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Chapter 90 Ace Takes Action, The World’S Strongest Observation Haki Coverage! (Please Subscribe!)

Next to the Thousand Miles of Sunshine——

"It's Ace!!"

Hearing that voice, Luffy immediately showed excited eyes~~

In the deep sea prison——

Crocodile's mouth twitched slightly~~~

I thought to myself, I am really unlucky over there...

The parallel Luffy we encountered was several levels stronger than the Luffy here!!

This is already the case, and we need to create another parallel Ace that is not inferior to parallel Luffy~~~

All right!!

I wish you good luck over there~~

【City of Seven Waters~~】

["Smelly brother, didn't we just talk on the phone yesterday? Didn't you miss me again today?"

[Ace—While eating water and meat, he happily answered the phone. 】

【"Is it Luffy?"】

[Sabo on the side showed off three skewers of meat in one go and said happily. 】

["Hey, hey, hey! Sabo is here too? What are you doing? Why do I feel like you are eating something incredibly delicious!!!"]

[The phone bug imitates Luffy’s impatient expression~~~]

["Ah ha ha ha!!! Luffy, you guessed it right, Sabo and I are eating the most famous local snacks in the Seven Waters City~~" Ace answered Luffy unabashedly, and even deliberately slurped a lot of it. Loud. 】

["Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Why are you two bastards so happy!!"]

[Faced with Ace's teasing, Luffy was completely unable to resist. 】

【That’s meat...!】

【Luffy can’t stand it~~~】

[ Sabo took the phone back and said with a laugh: "We received the notice from the headquarters to return home just like you. It's not a good idea to wait for you at the headquarters, so Ace and I sneaked out to find something delicious. Listen. They said the water in the Seven Waters City was good, so we came to try it. Unexpectedly, it was really delicious! I have already eaten fifty-eight skewers! I plan to eat three hundred!"]

[Ace continued: "I'm going to eat four hundred skewers! Help Luffy, you can also eat a hundred skewers!"]


[Listening to the conversation between Ace and Sabo coming from the phone bug, Luffy went crazy~~]

["It's such an enviable brotherhood..." A look of envy appeared on Hina's cheeks. 】

[Tashigi quickly reminded: "Sir Luffy, you haven't said anything yet."]

【"Oh, yes!"】

[After being reminded by Tashigi, Luffy realized that he had something to do with Ace...

[So he forcibly suppressed the desire for flesh in his heart and said: "Since you have slipped out of the headquarters [then 590, just slip away and sneak to Alabasta."]


[Hearing this, Ace said curiously, "Have you gotten there already? It's very close to us! However, Sabo and I agreed to take the sea train to the food city and eat hard for three days. No. I went to Alabasta to find you, wait for you to join us in the Seven Waters Capital!"]

["Yes! Don't worry, Luffy, we will eat your share of the delicious food together and we won't lose you." Sabo also said. 】


[Luffy’s lips trembled with anger...]


【These two devil brothers………………!!!】

【"Don't go!!"】

[The anger in his heart suddenly surged, and Luffy yelled, "Idiots Ace and Sabo, I have something very important to do in Alabasta now, please come over and help me! Let's go to the food city together later!!!" 】

["Very important thing? What's wrong, you fall in love with her princess?"]

["Ahaha!!! Luffy, you are still so cute when you lie..., we won't believe it, you just don't want us to go to the food city first."

[The hearty laughter of Ace and Sabo came from the other side of the phone. 】

["Hey, hey, hey! I'm not kidding you! I didn't know until I got here that it hasn't rained in Alabasta for three years. Because of the drought, extremely terrible civil strife broke out in the kingdom. Seeing that this country is about to be destroyed because of the bad guys The conspiracy resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of people, please come and help!!”]

[ Luffy's voice suddenly became serious. 】

["Huh? You're getting serious..."]

["This kid, do you think you can deceive us like this?"]


["Hey, hey, hey~~The signal is not good..., hang up~~"]


[In the office, Smoker, Woschi, Nami and others looked at each other in confusion~~]

【Holy shit………………!】

【Your phone call has made me feel lonely~~~】

[Luffy shrugged: "Okay, I've already informed you."]


[Hina tilted her head and said with a confused look, "If I understand correctly, Ace and Sabo, the two new Vice Admirals, just rejected you, right...?"]

["No, they are already on their way." Luffy said with certainty. 】

[Then, he looked at Nami: "First go and observe when the last rainfall was. When Ace comes, we will arrest him!"]


[Just as Luffy trusts her, Nami also trusts Luffy 100%...!!]

[Since Luffy said Ace is on the way here, he must be there! 】


[Hina looked at Smoker and found that he also had the same incomprehensible expression~~]

["Okay! Luffy Commodore, no matter what, I will not relax the investigation of Baroque Works for the time being. If there are any clues, I will contact you as soon as possible."


[After thinking about it, Hina shrugged again, "Forget it, I'd better contact Smoker!"]

[Although Luffy's cheerful personality makes her feel very comfortable, she is now a little unable to accept Luffy's style of doing things...][

【This is too big...】

[No wonder the old saying goes, if you have no hair on top and bottom, you will not be able to do things well...]

[If you think about it carefully, isn’t Luffy exactly that age? 】

[Forget it, let’s discuss it more with my old classmates~~~]

[Without any hope for Luffy's plan, Hina left temporarily. 】

[In the afternoon, Nami found Luffy. 】

[She threw the observation record in her hand in front of Luffy: "Sir Luffy, in two days there will be a heavy rain heading towards the interior."]

[Luffy rubbed his hands: "Okay! Is this news package true?"]

["I have confirmed it three times. I can be sure that heavy rain will come in two days!" Nami nodded with great certainty. 】

[Tashigi on the side also became excited: "Great!! Since the heavy rain is coming towards the inside of Alabasta, the person behind the scenes must use dancing powder to intercept it, otherwise the rain will fall inside Alabasta .”]

[ Luffy also nodded: "Yes, for three years, he has not missed every rain, so he will definitely not miss this rain! Hehe, fortunately we have Nami, otherwise Alabasta's People are in trouble!!"]

[When he thought about being able to save so many civilians and soldiers in Alabasta, Luffy got carried away with joy and hugged Nami's shoulders~~~]


[If it had been in the past, Nami might have fought for a while~~~]

[But after staying with Luffy for a long time, Nami has gradually given up on "resistance"]ㄈ

[It’s useless no matter how hard you fight, you might as well learn to enjoy it~~~]

[Of course, after getting used to Luffy’s casual closeness…………]

【Yeah, pretty good~~~】

[Two days later, Ace and Sabo came to Alabasta. 】

【"Ace! Sabo!!"】


【"Stinky brother!!"】


[Three brothers hugging each other happily~~]


Gol·D·Roger: "Don't tell me, Ace is really handsome wearing a Marine cape~~"

Sengoku: "Marine's cape represents justice, and anyone who wears it will look handsome!"

Gol·D·Roger: "That's nonsense! Why do you look so vulgar in your clothes?"

Shiki: “Jie hahahaha………………!!!”

Sengoku: "Get out!"

Sabo: "We have such a good relationship in the parallel world..."

Portgas·D·Ace: "Sabo, you just have amnesia and don't remember. We have a very good relationship in this world."

Monkey D. Luffy: "Yes! Our relationship is unbreakable!!"

Crane: "Garp, look at it!!"

(cbef) Monkey D Garp: "..."

[The screen changed and Luffy’s warship appeared on the sea~~]

【"It's really here..."】

[Hina looked at the cumulonimbus clouds drifting over in the distance, with a shocked look on her face~~]

["Hey! Now you know how powerful our Nami is!"]

[Luffy put his hand on Hina's shoulder and looked at her from afar~~~]


[Hina's forehead frowned slightly, and she glanced at the arm on her shoulder from the corner of her eye. 】

[In her impression, no one has dared to make such an aggressive move towards her...!!]

[Even Smoker, who has a very close relationship with her, doesn’t dare!!]

[After all, her bad temper is well known in Marine...]


[Smoker also had a sudden thought, and he quickly shouted: "Hina..."]

[He is really afraid that Hina will beat up Luffy suddenly!]

【If that kind of thing happens, it will be great fun~】

[By then, Mianwen’s promotion path may be completely elusive!!]

[So he yelled, asking Hina to calm down and stop being impulsive...]

[In fact, when Luffy’s arm came over, Hina’s leg was almost kicked out~]

[But when she thought of Luffy's simple thoughts, she endured it for the first time. 】

[Calmly pulling Luffy's arm away, Hina turned to look at Nami, and said seriously: "Nami Ensign, I take back my previous doubts about you. Sorry~~"]

[Speaking, Hina Nami saluted

["Ahaha~~~It's okay, after all, it was just a reasonable suspicion..."]

[Nami scratched her head happily, she was really at a loss for a boss to apologize to her~~~]

["Hey, hey, hey! Cumulonimbus is here! It's time to do something!"]

[At this time, Smoker immediately reminded. 】

[Everyone looked up at the sky and saw that the front part of this large cumulonimbus cloud had entered the capital Albana...]

[If artificial rainfall is required, it must be done at this time!]

[Otherwise, the rain will cross Albana and reach the dry areas~~~]


[The cumulonimbus cloud seemed to have been disturbed by something, and it began to rain in large areas!!!]

[From such a long distance, no one can see any changes in the sky, but Nami can tell that this is not normal rainfall!!]

["This was caused by artificial interference, that person took action!" Nami concluded. 】

[Hina also urged: "The area of ​​cumulonimbus clouds is limited. Once the cumulonimbus clouds pass, the person should run away immediately. If you want to arrest someone, act immediately!"]

["Aha~~~Why are you so anxious? Let me first check if there is one nearby?"]

[Ace clasped his right hand with his left hand, stretched it, and then pointed his finger at the sky: "Let's go!"]

[As he shouted softly, his body immediately turned into a blue thunder and lightning form~]

[Like boiling water, the radio waves on Ace's body beat violently...]

[The next moment, these thunder and lightning fluctuations were like the light of an explosion, suddenly spreading out in a spherical shape!!]

[At the same time, Ace’s Observation Haki is also activated! 】

[He closed his eyes and raised his head slightly!!]

【As if I am feeling the heavy rain with my heart~~~】

[The moment the thunder and lightning wave spread out, everyone on the deck suddenly widened their eyes~~~]

[Although it is raining heavily on the sea now, the thunder and lightning fluctuations between the sea and the sky are particularly clear...!!]

[They could clearly see that the lightning wave spread to an extremely far place the moment it left Ace's body, and even continued to spread to farther places at the original speed!!]


[Hina couldn't help but take a breath and said in shock: "When you say close do you mean?"]

[ Ace did not answer, he was searching using radio waves and Observation Haki. 】

[On the other hand, Luffy answered her question: "It's almost thirty nautical miles~~~"]


Charlotte Linlin: "Nani? Observation Haki can sense that far away? Do you think I don't understand Observation Haki?"

Kaido: "Haha! Indeed, isn't this nonsense?"

Sakazuki: "Haha! Roger's son in the parallel world is still dishonest even if he becomes a Marine?"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "No, no, no, it really can! When we were on Sky Island before, that Enel could lock our position from dozens of miles away, and then strike down lightning."

Monkey D. Luffy: "Yeah! That guy has a Sky Island within his attack range!"

Shanks: "The power of combining Thunder Fruit ability with Observation Haki? It's really unexpected!"

Porusalino: "In this case, my Sparkling fruit seems to have fallen to the bottom..."

【"What! So far!"】

[Hearing this answer, not only Hina opened her mouth in shock, but everyone else on the deck was also stunned!!]

[Although they know that Observation Haki can perceive distant things, but the master of calculation is Observation Haki, and the furthest they can only perceive is a few miles away!!]

[But when we got to Ace, it was more than thirty nautical miles???]

【Oh my god!!!】

[If I hadn’t seen the distance those radio waves spread with my own eyes, even if I beat them to death, they wouldn’t believe such outrageous things!!]

[But at this moment, Sabo interrupted: "Hey, hey! Thirty nautical miles? Luffy, this is your data from three years ago, right!!!"]


[Luffy tilted his head and suddenly realized, "Oh, that's right! So how far can Ace feel now?"]

[But when Sabo’s words fell on other people’s ears, they were nothing less than a surprise!]

【Holy shit!!】

[Listen to this, it’s further away now?]

[Under the focused gaze of everyone, Sabo stretched out a finger! 】


[Smoker stretched out his mouth all the way and shouted: "One hundred nautical miles???"]

[ Sabo nodded: "Well, this is the data from half a year ago. As for now, I haven't asked yet~"]


[Everyone in the Marines on the deck was shocked and dumbfounded!!!]

【Holy shit!!!】

[Is this the legendary monster?].

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