

Monkey D. Luffy: "What are you talking about??? Ace, stop talking nonsense! You will never die!! No matter where you are, I will save you! I will never let you die !”

Monkey D Garp: "Luffy, shut up!! It's not your turn to grab your hands in this matter!!!"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Grandpa, what are you talking about? He is Ace!!! He is my brother!!!"

Monkey D Garp: "Luffy..., I know you're sad, but do you think I'm not sad? You or Ace, what if you two bastards could listen to me and become Marine?" You two little bastards may have reached this point!"

This sudden quarrel between grandfather and grandson immediately stunned everyone watching the movie.

What's going on? ? ?

One moment he is the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and another moment he is the grandson of Marine Hero Marine Hero Garp...

And why is Roger, the Pirate King, so excited? ? ?

Why does it suddenly seem that there is an atmosphere of Nong Nong's family ethics?

Shiki: "Hey, hey! Can I interrupt? This Fire Fist Ace is Whitebeard's son, and this Fire Fist Ace is Garp's grandson. Does this mean..., Whitebeard is Garp ?”

Rocks D. Xebec: "Pfft! Haha! Golden Lion, you are such a logic genius!"

Ochoku: "Hahahaha!!! It seems that there is nothing wrong with you if you say that. Although I won't tell you, in fact, none of Whitebeard's sons are biological."

Gol·D·Roger: "Bullshit!!! Of course it's not his biological child!! That's my biological child!! Damn it, Ace is my son!!!"

Shiki: "Nani??? Roger, you also want to be Garp's son?"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Hahaha!!! What is going on here? Are you still fighting so hard about being Garp's son? Damn it, Laozi is going to die laughing~~~"

John: "Let me tell you, Whitebeard or Roger, who is Garp's son? If I remember correctly, Garp has a son named Dragon, right? Garp has a lot of illegitimate children, right?"

Kaido: "Pfft~~"

Charlotte Linlin: "Hahahaha!!!"

Porusalino: "Hahaha!!"

Kuzan: "?"

Porusalino: "Ah, sorry, sorry~~~ I suffer from intermittent laughter, and this happened suddenly. Mr. Garp, sorry, sorry, pfft..."

Gol·D·Roger: "Bastard Garp!!! Come out!! What the hell is going on??? When I asked you to help me take care of my wife and children, you swore to me what you said, 'You have no worries, you I raise my wife and children. Is this how you raise them?”

Monkey D Garp: "That's enough, Roger!! You know? How I wished Ace could become a Marine! So that he could live an honorable life!"

Portgas·D·Ace: "Grandpa!! I understand, I completely understand your love for me. It's entirely my own fault that I'm able to get to this point! I really don't have any hatred for you, only gratitude for you Ah! Grandpa!"

Roger felt bitter inside, and he wanted to blame Garp severely, but he understood after seeing the conversation between Garp and Ace...

Garp really lived up to his oath!

On the contrary, his father is the one who should be blamed! !

Sakazuki: "Damn it!!! It was you who hid Roger's bloodline back then!! Garp, you deserve to die!!!"

Sengoku: "Sakazuki!! Shut up first, is this the time to talk about this?!"

When this topic was opened, what Sengoku was worried about happened~~

World Channel——

"The Marine hero actually shielded the Pirate King's wife and children. This is a huge scandal!!"

"I heard that in order to find Roger's newborn child, Marine executed all the newborn children on the entire Patellila Island!!"

"Yes, at that time, the entire Patai Lila Island was filled with resentment, which turned into the ferocious faces of babies in the sky. As a result, within a few years, the children on the island started crying in fear at night."

"Garp deserves a damn for ignoring so many poor babies in order to save Roger's baby!!"

"You can't say that! No matter how hateful Roger is, his child is innocent!"

"Yes, the order to execute those children was given by Sengoku, who was the Admiral at the time. Why should Garp be blamed?"

"Fart!! As long as you give up one Ace, you can save so many innocent babies! Garp deserves to die!!"

"Are you stupid? Ace was just a newborn baby, does he deserve to die?"

"Whether it's Sengoku or Garp, Marine is definitely the one to blame!"

"Yes, yes! Marine is so damn special!!"


In an instant, the barrage from the World Channel was drowned out by the barrage cursing Marine~~~


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