Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 83 Mr. Luffy, The Chef You Want Has Been Packed (Please Subscribe!)

[A week later, the East Blue patrol fleet set sail again!]

[This time, there are two latest large warships as the facade, which is obviously more impressive!!]

[Based on the advice of the Marine Six Styles trainer sent by the headquarters, Luffy divided his soldiers into three groups and carried out patrols in batches.]

[Luffy took one group out to sea, and the other two groups trained in Logue Town.]

[After Luffy returned from patrolling for a period of time, another group of people followed him out to patrol.]

[Time flies, and two years have passed...]匚

[Under the method of patrolling and training in batches, the soldiers of the fleet gradually transformed into elite soldiers!]

[The security of East Blue has reached the best level ever!!]

[On the islands along the main channel, no trace of pirates can be seen~~~]

[Only on those remote islands will pirates appear occasionally.]

[However, these are all small shrimps among pirates, and the village self-defense force can solve them. 】

【On the sea~~~】

【In the captain's office of the warship, Luffy leaned back in his chair and let his mind wander...

【 Nami bent over, supported her elbows on the table, and looked at the nautical chart carefully. 】

【 Her fingers tapped lightly on her egg-white cheeks, and she said with some anticipation: "Luffy Commodore, we will reach Logue Town in another day's sailing. After this, we will go to Naval Headquarters, right?"】


【 Luffy nodded, "Grandpa called me a few days ago. My training in East Blue is over. When I return to Naval Headquarters, I can follow Grandpa's footsteps and go to New World to fight pirates...!!"】

【When he thought of this good thing, Luffy immediately felt relieved. 】

【Of course, there is even better news for him!!】

【I learned from Garp that Ace and Sabo's training has also ended and they are returning. ]

[After the Naval Headquarters, Ace and Sabo will be officially awarded the rank of Vice Admiral!]

[Besides, because the New World is full of dangers, Sengoku and Garp decided to let Ace, Sabo and Luffy join forces and form a fleet to conquer the New World._!!]

[This is great news for Luffy!!!]

[On the one hand, he can fight side by side with his two brothers, and on the other hand, he can show off his skills in front of his two brothers~~]

[After all, he is very strong...]

[Gurgle 21~~~]

[At this moment, Luffy's stomach suddenly growled.]


[ Nami covered her mouth and giggled.]

[ Luffy smacked his lips and muttered: "It seems that we have to find an island to stop. The food on the ship seems to be running out. Nami, look for an island nearby..

["Hmm. ”】

【 Nami lay down, looked at the map for a while, pointed to a sea and said, "Luffy Commodore, I heard from the villagers of the previous island that there is a catering ship in this sea area. It seems to be very famous. Many people go there to taste the delicious food!"】


【Hearing this, Luffy immediately became interested. He immediately came to Nami's side and looked at the place where Nami pointed. He saw that the place was marked with three three baratis by Nami with a pen~~~】

【Then, Luffy immediately made a decision: "Okay! Decision! Don't go to the island for the time being, just go to this barati, I will treat everyone to a good meal!!"】


【As the accountant of the fleet, Nami is very careful with money, but he never cuts on Luffy's food. He is absolutely rich...!】

Next to the Thousand Mile Sunshine——


Seeing this scene, Sanji immediately jumped up from the ground!!!

Three years!!!

He has been waiting for three years...

In these three years, The East Blue patrol fleet conquered East Blue and captured countless pirates!!

But they never passed by the sea restaurant Barati…………

When I heard parallel Luffy and Nami talking about going to the Grand Line, Sanji's heart almost dropped~~~

It’s over!!

In the parallel world, I still didn’t keep up with everyone’s team...

But when he heard that Luffy was going to have a big meal at Barati on the sea, Sanji shouted that this was the opportunity!!!

"Hey, hey, hey! Me over there, you must seize this opportunity!!!"

Holding his hands tightly, Sanji was very nervous~~~

Chopper also waved his little hoof: "Parallel Luffy must bring Sanji with him!!"

"Yes! We have all the members of East Blue, we can't just leave Sanji alone~~~"

Nami also hugged her face, hoping that Sanji over there could keep up with the team~~

Luffy clenched his fists with both hands, opened his horse stance, and shouted excitedly: "Don't worry, we can't miss any of our partners...!!"

"Yes! No one can be missing!"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates put their hands on Sanji's shoulders.

["Wow!! Is this Barati? This shape..., you can tell at a glance that this is a place to eat...!!"]

[When the fleet arrived at the sea restaurant Barati, Luffy could not wait to stand on the bow~~~]

【"It's the East Blue patrol fleet!!"】

["Hey, hey, I read that right! It's Luffy Commodore's fleet coming...!"]

["Quickly give way, I want to witness the honor of the light of East Blue with my own eyes. I heard that he is a seventeen-year-old handsome boy. Is it true?"]

["Ahaha! Count Evelyn, although your appearance is not inferior to that of a young girl, you are still a widow in her thirties after all. Stop thinking about those fancy things..."]

["Hey, hey, hey! Don't underestimate me! My daughter is fifteen this year, and she is a perfect match for Luffy Commodore!"]

["Look! It's coming!!"]


[The chefs in this offshore restaurant are all a group of guys who specialize in cooking skills "so the food here is famous far and wide!"

[Even when public security was not very good in the past few years, many princes and nobles would come from their respective countries to taste the delicious food~~~]

[In the past few years, almost all the pirates in East Blue have been captured by Luffy, so the nobles no longer have to worry about navigation safety. There is an endless stream of people coming to Barati to eat every day~~~]

[At this time, I heard the crowd outside shouting, saying that they saw the East Blue night patrol fleet coming, and all the guests who were dining excitedly rushed to the deck of the restaurant to watch...]

【"Haha, here I come!!"】

【Luffy grabbed the edge of the railing with both hands and pulled hard!】


[The free and easy figure draws an arc in the air, and the cloak of justice flutters in the wind under the bright sun! 】

【"It's Luffy Commodore!!"】

【"Luffy! My daughter is your idol!"】

【"Let me touch it~~"】


[Seeing the legendary East Blue light right in front of their eyes, everyone went crazy!!!]

[Especially those aristocratic women, they are simply tops~~~]

【Brush! Brush! Brush!......】

[Several figures fell on Balati's deck in an instant, and were blocked by the crazy crowd. 】

["Sorry, I know everyone likes Chief Luffy very much, but please stay sensible and return to your seats. Otherwise, we, Marine, will have to leave immediately in order not to disturb everyone's meal."]

[ Tashigi said with a polite smile. 】

[Hearing this, the diners suddenly became quite quiet~~]

[Everyone hurriedly returned to their seats. Being able to eat with Luffy at such a close distance was something that ordinary people would brag about for a lifetime~~]

[It seems that some people are trying to get close to Luffy, Nami immediately announced: "Don't worry, everyone, we will arrange a photo session after Sir Luffy finishes eating!!"]


【Luffy picked his nose, is there still this part? 】

[Seeing the excitement of the crowd around him, Luffy had no choice but to acquiesce. 】

[Nami continued to interact with the crowd and said: "By the way, Chief Luffy has received a notice from the headquarters and will go to the Grand Line in a week. Therefore, everyone here is very lucky, because the photo with Chief Luffy will be taken later. It’s an out-of-print version from East Blue~~~”]

["Great!! The group photo taken later will be absolutely priceless!!"]

["Yes! From now on, when other noble sisters come to visit my house, I will put a photo of me and Chief Luffy in the most conspicuous place in the living room. They will definitely be jealous of them!!"]

【"Being able to take a picture with Mr. Luffy, the light of East Blue, is definitely worth my life!"】


[The crowd was very excited. 】

[ Nami smiled playfully: "However, my parents are busy with official duties, so I can only spare an hour for a group photo later. In order to give everyone a perfect photo experience, a certain threshold fee is required for the photo session later!! "]

["Anyway, friends who want to take a photo, come to my place to register, and then you only need to add a small amount of 500,000 beli!"]


The moviegoers under the canopy all squirted loudly~~~

As expected of the accountant of the East Blue hunting fleet…………

You really know how to live your life~~~

["Boss, please make food for three hundred people and send it to the warship. Then we will serve the most delicious dishes in the store one by one, and we will eat in the store."

[ Luffy sat down, and then pointed at himself and a few of his confidants. 】

【"Okay! Come right away~~~"】

[Paddy smiled with a smile on his face and gave Luffy a low salute. 】

[The success of the restaurant on the sea is largely due to Luffy~~]

[At this time, seeing the God of Wealth and Protector coming, he hurried to the kitchen to report to the head chef. 】

[This shouldn’t give people a broken bone???]

【"The light of East Blue is coming?"】

[The chef and owner, Jipu, was enjoying his time fishing when he suddenly heard the news. He stood up and rushed out in a hurry. 】

[He came to Luffy’s table and smiled broadly: “It’s indeed Sir Luffy! You want food for three hundred people, right? I’ll take this meal!”]

【"Who are you…………………?"】

[Tashigi frowned slightly at this time, with a thoughtful look on his face...]

["Ah! My sister-in-law with good eyesight, yes, I was once a pirate, but that was all many years ago. Now........., I am a head chef who concentrates on studying delicious food in East Blue ~~”]

【As for his past, Ji Pu never denies it. 】

[Since the other party has recognized him, Jipu doesn’t want to hide it~~]

[If the other party wants to arrest him, he will admit it...]

【After all, he has experienced that

There are so many things, some of which have been ignored for a long time!!]

[Tashigi stood up suddenly and exclaimed: "I remembered! You are Red-footed Zepu!! There are key records of you in Logue town's big pirate information!"]

[The faces of Paddy and Carne who came out with Jipu suddenly changed~~~]

[The atmosphere suddenly became tense...]

【 Luffy also turned to look at Ji Pu. 】

【"Are you going to arrest me...?"】

[Zipu still smiled and stretched out his hands calmly, "It is my honor to be caught by the light of East Blue."]

[ Luffy reached out and grabbed Jipu's hand. 】



[Paddy and Carnie looked anxious~~]

[In their anxious gazes, Luffy grabbed Jipu's hand and showed a sunny smile: "Uncle! I have been in East Blue for three years, but I have never heard any civilian mention that there is a person.

A pirate named Jipu went to harm them. ”]

["On the contrary, I learned from Nami that your restaurant Barati on this sea far away from the land has been serving countless people wandering on the route for several years.

Warm hot meals were provided. ”]

["Uncle, if every pirate could change his ways like you, then there wouldn't be so many homeless children on this sea..."]

[As soon as these words came out, Ji Pu’s face was deeply moved!!]

[Luffy’s other hand also patted Ji Pu’s hand, and said with a smile: “Uncle, I will continue to help the voyagers of East Blue in the future!”]


【Moved tears burst out of my eyes instantly!!】

【I can’t stop~~~I can’t stop at all…………!!】


[Zipu held Luffy's hand firmly and nodded heavily. 】

[A pair of serious confusion, although the tears are rolling, but you can see a touch of determination shining brightly in the pupils...]

[Then he waved his hand and showed the style of BOSS: "All the chefs in Balati obey the order! Serve Mr. Luffy our best delicacies!!"]


[Luffy raised his hands in the air, his mouth twisted with joy~~~]

[Subsequently, one delicious dish after another passed from the back door to Luffy’s dining table~~]

[There are also packages of food sent to the warship through the back door. 】

【Luffy cried......】

[This meal made him cry~~~]

【"Mr. Luffy, you...??"】

[Seeing Luffy crying, Ji Puke was frightened and quickly expressed concern. 】

[The chefs who were serving the dishes also became nervous~~~]

["Wow~~~ I have never eaten such delicious food!! What should I do when I think that I will not be able to eat such delicious food after returning to Grand Line~~~"]

【 Luffy burst into tears all his life. 】

[For him, eating is equivalent to a second life!!]


【When everyone heard this, they were all stunned!!!】

【Holy shit!!】

【This is actually the reason...???】

[Swordsman Zoro, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly gave his sword intention: "Sir Luffy, actually, I think we can recruit a chef from here. If they are willing, there will be two."

Is it all beautiful?”]

【"Huh? What a good idea!!"】

[As soon as he heard this, Luffy immediately became energetic. 】

[He looked at Jipu: "Uncle, do you think this is okay...??"]

[Zipu was stunned for a moment!]

【But then………………】

【He clapped his hands suddenly!!】

【Is this a coincidence?】

[You want to find a chef, but I also have someone I want to send away! 】

[In order to repay his kindness, that boy would rather stay with me in this little Barati than pursue his dream...]

[Such a good opportunity is now in front of us. If we don’t take the opportunity to drive that kid away, I’m afraid there will never be such a good opportunity again!!]

[Thinking of this, Ji Pu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Luffy, this matter is taken care of by me!!"]


[Hearing that the other party agreed, Luffy laughed to the back of his head~~~]

[The next moment, they heard a sound like demolishing a house from the back kitchen...]

[After a while, several chefs came out of the back kitchen and pushed a tied-up boy with curly eyebrows to the front. 】

[Zipu bent down slightly and said happily: "Mr. Luffy, the chef you want has been packed~"]

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