"Sure enough, the Navy didn't say it wrong!"

Kaido after seeing Padong transform into a tanuki form.

Even in his drunken form, his greed did not dissipate in his eyes.

Instead, the desire is stimulated by alcohol and becomes more greedy.

"Give him to me too!"

As soon as Kaido's words came out, Rogge's eyes became extremely cold.

The surrounding red-haired pirate members also looked at Kaido with a look of surprise.

They didn't expect Kaido to drink too much and provoke Rogge like this.

Kaido also sensed that these words were a little provocative.

But he didn't care.

Rogge in front of him seemed to him to be a mortal situation this time.

If Rogge is willing to throw in the towel, he can spare Rogge's life.

If Rogge is not going to throw in the towel.

Then he will definitely choose to impose the maximum punishment on Rogge.

After all, he had spent a lot of effort to bring in Charlotte Lingling this time.

It is absolutely impossible for him to waste these strengths.

Rogge has to pay for it all.


Get drunk and angry!

Kaido took his mace and lunged towards Rog.

His mace and fasting were swept away by the tiger he wielded.

A blow slammed into Rogge's head.

"Kaido, it seems that you haven't recognized the gap between you and me!"

Rogge directly took the Red Devil Sword in his hand.

A sword slashed at Kaido.

Even Kaido, who is drunk and angry.

Kaido, whose strength has been greatly improved.

Under Rogge's sword, he is still no match.

Instead, he was pushed three or four meters away by Rogge's sword.

King's Blade - Red Devil Hell Slash!

Rogge slashed out with a sword.

Able to resist killing one after another in front of generals and marshals such as the Warring States.

Take the lives of the yellow ape and the red dog.

In front of him, how could a mere Four Emperors Kaido be his opponent.

Rogge's sword is holding a murderous intent.

Patongo is his partner.

It is also one of his most important aids.

Kaido in front of him actually wanted to hit Pa Dong's idea.

That "Zero Sixty-Three" he naturally wants Kaido to know.

How hard he is.

The crimson sword qi swept directly towards Kaido in front of him.

And Kaido drunk form.

It was also his move.

King's Blade - Red Devil Hell Slash!

This is a drunken stealer from Kaido's wine dragon gossip.

This move can imitate the opponent's moves.

And Rogge used a sword.

Kaido uses a mace.

"That's a good move!"

Rogge looked at the wine dragon gossip displayed by Kaido in front of him and let out a rare sigh of admiration.

But Rogge didn't spare the slightest.

His human and beast form, plus his physical skills and attributes, all crushed Kaido.

Even if Kaido imitated his swordsmanship deep into the bone marrow.

It is also impossible to defeat him in swordsmanship.


With Rogge's continued exertion.

This sword directly knocked Kaido thousands of meters away.

This also made the surrounding red-haired pirates and Charlotte Lingling in the sky stunned.

"How can it be so strong!"

"Defeated a Four Emperors so easily!"

"It's so powerful!"


For a moment, everyone around looked at Rogge.

They didn't expect that Rogge would not only deal with generals like Akainu and Yellow Ape.

So tough. ,

Even if you deal with the Four Emperors, you will have one in one hand.

"Today doesn't seem like a good time to deal with you!"

Charlotte Lingling in the sky felt the pressure.

She had originally planned to work with Kaido to deal with Rogge.

As a result, now Kaido has failed miserably with one move.

This made him a little dilemma.

If Kaido is here, he is confident that he will crush Rog with a combined move.

But Kaido was knocked away by Rogge.

This also means:

Today, the plan to capture Rogge is stillborn.

Charlotte Lingling didn't hesitate.

Choose to fly directly to a kilometer away and lead Kaido out of here.

Wait for the next time to find an opportunity to defeat Rog.

And the red-haired Shanks around looked at Kaido, who was repelled by Rog.

With Charlotte Lingling, who evacuated here.

At this point, he already regretted that he had led all the members of the red-haired pirates here.

This act not only cost him a cadre of Jesus Cloth.

He also let the red-haired pirates be trapped in this Marinfando.

But the red-haired Shanks is not in a hurry.

In his opinion, Rogge in front of him may not dare to do anything to him.

And at this time......

Outside of Marin Fando.

Marco was already looking at the scene a little dizzying.

He didn't think of it.

Rog easily repelled Kaido with a single blow.

Moreover, Charlotte Lingling, the aunt of the Four Emperors.

was actually scared off by Rogge.


Rogge simply did an extremely shocking thing today.

forced back the two Four Emperors one after another.

Rogge, if such deeds appear in the New World.

Then these deeds are enough for Rogge to be crowned king.

Become the fifth of the four emperors of the New World.

Whitebeard, on the other hand, gave Rogge a deep look.

He never thought that the disciple of the Red Earl Ballory Clydfield would be so strong.

Thinking that both of them are Phantom Beast Species Devil Fruits.

Whitebeard couldn't help but look at Marco.

The same disciples who inherited their mantle.

Marco was pretty good before Rogge didn't show up.

But after the appearance of Rogge.

Marco is a little bit of a problem.


Marin Vando, Rogge glanced at Charlotte Lingling and the two who were far away.

I know that I can't catch up, so I don't bother to chase it.

This made Rog look at the red-haired Shanks to the side.

Through mind reading.

Rogge knew that the redhead in front of him could never be let go.

Because the redhead is a Draconian.

He is also the lost heir of the Supreme Commander of the Knights of the Gods, Figarando, the ancient saint of Green.

It can be said that the Figarando Shanks in front of him.

In a sense.

Shanks is the real obstacle to his quest for revenge on the World Government.


Shanks looked at Rogge.

He saw the killing intent in Rogge's eyes.

His sixth sense is quite acute.

He knew that Rogge in front of him probably really wanted to kill him.

King's Blade - Red Devil Hell Slash!

Rog didn't talk nonsense to the redhead.

Instead, he directly used the sword in his hand.

Let the red-haired Shanks in front of him succumb.

The strength of the red-haired Shanks is in the hands of domineering and swordsmanship.

But these two abilities.

All crushed by Rogge.

Naturally, it is invincible to Rogge.

So he could only fight and retreat.

And Rogge is also in the battle with Shanks.

Eyes on the rest of the Red-Haired Pirates.

Rogge looked at Ben Beckman with his sword.


Rogge with the ability to fly.

Head towards Ben Beckman.

One of the swords slashed at Ben Beckman.


King's Blade - Red Devil Slash!

The next second, Ben Beckman was struck by Rogge's sword.

The whole person was split in half in an instant.


Red-haired Shanks' eyes widened with rage, he didn't expect it.

There was no way for Rogge to kill him for a moment.

He chose to do something to his crew.

And Rogge's swordsmanship is amazingly strong.

With a single sword, he cut his lieutenant Ben Beckman in half.

"Killed the vice-captain!"

"How could we be his opponents!"

"He's already killed two of our cadres!"

"No, we can't stay here anymore, I'm going to run for my life!"


Two cadres were killed by Rogge in succession.

This caused the red-haired pirates to be in turmoil in an instant.

Combined with Rogge's previous record.

This terrifies the Red-Haired Pirates.

Some pirates even fled in a panic.

After all, the red-haired pirates are no matter how tough they are.

No matter how faithful.

The threat of death still caused many of the red-haired pirates to flee. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They ran for their lives out of this dangerous place.

Now whoever sees it.

are able to know.

The Red-Haired Pirates Mansion is about to fall.

"I can only escape!

Bendix Necker kept urging the red-haired Shanks.

The surrounding cadres also lost their love for war.

After all, Rogge had just killed the Red Inu and the Yellow Ape not long ago.

Now Yu Wei is in his prime.

With their strength, it is simply impossible to be Rogge's opponent.

Now, their captain is in decline again.

Not all pirates.

They all want to die with Shanks.

More people want to be alive.


Red-haired Shanks sees the surrounding red-haired pirates.

I know it in my heart.

Now is not the time to stay here.

After all, although Rogge in front of him.

He couldn't handle it.

Rogge also had a hard time killing him.

But not with his crew.

Rogge's strength is quite tough.

If you let Rogge kill him.

The entire red-haired pirates will be slaughtered by Rog completely.

"Don't be distracted when you fight me, redhead!"

Rog looked at the redhead distracted by the crew.

A punch slammed into the redhead.

In the blink of an eye, the redhead was sent ten meters away.

Unlike the red hair, his swordsmanship and physical fitness are so much more.

are deadly weapons.

The redhead in front of him can't be prevented at all.

In an instant, Shanks was punched by Rogge and hit the ground not far away.

The ground was smashed into a deep pit in an instant.

Surrounded by red-haired pirate crews.

A look of astonishment.

You know, the red-haired Shanks is the Four Emperors of the Sea.

Every pirate who became one of the Four Emperors on the sea.

They are all invincible and invincible powerhouses in the new world.

But such a strong man.

It turned out to be a complete defeat today.

Lost to Rogge's hands.

And Rogge is the god of killing.

Still approaching the red-haired Shanks.

This made the cadres around Shanks quite alert.

You know, Rogge has a criminal record.

Not long ago, he killed the red dog and the yellow ape.

Now that this situation is not even, he will take action against Shanks.

And at this very time.

When Rogge was ready to make a move on Shanks.

Suddenly, a sword appeared.

Slash towards here.

In an instant, smoke billowed from all over the ground.

A crack appeared that went straight into the ground.

The gap is bottomless.

It looks terrifying.......

"This is the Grein Ancient Saint of Figarando!"

Rog looked at the sky, the man with the half-moon hairstyle on his head.

His eyes flickered.

He recognized the man.

This man was the Supreme Commander of the Knights of the Gods, Figarando, Gringu.

"Well, is he going to make a move on Rogge?"

The surrounding red-haired pirates recognized the Grin Gusheng of Figarando.

He knew that the person in front of him was a big man in the world government.

Perhaps, he has what it takes to deal with Rogge.

And look at the posture of his shot.

Its power is incomparably formidable.

The people around looked intently at the ancient saint of Figarand Du, who was standing above the headquarters of the navy.

And just when everyone looked at Figarand and the ancient saint of Green.

Whitebeard, who was outside of Marinfando, stood up suddenly.

He recognized the ancient saint of Grein in Figarando.

This man is even the supreme commander of the Knights.

At the beginning of the Great War of the Valley of the Gods.

Figarando's Gringu Saint is with the power of a sword.

Defeated him.

"Daddy, is there anything special about this person?"

Marco saw Whitebeard's anomaly.

When he followed Whitebeard's gaze.

When he saw the ancient saint of Grin in Figarando.

His eyes flickered.

He knew that Daddy Whitebeard must be because of this person's existence.

That's why I was surprised.

Just when he was a little confused.

Whitebeard's words finally came out.

"Greingu ...... of Ficarando This man is not to be provoked, he is very strong!"

Whitebeard muttered to himself.

And this sentence made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates around them feel extremely surprised.

They didn't expect it to come from the mouth of Daddy Whitebeard.

Heard words that praised a person so eloquently.

Since Whitebeard speaks strong words.

Then the strength of the person in front of him must be amazing.

And Marco was still savoring the name of Figarand Grin in Whitebeard's mouth.

There is no doubt that this is a Tenryu name.

In fact, Marco had long guessed that there must be strong people among the Draconians.

But I didn't think of it.

The strongest among the Celestial Dragons would make Daddy Whitebeard so emotional.

It can well be imagined.

How strong is this strong man named Figarandu Gringus, how strong is his strength?

And Ficarando, on the other hand, looked at Shanks with regret on his face at this time.

Originally, he thought Shanks would be able to complete the task easily.

But he didn't expect Shanks to be able to live up to his expectations.

But he was clear.

It's not that Shanks is too weak.

It's that Rogge in front of him is too strong.

After all, he had witnessed all this with his own eyes in the shadows on the sidelines.

Clarity on Rogge's strength.

It is clear how strong Rogge's strength is.


Figarando Grin swung his sword again.

The golden sword qi attacked directly towards the place where Rogge was standing.

Rogge walked out of the area in a month's time.

And a deep pit more than ten meters deep appeared under his feet at this time.

In the next second, Figarando Greengusheng leaped from the sky.

Directly single-handedly rescued Shanks.

Rogge still wants to chase it.

But at this time.

There are three figures, 5.8 in front of Rogge.

Black Knife Slash!

S-Eagle had a pair of pitch-black wings behind him in front of Rog.

Fused with the slash fruit, he slashed with a slash as powerful as an eagle's eye.

Fishman Karate arado-grass tile is punching!

S-Shark gets in front of Rog, and he hits Fishman Karate.

As a template created with the Seven Martial Seas as a template.

Plus blended with water fruits.

His strength even surpasses Jinping's strength.

Desert Sword

S—The crocodile stands in Rog's way, and he unleashes the Desert Sword.

Attack Rogge.


"Klockdahl, Haixia Jinping, Jorah Koral Mihawk, are the Seraphs created based on the Seven Martial Seas?"

Rogge looked at the three Seraphs in front of him.

There was no mercy.

Unleashed the King's Blade - Ten Thousand Hells Robbery and Slash!

In an instant, the three Seraphs in front of him were slaughtered by Rogge in an instant.

And around the crew of the red-haired pirates.

After seeing three Seraphs killed by Rogge.

His face was also full of panic.

Now their captain Shanks has been captured.

With their strength, they are like lambs to the slaughter in Rogge's hands.

But Rogge only killed a few cadres.

He didn't pay any attention to the others.

After all, it's just some ants.

In Rogge's opinion, there was no need for him to kill.

"Figarand Du Green, didn't you expect that even he would be jealous of Rogge?"

Seeing that the situation was slowing down, the golden lion followed Indigo to pick up his sword.

When he saw Figarand after the ancient saint of Green.

Then he knew who this man really was.

At that time, he was the first day among the Draconians he encountered in the Valley of the Gods.

With a sword, while fighting Whitebeard with him.

And to be victorious in battle.

But even such a powerful powerhouse.

also chose to run away in front of Rogge.

This surprised him.

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