Damn it! ! ——

Seeing the scene on the sky screen, the powerful people watching the movie were all dumbfounded! ! !

Ba Tang versus Ba Tang? ? ?

Whitebeard uses Conqueror's entanglement, which is not a big problem~~~

But what the hell is going on with Buggy? ? ?

Although everyone knows that Parallel Buggy is very powerful, but this sudden direct confrontation with Whitebeard...

It’s really unacceptable~~~

Jozi: "Ba Ba Ba... Conqueror's entanglement???"

Don Quixote Doflamingo: "It turned out to be Conqueror's entanglement!! Parallel Buggy is too strong!"

Edward Newgate: "What the hell! He actually practiced Conqueror's Entanglement..."

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahaha!! Whitebeard, why don't you say it? I told you before that little Buggy's talent may be better than mine! Now it seems that Parallel Buggy has verified what I said. , his talent is really strong~~~”

Shanks: "I knew Buggy was no weaker than anyone else!! It's so cool to see the parallel Buggy's strength!!"

Sora: "As expected..., no one who can board Roger's ship has mediocre talent..."

Silver Rayleigh: "If Buggy in our world has maintained the cultivation character he had as a boy, the current situation in the New World should be that the world is divided among the five emperors."

Skiba Jabba: "Who says it's not the case? You know, when the two of them were competing, Shanks lost more than he won~"

Shanks: "Hey, hey! You guys say this, I feel so embarrassed~~~"

Impel down——

"Buggy! Buggy!!——"

Seeing the parallel Buggy's awesome strength, the prisoners have already consciously put the Buggy in front of them into that level of strength~~~

There is such a Buggy god-tier leading us to escape from prison, but we are still afraid that we will not be able to escape? ? ?

【boom! ! ——】

[The terrifying Conqueror's power clash, the two of them were locked in a stalemate for more than ten seconds before they bounced off each other! ! 】

["That's... Conqueror's entanglement!!!"]

[Marco, who came with Whitebeard, was extremely horrified. Even his iconic sleepy eyes were so shocked that he stared like bells! 】

[Bramank said with a horrified expression: "Damn! How can this Buggy be so strong! No wonder even Jozi was beaten to the ground by him."]

[Harta touched the knife at his waist, half-sheathed the knife, and whispered: "If things develop in a bad direction, then we can't just stand by and watch!!"]

[Marco immediately reminded: "Put the knife back and don't make any arbitrary decisions!!"]

[Whitebeard fell to the ground, with surprise on his face: "You have grown to this point! Your strength is not inferior to that of Roger!!"]

[ Buggy also fell to the ground. He looked at Whitebeard calmly: "Compared with all the opponents I have fought before, you are indeed a completely different existence. If we continue to fight, I can't hold anything back!" 】

【"Gu la la la la...!!!"】

[Whitebeard laughed heartily, "Red Nose, you fight with me and you still think about whether to hold back or not. This is the first time that I have been looked down upon like this!!"]

["My name is not Red Nose, my name is Buggy, Buggy's Ba, Buggy's Ji!"]

["Yes, for a strong man like you. It's really inappropriate for me to call you that! So... Buggy, are you ready to fight me to the death!! I won't hold anything back!!!" ”]

[While speaking, Whitebeard's right fist punched out from the air! ! 】

【"Air shock!!——"】

[Shock Fruit's ability is activated, and a strong shock wave blasts out from Whitebeard's fist! 】

[This fluctuating speed is like lightning and flint, approaching Buggy in an instant! ! 】

[At the same time, Whitebeard's figure suddenly pushed forward, and the cloud cutter in his hand dragged a sharp afterimage along the ground~~~]


【 Buggy raises his hand and punches him! 】

[The energy wave of the Split Fruit shot out from his fist, immediately covering the approaching vibration wave! 】

【Wow! ~]

[The terrifying vibration wave fell apart the moment it touched the splitting energy! ! ! 】

[Like a soap bubble that was suddenly popped, it turned into little foam stars and dissipated in the air. 】

["What! He actually decomposed dad's fruit ability!"]

["What is that? Is it his fruit ability?"]

["I have been following Dad for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen Dad's air shock wave being resolved so easily!"]

["Damn, not only can this Buggy be entangled with Conqueror's, but it can also develop such strong fruit abilities, it's too outrageous!"]


[The captains who came with Whitebeard were all shocked when they saw Buggy's operation! 】

Compared with the people in the parallel world, the moviegoers on the sky screen have obviously "seen the world" much more...


Porusalino: "Even Whitebeard's shock wave can be neutralized. It seems that it was not unfair at all that my laser was neutralized by him last time~~~"

Tsuru: "No wonder the Paramecia fruit is called a fruit with no upper limit... As long as it is developed well, there is no upper limit in theory."

Marco: "It seems that, with the development of the Split Fruit to this point, any long-range fruit ability can't even come close to him."

Jozi: "Not only the fruit ability, bullets and cannonballs can't hurt him either. He is simply invincible from a distance!"

Blenheim: "Damn, how on earth can I hurt him?"

Harta: "Look, daddy slashed him with a knife!"

Bista: "Slashing is even more ineffective against him. Dad will suffer a loss now...

[The air shock wave was easily resolved by Buggy. Although Whitebeard was also surprised, his fighting instinct over the years kept him from stopping at all~~~]

[Following the air shock wave, Buggy instantly approached, Whitebeard waved the cloud cutter in his hand and slashed it down! ! 】

[Buggy did not dodge this knife and let Cong Yun slash it on him. 】

【brush! ! ——】

【Buggy is divided into two parts from top to bottom~~】

[The expression is still relaxed: "Slashes have no effect on me! Even if you use Armament Haki, I can completely ignore your slashes through Observation Haki's advance judgment."]

[However, Whitebeard laughed heartily: "Gu la la la...!!! Buggy boy, you have been fooled!!"]


[Shock Fruit's ability is activated instantly, surging out from the blade of Cong Yunqi! ! 】

【"not good!"】

[ Buggy's expression changed, he reacted immediately, and his figure instantly fell back! ! ! 】

[But it was still a step too slow after all! 】


[A mouthful of old blood spurts out! 】

Joz: "Hit!!——"

Bista: "As expected of my father! Cong Yunqi's slash is fake, but Shock Fruit's attack is real!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Damn! Whitebeard, you old fox attacked our Buggy, you really don't have martial ethics!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Roger, are you a pig? There is no sneak attack in battle. Whitebeard has an obvious advantage in experience!"

Edward Newgate: "Gla la la la...!! Obviously, Parallel Buggy has the strength, but the combat experience is still new!"

[Buggy retreated a few meters away, his face turning slightly white~~]

[He looked at the cloud cutter in Whitebeard's hand, thoughtfully. 】


["Dad, give him some color and see!!"]

["It has to be Dad!!"]


[The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates cheered for Whitebeard. 】

["Boy Buggy, even if you can split my shock wave, you can't guard against the shock force at close range! It seems that your ability to split is restrained by my shock force, gula la la..." !”

[ Whitebeard grinned. 】

[After all, he is a strong man who has been sailing the sea for decades. What kind of ability have I not seen~~~]

[Even if he encounters a more difficult fruit-powered user, he can still find the best combat plan with his rich combat experience! 】

[Being able to become the king of the sea cannot be achieved by relying on brute force alone! 】

[After a few seconds of thinking, the thoughtful look on Buggy's face disappeared. 】

["Yes, it seems that your ability is really strong against me. But I, Buggy, am not incapable of adapting..."]

[After the words fell, Buggy’s one hand instantly pressed to the ground~~~]

【Split Fruit·Awakening! ! ——】

[The power of the fruit's awakening spread out in an instant, covering everything within the visible range! ! 】


[Harta's expression changed, and he subconsciously looked at his sword! ! 】

[I saw that the sword in his scabbard actually started to move~~~]

[Bramank looked at the unconscious pirates around the square and said in surprise: "No! Look at their weapons, something is wrong too!!"]

【Bang! ! ——】

【Bang bang bang bang bang bang...! ! ! 】

[With the sound of intensive cracking, everyone's swords split instantly! ! ! 】

["Borrow the sword and use it!"]

[As Buggy shouted faintly, the hilts of all the swords fell to the ground one after another, while the blades collapsed into pieces and flew up at the same time! ! ! 】


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