Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 87 Luffy Is The Light, So Let’S Be The Darkness Behind This Light! (Please Subscribe!)

【"I dare to beat you!!——"】

[Luffy fell from the sky and smashed down with an ape king spear!!!]


[The huge fist made direct contact with the ground, and the solid rock formation burst open~~]

[Cracks like spider webs are flowing along the ground in all directions!]

[In the huge pit, Wapol is lying very peacefully~~]

World Channel——

"Damn it!! How dare he...!! That's the king of a country that has joined the World Government!"

"He didn't even hesitate~~~"

"As long as there is anyone who is not in line with justice in his opinion, his fists will be merciless..."

"Parallel Luffy's fist has no wronged souls~~~"

"Did our Marine here see it? Learn from it! Parallel Luffy, that's called true justice!!!"

"Yes! Justice does not need any prefix! Justice is justice!!"

"Parallel Luffy, the light of justice!!"

"Light of Justice!!"

Under the sky, the civilians who were watching the movie were all driven to the climax by Luffy's punch~~

This punch can be said to represent the will of the people!!

Represents justice and relief!!!

Represents the expectations of thousands of civilians for justice…………!

Parallel Luffy he did it!!

Without any hesitation, he completely penetrated the word justice!!!


Wapol: "Damn it! The pirate Luffy here dares to beat me up, but the Marine Luffy over there still beats me up? Does he not want to live???"

Porusalino: "What a random guy..."

Gion: "Conquest will not sit idly by and take action against the king of a country that has joined the World Government~"

Sakazuki: "He really has no rules at all! Even if he becomes a Marine, he still wants to be a pirate!"

Gol·D·Roger: "It's interesting! When a flower blooms in the cesspit "Zero 37", instead of feeling proud, the turds blame the flower for being unsociable, right?"

Shiki: "Jie hahahaha!! As expected of you, Roger! This metaphor is so appropriate!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Hahaha! Damn, I really belong to you!"

Monkeyd Dragon: "Marine is not really a cesspit, but there is indeed a lot of excrement in it!"

Lindbergh: "Just look at their attitude towards parallel Luffy. You can see that the Marine in this world is hopeless...!!"

[Luffy punched down, and everyone present suddenly widened their eyes!!]

【Holy shit!!】

[The civilians on the island all looked at the silent Wapol with their mouths wide open in horror, and then all turned their attention to Luffy...]

[Is this guy really not afraid of the censure of world conquest? 】

[Kureva, who had just parked the sled, also looked horrified! 】

[You know, she is over 140 years old!]

[In the past 100 years, although many countries have been destroyed, there has never been a precedent of taking action against a country that is a member of the world government...!]

[Even if some of the world government’s franchised countries are destroyed by the world government because they cannot pay the heavenly gold, they will first deprive the franchised country of its identity, and then send the Marine and CP departments to take action~~~]

[Although the results are the same, to put it bluntly...the world is looking for shame!!]

[In a situation like this, Marine openly attacks the king of a country that is a member of the World Government, that is absolutely not allowed!!!]

【"This boy..."】

[Kureva had to admit that not only did she underestimate this guy, but she also never thought that Luffy would do this!!]

【That group of people didn’t hesitate at all!】


[Suddenly, Cromarimon, the minister of the Iron Bucket Kingdom, woke up from the shock and screamed in horror. 】

[He pointed at Luffy and shouted in shock and anger: " little Marine Commodore dare to attack King Wapol!! Are you provoking?


[As soon as these words came out, Luffy turned his head sharply and looked at Chroma Mon!]



[Luffy raised his legs and his legs were eighteen meters long!!]

[The huge sole of the foot fell from the sky, and Chromamon stepped on the shoe print with a bang...]


[The kingdom soldiers who were just about to follow Chromamon to denounce Luffy just finished speaking, and they all choked back in fear...]

【"Catch them all!"】

[ Luffy ordered coldly. 】


[With Luffy’s support, the Marines will dare to go ahead~~~]

[Soon, all these king's troops were tied up. 】

["Sir, what should we do with these doctors?"]

[A Marine retrieved 20 doctors from Wapol's ship, ask Luffy. 】

[Kureva quickly said: "Those doctors had no choice but to listen to Wapol. They have never killed anyone."]

[If it were normal times, it would be absolutely impossible for Kureva to help these doctors~~~]

[But after seeing Luffy's methods, she understood that if she didn't speak now, then the fate of these 20 doctors would definitely be the same as those of the King's Army, being arrested by Marine. 】

[For today’s Iron Bucket Kingdom, these 20 doctors are of great use!]

[Not only can they alleviate the current tension between doctors and patients in the Iron Barrel Kingdom, but they can also continue to teach medical skills, so that the medical skills of Cigu Island can continue to be inherited and developed...]

["Sir, the islanders just said that since Wapol exiled all the doctors on the island, there are no doctors on the island. If these 20 doctors are returned, it will be of great significance to the islanders. .....!”]

[Tashigi also suggested immediately. 】

["Sir, let these doctors stay on the island!"]

["They were all forcibly kept by Wapol."]

["Yes, they have never killed anyone or committed a crime..."]

["Sir, we need these doctors!"]


[The islanders also began to plead for the doctor. 】

[ Luffy picked his nose and glanced at the doctors. 】

[Intuition told him that what the islanders said was true~~~]

["You can go back..."]

[Without unnecessary nonsense or requirements, Luffy simply let these doctors go. 】

[Then, he looked at Ajin and ordered: "Take Wapol and those bastards to the warship, I will put them in the deep sea prison!"]


[Akin gave a military salute and then followed Luffy’s order~~]

[In the following days, the islanders warmly entertained the Marines, and Nami's condition also improved. 】

[In the castle on the top of Tietong Mountain~~~]

【"Really? Can I become a Marine too?"】

[Chopper listened excitedly to Nami’s promise, and his mind was already filled with memories of the scenery!]

[But then, he suddenly thought of something again, and his face suddenly became lonely: "But........., Master..."]

[I didn’t expect that if I left, Master Nami’s sleigh would be pulled by no one, and Chopper’s aroused emotions immediately withered away...]

["You are such a cunning little girl who tried to kidnap my reindeer while I was away~~~~"]

[A teasing and teasing voice came, and Kureva walked in from the door. 】


[After being discovered by the owner, Nami quickly made a cute face, "I just think Chopper is longing for the open sea~~"]

["Don't be afraid of anything, I never wanted to keep this reindeer by my side~~"]

[Kureva took a sip of wine, came over and sat on the sofa. 】


【 Chopper came closer, showing a timid expression. 】

【 Kuleva crossed her left leg over her right leg and looked at Chopper calmly: " Chopper! Let me ask you, do you want to go out to sea? To pursue miracles like Hiluruku?"】


【 Chopper's eyes turned red~~~】

【 He couldn't figure out whether Kuleva was really asking him what he thought, or whether Kuleva was just being angry~~~】

【"Don't underestimate me, because! I'm really asking what you think!"】

【 Kuleva touched Chopper's head, and then continued, "I promised Hiluruku to teach you medicine. And now, all my medical skills have been handed over to you. So, you are free!"】

【"Of course, don't think I'm driving you away. Before you met Luffy, if you wanted to go out to sea, I would definitely not agree. But...

Believe me, Luffy is different!"]

["If you board his ship, I believe you will see a miracle greater than the one Hiluruk saw in the future!!"]

["Go to sea! Chopper! This is your dream and Hiluruk's wish!"]


[Tears welled up in his eyes, and Chopper lay on Kureva's legs and cried loudly~~~]

[Looking at Chopper's true feelings, Kureva's stubborn heart also felt the family love for the first time in a long time~~]

[Nami stood aside, silently without saying a word~~~]

[The next day~~~]

[Kureva stood on the top of Tietong Mountain, drinking and watching the warships go away...]

["So you also have someone you care about..."]

[Dalton stood beside her and sighed. 】

Next to the Thousand Sunny——


Imba felt the same way about Chopper in the parallel world~~~

When Chopper thought of how Kuleva took care of him, tears welled up in his eyes.

Luffy raised his hands, excited: "I knew it!! Chopper will definitely be with us!"

"This is all thanks to Nami-chan's honey trap!" Sanji shouted excitedly.

"Idiot! It was Luffy's personality charm that moved Kuleva!" Usopp corrected.

"It's Nami!"

"It's Luffy!!"

The companions started arguing again~~~

[The warship sailed away from Drum Island...]

[Dusk came, and then it was a starry night!]

[Kin tossed and turned, and couldn't fall asleep~~~]

[He got up, stood at the door and thought for a long time, then made up his mind and left the bedroom...]

[Picked up a headscarf and wrapped his face, he walked along the dark and quiet corridor, he came to the stairs, and then walked to the cell at the bottom of the warship. ]

[Just arrived at the bottom.....



[In the darkness, two figures were looking at him...]


["Bartolomeo! De Zaya!"]

[Although both parties were wrapped in headscarves, they were familiar with each other, even if they were covered in sacks, they could recognize each other at a glance~~]

["What are you doing?" Kin took off his headgear and looked at them in shock. 】

【"What are you doing?"】

【Bartolomeo also took off his hood and asked instead of answering. 】

【Both of them were stunned, but then suddenly realized it at the same time!】

【"Oh~~~~ (long and gentle tone)"】

[Both parties showed understanding expressions at the same time. 】

[Then, Ah Jin spoke first: "You..., are you here to see Wapol too?"]


[Bartolomia became excited, "That's right! You too?"]

[Akin nodded: "Yes. This Wapol is the king of the world official country. Now that he is treated like this by Chief Luffy, he must have a grudge. If he is really sent to

If you go to Naval Headquarters, there will be endless trouble..."]

【"Very good!!"】

[When Ajin said this, Bartolomea immediately understood what the other person was thinking, so he said, "That's right! Chief Luffy doesn't understand these dark side things, but we do!

When I was collecting debts in my hometown, I could do these things very easily. Since you think so too, it's easy to handle. Let’s go together and kill Wapol and throw him into the sea!”]


[A Jin raised his eyebrows lightly. 】

["Huh?" Bartolomeo and Dezaya expressed doubts at the same time. 】

[Akin smiled and corrected: "No! We did not kill Wapol and his two cronies. They escaped on their own!"]

[Bartolomeo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Ah!! Yes, yes! Damn, he ran away by himself!!"]

["Let's go, let's go do things quickly, don't alert Chief Luffy."]

[The three people immediately put on their hoods and tiptoed to the prison where Wapol and his cronies were being held. 】


[Understanding the movement at the door, Chromamon stood up immediately. 】


[Bartolomir immediately made a silent gesture. 】

[He continued: "100 million Baileys, we will rescue you."]

[As soon as these words came out, the three people inside suddenly became excited, but Chromamon was quite wary and asked: "Who are you?"]

["Stop talking nonsense! We don't have time to chat with you here! I will only ask you once, now we will rescue you and send you back to Drum Island [Can we get 4.6 or not?


[Ajin asked coldly. 】

【"Yes! Absolutely yes!!"】

[The opportunity was fleeting, and Chromamon also understood that this was not the time to think too much, so he quickly agreed. 】

[Wapol also said: "Send me back and I'll give you 200 million beli! This way you won't have to be a Marine in the future!"]

【"Okay! Come out with me and don't talk!"】

[Bartolomeo opens the cell door. 】

[The Wapol trio came out quietly, and followed the Ah Jin trio to the deck quietly. 】

[Following the ropeway, they took the three Wapols to the escape boat. 】

["Unlock the seastone handcuffs for me quickly." Wapol said excitedly. 】

[Hearing this, Ah Jin took out the handcuff key. 】

[Wapol reached out his hand excitedly: "Hey, you saved me, I won't treat you badly!"]

[But the next moment, in his excited eyes, Ah Jin stretched his hand beyond the edge of the lifeboat, let go slightly, and the key fell into the sea!]

【The smile on Wapol's face suddenly solidified!】


[Just as he was about to say something, a ball barrier suddenly covered the six of them at the same time!!!]

[Under the night, no one's voice was heard on the sea, only the sea water was splashing...]

[Wait until the warship is far away~~~]

[Akin and the other three stood at the edge of the back deck, looking at the sea over there~~]

[You can vaguely see a lifeboat filled with Bloodline slowly sinking...]


【A wave covers it~~~】

[The sea has completely returned to its original appearance...]

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