Moria's biggest weakness,

It's that his will has already been shattered by Kaido.

Shattered into slag!

All day long, he only dared to hide in the dark Devil's Triangle

Trying to hide his fragile mind with layers of fog.

At the same time, he puts himself under the protection of the infinite zombie sea.

As if this would bring him the sense of security that he lacked on the sea.

And countless facts have long proven that

The more powerful the outward and the more fragile the inside

The more afraid of attacks from the soul level.

The so-called "soul torture" comes from this.

Under the second string of Carmelite's [Blood Demon Technique-Soul Whipping].

Moria, who was originally glass-hearted, had almost no room for resistance

was taken down on the spot!

It can be said that Carmelite's ability is simply Moria's natural nemesis.

"Is this the strength of the Seven Martial Seas? I thought the world government had come up with some kind of great system! "

Carmelite will be bloated Moria

It was like carrying a dog, and it was thrown out of Oz's body.

Brought to Si Chen's feet.

Her face was full of unhappiness and resentment.

It's rare that she is interested in making a fight

I didn't expect the so-called Seven Martial Seas that have been in an uproar in the past ten years

It's so vulnerable.

She hadn't even had time to feel it

The battle ended in a sloppy end.

It's really speechless!

Man, if it's not long-lasting enough, it's still not good!

Carmelite looked at Moria shivering as she fell to the ground with disdain.

She's a casual blood ghost

actually made the dignified Seven Martial Seas cower into this appearance.

If you say it, I'm afraid that it will shock everyone's big teeth!


It's really boring!

And Moonlight Moria was captured in a fiasco

It was the last straw that overwhelmed the terrifying three-masted sailing pirates.

Including Perona, Absalom, Hogubak and other cadres

was already frightened by the immortal body of the natural disaster ghost clan

After losing the support of the main backbone Moriah and the demon Oz

The last will to resist was completely lost

They laid down their arms and surrendered.

The kung fu manatees swarmed up, tied up all of Moria's cadres, and escorted them to the nun.

Especially Absalom,

As a result of his wounding of the leader of the Kung Fu Manatee,

At this time, a group of kung fu manatees were even more ruthless in all kinds of black hands.

Just a few hundred meters away,

There were dozens of wounds on Absalom's body.

There are countless paw prints and footprints on his body.

The face is colorful with blue, red, purple and green

was beaten into the shape of a pig's head,

Even as an opponent, Carmelite felt some sympathy and pity when he saw it.

At the same time,

Sentomaru, Sandasonia, Margaret, Dusty, and Mitsuhime, among others

They all dragged their wounded bodies

Come to Carmelite's side.

They still had a look of horror on their faces.

Not that he was intimidated by Moria and Oz the Majin.

The main thing is that the combat power that Sister Carmelite showed in front of everyone just now is too amazing.

One round to win for them,

Almost invincible formidable formidable enemy.

There is a huge difference from the image of a gentle and easy-going kind nun in the past.

Several of them were a little difficult to accept for a while.

Plus from the Scourge Legion,

They could clearly perceive the physique of these mysterious warriors

Not of the same race as yourself.

And their most beloved nun, Carmelite,

It seems to be one of the races,

There are huge secrets hidden on the islands and reefs

And they have been kept in the dark

This taste really hit their mood a bit.

Carmelite sensed the change in the mood of Sentomaru and the others

She wasn't impressed.

It's just a bunch of kids

A few words can be cleaned up.

There was nothing difficult for her to deal with.

It is imperative to clean up the mess left by Moria's invasion.

This includes the placement of the Scourge Corps.

and to establish Si Chen's absolute dominance in Constantine.

The tasks on her body can be described as many and heavy

Where is the effort to appease the resistance of a group of children?

"Now that you're all here, allow me to introduce—"

"This is the famous Lord of the Dark Moon, the captain from the Ghost Moon Pirates, Lord Si Chen!"

"I believe you will be familiar with this resounding name on the same level as the Roger Pirates forty years ago!"

As soon as this statement came out,

The captured Moonlight Moria was even more struck by lightning.

His eyes widened

The eyeballs seemed to fall out of their sockets.

looked at Si Chen in front of him in disbelief.

Ghosts, ghosts, ghost moon pirates?

That legendary ghost pirates!

It is known as an invincible existence in the dark night!

Isn't it said that it has disappeared into the depths of the sea of the new world?

The Navy even claimed everywhere that they had completed the cleanup of the Ghost Moon Pirates.

The people of the world no longer have to worry about being threatened by the Ghost Moon Pirates.

But why,

Such a well-known character,

It will appear quietly in the Devil's Triangle.

This is the first half of the great voyage!

What's the difference between coming to the newbie village with a max-level boss?

Don't bring it like this!!

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