Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 48 Your Iron Wall? Now, They Are Mine!

World Channel——

"Oh my god!! Even Whitebeard can't break through those iron walls?"

"Marine has the backing of the world government, and her background is different!!"

"Yeah!! Sitting at Marineford's home court, waiting for work, and having set up such a trap in advance, I can't think of any reason for Marine to lose..."

"It seems that the Whitebeard Pirates in the parallel world are really going to end!"



Marco: "Can't you even beat daddy?"

Joz: "What is that made of, seastone?"

Bista: "Impossible. How much would it cost to transport so much seastone to Naval Headquarters? Besides, if it is really seastone, then it is impossible for dad's vibration force to dent the iron wall."

Gol·D·Roger: "Sengoku, the old fox, must have built the iron wall in response to Whitebeard's Shock Fruit power. If this iron wall can be broken by Whitebeard, then what qualifications does Sengoku have to be called an old fox?" Woolen cloth?"

Sengoku: "You must say goodbye to this old fox. My nickname is The Resourceful General!!"

Shiki: "Hey! The old fox is so wilted and bad~~"

Sengoku: "Get out!"

[Whitebeard punched out and the iron wall was dented, but it did not affect the surrounding iron wall~]

[The morale of the Marine soldiers is greatly boosted! ! 】

[Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, and a serious look appeared on his face: "This is really a bit of trouble~~"]

[On their side, only Marco can take off, plus some others who can use Moonwalk. Even if these people all cross the siege wall, they will only be trapped by Marine! ! 】

[But if you continue to stay inside the harbor, it is tantamount to waiting for death! 】

[For a moment, he was in a dilemma! ! 】

[In fact, just as Whitebeard expected, Sengoku could not let go of such a good opportunity. 】

["Sakazuki!! It's time to make these pirates pay the price!!"]

[On the high platform, Sengoku gritted his teeth and roared. 】

[A pair of old eyes are filled with the flames of hatred! 】

[If our Marines suffer such heavy casualties, you, the Whitebeard Pirates, will never have an easy time! ! 】

["Understood! Leave no one behind!!!"]

[Sakazuki received the order, and his eyes immediately burst out with fierceness! ! ! 】

[He raised his fists to the sky, turned into rolling lava, and roared: "Meteor Volcano!!——"]

【But at this moment...】


[An energy field radiated instantly, skipping over the iron walls, and all headed towards Marineford's combat platform! ! 】

["What's going on? This is...!" Sengoku suddenly realized something, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned his gaze towards Whitebeard~~]

["Fufufufufu...! This is the power of awakening! It has spread to such a large area, it is even more exaggerated than mine! Fufufufu!"]

【Doflamingo is too familiar with this power fluctuation~~~】

[There is no other, because he himself is also the one who has awakened the fruit ability. 】

[ Sengoku looked at Whitebeard for a moment, but he was stunned! ! ! 】

[Because this energy wave does not emanate from Whitebeard. 】

[Whitebeard grinned: "I didn't expect it, it wasn't me~~ Gu la la la la...!!"]

[Sengoku turned his eyes and immediately looked at Buggy in mid-air: "It's you!"]

[ Buggy just looked at Sengoku and ignored him. 】

[Then, he clapped his hands toward the void below and landed on the huge iron wall below. 】

【Bang! 】

【Bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! 】

[Within the entire Crescent Harbor, all the iron walls above the water suddenly broke and flew up! 】

【Um? ! 】

[Sengoku’s eyes suddenly bulged! ! 】

[He stretched his neck forward and was shocked: "What!!! My iron wall!!"]

Gol·D·Roger: "Pfft!! Look at Sengoku's smug look, I'm so scared! Hahahaha!"

Shiki: "The surrounding wall that took so much manpower and material resources to build was suddenly taken away by others. Isn't it strange that I'm not stupid~~ Jie hahahaha!!!"

Bista: "It was shocking last time when he split the swords of all the pirates and flew up! I didn't expect that this time... it would be truly shocking!!"

Jozi: "Be good! This is not only shocking, but the Marine soldiers at the scene were probably so scared that they peed their pants!!"

["Your iron wall??"]

[ Buggy was suspended in the air, a hint of teasing appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he smiled lightly, "Now, they are mine!" ]

[As soon as these words came out, Sengoku's blood pressure surged! ! 】


[He roared angrily and his face turned red! ! 】

[The fruits of hard work for so long were picked up easily by others! 】

[No matter who it is, no matter who it is, it is impossible to swallow this breath~~~]

[A surge of blood surged into my heart, and he swallowed it back forcefully! ! ! 】

["Asshole! Asshole!!!"]

Gol·D·Roger: "Your iron walls? Now, they are mine..."

Shiki: "Jie hahahaha!!!"

Charlotte Linlin: "Hahahaha!! Don't make Sengoku mad anymore~~"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Haha! Sengoku in the parallel world is already very angry. If I can make Sengoku here angry too, that will really kill two birds with one stone!"

Sengoku: "Huh! I'm not that unbearable! I can't die until all of you pirates are dead!"

Edward Newgate: "We were in a great mood when we watched the skylight reveal. Sengoku watched the skylight reveal. Not only was his plan exposed, but he was also so angry that his blood pressure soared. He screamed...!!"

Silver Rayleigh: "Haha..."

[In the blink of an eye, dozens of iron walls flew into the sky, casting dozens of huge shadows on Marineford's combat platform! ! ! 】

[Marine below looked up, as if he saw dozens of steel buildings flying in the sky. 】

【That huge size~】

【That thick texture! 】

[With such a thing hanging above my head, an indescribable feeling of suffocation arises spontaneously! 】

【"Sakazuki, take action now!"】

[The obstruction of the iron wall is gone. Before the Moby Dick reaches the shore, it is the last good opportunity to take action. Sengoku will never allow this opportunity to be missed! 】

[No need for Sengoku to urge, Sakazuki is already doing it! ! ! 】

【Boom! ! ! 】

[The temperature in the air suddenly rose, and Sakazuki's whole body turned into rolling lava! ! 】

[The magma surged and continued to emerge from Sakazuki's body, forming fist-shaped lava polymers! 】

【Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ! ! 】

[Sakazuki is like an erupting volcano at this time, giant fists of lava erupting from his body! 】

[Buggy put his hands together in the middle and shouted: "Split Combination·Iron Wall Shield!!——"]

【Clang! ——】

[There was a muffled sound in the sky, and at least twenty iron walls were integrated into one place at the same moment, forming a huge floating iron wall shield! 】

[Blocking the sky and the sun, like a demon coming, panicking and unpredictable! ! 】

【boom! boom! boom! ! ! 】

[Those giant lava fists had just taken off when they were intercepted by this huge iron wall shield! ! 】

[Shock Fruit cannot destroy this iron wall, and the effect of Lava-Lava Fruit is almost the same~~]

[The huge lava fist hit the iron wall shield, and bursts of magma flames suddenly exploded, splashing towards the Marine combat platform below~~~]


【"not good!!"】

【"Hurry and escape!!"】


[The Marine soldiers fled in fear. 】

[Sengoku saw this and quickly shouted: "Stop it, Sakazuki!!"]


【Sakazuki is also furious. 】

[This move of his not only failed to eliminate half of the pirates, but actually caused Marine to suffer~~~]

[He stared at Buggy in mid-air and shouted sternly: "Buggy!! You must die here today!!"]

["It is said that dogs that bite don't bark. You Akainu barks so happily. It seems that you are not a qualified military dog..."]

[Listening to Sakazuki’s cruel words, Buggy’s eyes showed a hint of disdain~~~]

[If you can kill people by being cruel, then why should you practice hard? 】

[Speaking of this, he pressed down with both hands! ! 】

[The iron wall shield in the sky suddenly spread out, and then flew toward the harbor below! 】

[The pieces are connected end to end, forming a long bridge with iron walls! 】

【Bang! 】

[One end of the iron-walled long bridge was built on the combat platform, and the other end rushed directly out of the entrance of Crescent Harbor, instantly suppressing the six large warships blocking the entrance of Crescent Harbor! 】

[In this way, a long and solid bridge appears from the entrance of Crescent Harbor to the foundation of the main island! ! 】

【"Gu la la la...!!"】

[Whitebeard laughed loudly when he saw this! 】

[He jumped from the deck to the long iron-walled bridge next door! 】

[The Cong Yunqie in his hand waved forward and shouted loudly: "Those who are not afraid of death, come with me and charge!!"]

【"Here it comes, Dad!!"】

["Brothers, get on the bridge!"]



[The main members of the Whitebeard Pirates jumped onto the long iron-walled bridge one after another and rushed to the battle platform on the main island with great momentum! ! 】

[Outside the Crescent Bay, the captains of the fleet suddenly saw a broad road paved from the inside to the outside. They all smiled with their mouths crooked~~~]

["Cover by artillery fire, the others follow me! We, the Vortex Spider Pirates, don't keep dad waiting for too long!"]

["Leiqing Pirates, follow me!"]

["Young Knights Pirates, let's not fall behind!!"]

["Uh ha ha ha ha!!! Team Arthur, charge!!"]



【Erupted! ! ——】

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