Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 67 Luffy: Is She A Master? Then I Will Go All Out! (Please Subscribe!)

【Logue town~~~】

["Sir, the contact from Naval Headquarters is here."]

[In the base director's office, a female Marine wearing a floral shirt walked in and saluted the man sitting behind the desk. 】

[The office was filled with smoke, which made female Marine feel very uncomfortable~~]

[Behind the desk, Base Chief Smoker turned around with his swivel chair, holding two cigars in the corners of his mouth, and slowly put down the newspaper in his hand. 】

["Haha........., Gold Plating has come to my Smoker's territory, it's really golden to torture those old guys!"]

[Words obviously laced with disgust spewed out of his mouth along with deep disgust~~~]

[As a jealous guy, Smoker not only hates pirates, but also deeply hates these backdoor bugs in Marine!!!]

[He never expected that this time the headquarters would actually put a related household in his place. Isn’t this intentional to make him feel uncomfortable? 】

["Tell me about his information." Smoker picked up the newspaper again and said somewhat casually. 】

[Although he had received the notice before, he did not take this matter seriously. 】

[If it were to be another Marine with a "political sense", he would have thoroughly researched the identity and background of the "young master", and then prepared the gifts that the other party likes and is looking forward to it~~~]

[The little fair hand pushed up the glasses, and Tashigi began to read: "Monkey D. Luffy, 14 years old, current military rank, Naval Headquarters Lieutenant Junior Grade, now...


[As soon as he heard this, Smoker slapped his hand on the table, making an angry loud noise. 】

["Already a Lieutenant Junior Grader at Naval Headquarters at the age of 14?!!"]

[On the righteous face, the facial features quickly came together. Smoker's eyes widened in disbelief and he said angrily, "Damn! Those old guys really have no shame at all...!!!" "] "890" [He looked at Tashigi and asked: "Tashigi, how many years have you joined Marine? What is your rank?"]

"Sir, I have joined Marine for three years and currently hold the rank of Marine Sergeant." Tashigi quickly stood up straight and replied. 】

["Look at it~ Look at it!!"]

[A look of anger appeared on his face without concealment. Smoker stood up from behind the desk. He pointed towards the void with his hand and shouted bitterly, "A Marine soldier like you who has a righteous heart and is dedicated to his work, It took him three years to become a sergeant in the Marine branch, but what kind of skills does this little Bangzi have? Why is he already a Lieutenant Junior Grade at the age of 14!!! And he is a Naval Headquarters Lieutenant Junior Grade!"]

[According to Marine's system, the branch's military rank is automatically reduced by three levels at the headquarters. 】

【14 years old!】

[On normal people, they are not even old enough to join Marine!!]

[But now all the related households from the headquarters are Lieutenant Junior Grade! 】

【Excessive! It’s simply unreasonable!】

[Thinking of this, Smoker becomes extremely angry...]

[He looked at Tashigi: "Listen, isn't he coming to be plated with gold? Then let's plate him properly!"]

["You will be responsible for everything he does in Logue town! By the way, arrange a strength test for him first, let him know that a flower like him that grew up in a greenhouse can thrive after going through wind and rain like you. What's the difference between the big trees that come out!!"]

【"Yes, sir!""】

【Tashigi straightened up, saluted and left the village. 】

Hina: "Old smoker, you are really smart in the parallel world..."

Smoker: "…………"

Tashigi: "You're a little worried about me over there~~~"

Gion: "Are you trying to give Parallel Luffy a showdown? But it looks like that female soldier is going to be tricked by Smoker...

Hina: "I hope in parallel Luffy will know how to cherish the beauty~~~"

Roronoa Zoro: "Um~ In this matter, I'm afraid you don't have to expect anything at all..."

Franky: "Hahaha!!!"

[After leaving Smoker's office, Tashigi came to his own office, put a brand new Marine justice cloak on his shoulders, and tied his hair again with both hands, looking even more heroic!]

[After combing carefully, Tashigi put his beloved famous sword Sayo Shigure on his waist and went out to the reception area. 】

[Soon, she met Luffy. 】

【"Lieutenant Junior Grade~~"】

[Tashigi is still a little aggrieved to give the officer's salute to a boy who is so much younger than him!]

["No need to do that~ My name is Luffy, please take good care of me in the future~~"]

[ Luffy had been waiting impatiently at the reception desk for a long time. Suddenly he saw someone coming to take him away, and he immediately jumped off the box. 】


【This guy doesn’t seem to be annoying?】

[Feeling Luffy’s sincerity, Tashigi’s attitude towards Luffy suddenly changed a lot. 】

【No, no, no!!】

【This kind of relationship between me and this person is irreconcilable!!!】

[For a moment, Tashigi suddenly thought of the "position issue" and immediately reminded himself not to be confused by the other party's "disguise"~~~]

[Suddenly, she straightened her face: "This is Marine Base, no need for playful smiles!!"]


[Luffy stretched and then gave Tashigi a wise look: "What do you mean?"]

【What does it mean?】

[Tashigi's little face suddenly turned pale with anger: "Damn it!! I just told you to be more serious in Marine Base!! If we all smile playfully during work,

How can we strictly uphold justice!"]


[ Luffy was stunned for a moment, and then he stared at Tashigi's mouth. 】


【Tashigi's heart suddenly thought!】

[She has long heard that many of the children from high-level families are like the children of nobles and have serious problems with their lifestyle. 】

[Now seeing Luffy staring at her mouth as soon as he came, the flames of tender anger in Tashigi's heart suddenly rose!!!]


[A white palm suddenly pressed on Xiaoye Shigure’s blade!]

[Just when Tashigi was about to pull out his sword and strike Luffy with it, he heard Luffy say: "You have a piece of enoki mushroom stuck to the corner of your mouth~~~"]


【Tashigi's delicate body trembled~~】

[The anger that had just been brewing to the extreme collapsed at this moment...]

[The palm that just held the handle of the knife retracted with a swipe, and he quickly covered the corners of his mouth~~]

[With a panicked expression, she fumbled at the corners of her mouth for a while and subconsciously asked: "Where is it?"]


[Luffy suddenly raised a scissor hand and grinned happily: "Haha, I was just teasing you!!"]


When they saw this scene, everyone watching the movie burst out laughing~~~

World Channel One

"Hahaha!! Luffy over there is so funny~~~"

"This female Marine soldier is probably going to be furious!"

"She was planning to teach Luffy a lesson, but now she is confused by Luffy.'s so fun!!!"

"I am this female soldier. I probably want to kill Luffy soon~~"

"Ha ha!!"


Nico Robin: "Ahahaha!! This is definitely Luffy himself~~"

Nami: "Ah haha~~ I kind of sympathize with that female Marine~~"

Chopper: "Look at her expression, it's so funny!"

Usopp: "Luffy's emotions were completely controlled..."


[The embarrassed expression on the fair face froze instantly!!!]

【To tease! Me! To play!?】

[The anger that had just dissipated within two seconds came back with a vengeance, violently gathering on the girl’s jade cheeks...]


[Obviously she is a gentle and quiet girl, but now her face turned into an emoji of a sharp-toothed devil~~~]

[She grabbed Luffy's neck with both hands and shook it hard: "Asshole!!! I'll strangle you to death..."]

【"Ah!! Sergeant Tashigi, this is Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade!"】

["Stop it! You can't be so rude to your commander in the barracks!"]

[The surrounding Marine soldiers were all frightened and quickly reminded them loudly~~

[The reminders from the Marines were like ice water, which immediately made Tashigi wake up...]

【"Sorry! Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade, I…………………………"】

[Quickly let go of Luffy's neck, and the expression on Tashigi's face became flustered again~~]

["Haha! What a big deal~ Come on, pinch me for a while~~~"]

[ Luffy laughed, grabbed Tashigi's hands and put them back on his neck, and wrapped her fingers around his neck very thoughtfully. 】


[Tashigi's skin twitched slightly, and he had an inexplicable urge to kill~~~]

Ha ha ha ha!!!

Everyone watching the movie had their faces twitching with laughter~~~


[Tashigi took a deep breath and tried hard to adjust his mentality~~~]

[She feels that if she continues to stay here, she will go crazy!]

["Luffy! Lieutenant!"]

[Hysterical words came out of Tashigi's mouth. She suppressed the twitching corners of her mouth and said, "Please come to the training ground with me!"]

[Luffy picked his nose and tilted his head: "Why are you going to the training ground?"]

["According to Colonel Smoker's order, you need to conduct a strength test to facilitate the subsequent arrangements for your affairs at the base."]

[Forcibly controlling his emotions, leaving these calm words behind, Tashigi walked out. 】

["Huh? I don't understand."]

[Luffy shook his head and looked at the Marine soldiers next to him, "What does this young lady mean?"]

["Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade, she means to compete with you!"]

["Hey, hey, Master Luffy, you have to be careful! Sergeant Tashigi is the genius of our base! He is super powerful!"]

["Yes, have you seen his sword? That is the famous sword Xiaoya Shigure! Think about it, what kind of person can own a famous sword!"]

["Master Luffy, don't be careless in the fight later. If you can't beat me, just admit defeat with your avatar!"]

["Yeah, it's not shameful to lose to Sergeant Tashigi... After all, we are dozens of years old, and we can't beat him..."]


[The Marine soldiers at the reception desk are all veterans for many years. Naturally, they will not be as stupid as Tashigi, nor will they deliberately cause trouble for Luffy like Smoker. 】

[Ordinary people like them, after learning that Luffy is the original "gold-plated young master", naturally want to take the opportunity to curry favor!!!]

[Even if it doesn’t help their careers, it can at least ensure that they won’t be resented by the “young master”~~~]

[So when they saw that Luffy was stupid, they quickly reminded Luffy so that they could form a good relationship in front of Luffy...]

[Hearing this, Luffy's face became serious: "Ah? Do you mean that she wants to teach me a lesson?"]


【Everyone nodded. 】

【“Hiss…! I have to be careful then! Fortunately, you guys reminded me, otherwise I might have been beaten badly...】

【When it comes to teaching a lesson, Luffy’s mind suddenly emerges with the scenes of being cared for by Garp’s iron fist on the warship~~~】

【It almost has a psychological trauma~~~】

【So now when he hears someone wants to teach him a lesson, Luffy subconsciously becomes alert!!】

【“Go, Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade. Sergeant Tashigi is the colonel's confidant, so don't mess with her again~~~"]

["Okay! I understand~~"]

[ Luffy didn't understand what confidant or not, but he understood two points.]

[One, Insky wants to teach him a lesson!]

[Two, Tashigi is a master!]

["In this case, I can't be careless!"]

[Touching the biceps of his right hand with his left hand, Luffy walked out.]

Roronoa Zoro: "......, parallel Luffy is getting serious............

Hina: "It feels like parallel Tashigi is going to be tricked by those Marines~~~"

Peacock: "Although that's the case, those Marines should really think Luffy is weak............"

Tashigi: "It's over, I seem to be in trouble in the parallel world~~"

[ On the building of Marine Base, Smoker walked out of the balcony and looked at the training ground below. 】

【 Tashigi came to the center of the training ground, and then Luffy also came over. 】

【The area was quickly surrounded by Marine soldiers who came after hearing the news~~】

【"That's Sergeant Tashigi!"】

【"Yeah, he's the most talented Marine in our Logue Town Marine Base!"】

【"Who's that kid across the street? Why does he look like a kid? Isn't he asking for trouble?"】

【"Shh, that's the son of Vice Admiral Garp, who's here to get gilded."】

【"So he's a relative! Met Sergeant Tashigi on 5.1, he's awesome~~~"】


【"Let me make it clear first, although this is a test of your strength, but fists and feet have no eyes, I hope you go all out, otherwise if I accidentally hurt you, it won't look good........."】

【After adjusting his sleeves, Tashigi adjusted his mood so that he looked like a strict tutor...】

【"Well, I already know you're very strong! So, don't worry, I won't take it lightly!"】

【 Luffy took a horse stance, put his hands on his knees, and leaned forward slightly.

【"Okay! Start!"

【With Tashigi's start, her little hand immediately touched the handle of Sayo Shigure's knife.

【But at this moment, an extremely terrifying momentum instantly enveloped him~~~】

【She was startled and immediately realized that something in the air was approaching instantly!!】

【But before she could see clearly what it was, a sharp pain exploded in her stomach!!!】

【It was also at this moment that the sound of "Elastic Gun!" from the training ground finally reached her ears...】

【On the balcony of the base building, Smoker, who was originally planning to watch a crushing battle, suddenly said "Fuck", and the two cigars in his mouth were all sprayed out~~~】

【In his widened pupils, a scene that shocked him enough to make him drop his teeth!!!】

【Luffy's fist spanned a distance of more than ten meters, and in Tashigi just touched the hilt of the knife when he hit her abdomen~~~]


[With a wave of air spreading out, Tashigi's slender figure suddenly folded back, forming a horizontal V, and shot backwards dozens of meters away~~]



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