[Foil Bista: Huh? That is, is there a new force interfering? 】

Ivankov: That’s …!!! 】

Pushing into the city, Ivankov’s pupils froze when he saw the figure appearing on the projection.

[Ghost Spider: This is impossible!] It’s the people of the revolutionary army! How did it end up there?! 】

[Marko: Revolutionary Army? Why did those guys? 】

【Moria:! Are they the lunatics who are trying to subvert the world?! Why?! What do they have to do with the Straw Hat Boy?! 】

[Yellow ape: Hey, it’s terrible, that man, if I’m not mistaken…].

At the Navy headquarters, the yellow ape stared at the projection screen and kicked Badgers away, wearing a short-haired young man wearing a goggle hat and a black trench coat.

The yellow ape reached out and rubbed his forehead.

[Huang Ape: That’s another troublesome guy, the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, whose name is ‘Saab’, with a reward of 620 million baileys! 】

Sengoku: Damn… Another tricky man? 】

[Diamond Joz: Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army?! 】

Ivankov: How is that possible?! Chief of Staff, no, how did Saab get there?! 】

[Ghost Spider Lieutenant General: Is there any special relationship between those two people!] 】

With the advent of Saab, the whole world undoubtedly set off a discussion.

At this time, Saab on the projection screen raised his head in the sunlight, his eyes staring at the enemy who tried to be unfavorable to Luffy, and at the same time, he revealed the shocking doubts of countless people.

“I am the ‘Saab’ of the Revolutionary Army…!”

Saab pointed to Badgers with a water pipe, his eyes filled without hesitation.

“Straw Hat Luffy is my younger brother, so what do you do to him?!” Badgers! ”

As soon as these words came out, the whole world watching the projection screen fell silent.

Immediately, for a moment, someone came back to God.

[Bucky: Brother, brother?! Cheat, lie, deceive?! Straw Hat Kid That guy also has a revolutionary army brother?! And that guy is also the ‘General Staff’ of the Revolutionary Army! Second only to the dragon who is known as the world’s most vicious criminal! 】

Ivankov: What?! Brother?! What’s going on?! Saab has never said anything like this?! 】

[Moria: What a joke!] The Straw Hat Boy and the Revolutionary Army are actually connected?! 】

[Foil Bista:…. Is it really amazing that there is a connection between that man and the revolutionary army?! 】

【Perona:欸?!! And he is also the chief of staff of the revolutionary army! It’s Luffy’s brother in the Straw Hat! How is this possible! 】

[Whitebeard: Gollum, a member of the revolutionary army?] That man is really full of interesting places, and compared to Roger, well, he is also a very troublesome man


【Gore · D. Roger: …].

[Yellow Ape: Brother?! This is really amazing… The people of the revolutionary army would appear in the kingdom of Dressrosa in the future, and even had something to do with Luffy the Straw Hat].

[Red Dog: This sinful man… Damn, lucky kid, if it wasn’t for that guy’s presence, the Straw Hat kid would absolutely lose! 】

[Barrett: +1].

[Golden Lion: No, open your eyes and take a closer look, Red Dog Little Ghost, it’s not that the Straw Hat Kid guy is lucky, but that guy has terrible powers that can turn people nearby into companions].

The golden lion stared at the projection screen not only as Saab was helping Luffy buy time, but also by the people of the kingdom of Dressrosa.

The golden lion gritted his teeth.

[Golden Lion: Qi, that look… Just like Roger’s asshole back then, no, maybe better than that guy, is that why this kid can become the next ‘One Piece’ relationship? ’】

Sengoku: “…”

The naval headquarters, Sengoku took note of the Golden Lion’s statement.

Seeing that Luffy’s 10-minute domineering recovery period on the projection screen was affected by the people of the kingdom of Dressrosa, who should have hated Luffy as Doflamingo said, but was helping Luffy, the face of the Warring States appeared to be solemn about the world’s top monsters for a long time.

Even if he didn’t want to admit it, from this moment on.

The boy with the straw hat on the projection screen has a ‘power’ that ordinary people can’t imagine.

That ‘power’ does not refer to ‘strength’ or ‘superhuman will’, but to the terrible appeal to the outside world that seems to be innate and exists in the body.

You can turn strangers into your own companions, stand on your side, or you can give your life and even fight with all your strength for people who don’t know each other, win the hearts and minds of countless ordinary people, even the enemy, you have to marvel at the amazing appeal.

And that extremely dangerous ‘power’!

There is no doubt that it is the world government that ‘will never allow’ the power that exists in the world!

“D… Is this why this is known as the enemy of God? ”

Sengoku murmured in his heart.

And this time.

On the projection screen, Doflamingo frantically searches for Luffy’s trail.

Doflamingo did not notice that the entire kingdom of Dressrosa had unconsciously all sided with Luffy.

Even if Straw Hat Luffy is obviously in a situation where he can’t move for nearly 10 minutes, there will still be people who are willing to use everything, even their lives, to fight for every minute, every second.

When a person falls, there will be new people to hinder him, and even if the new obstacle is knocked down, more people will appear to hinder him!

It was as if his enemy was just a Pirate Straw Hat Luffy passing through the kingdom of Dressrosa.

But as the battle gets to this point….

Unconsciously, his enemies had become the entire kingdom of Dressrosa, and even the pirates, the navy, or the most ordinary people in this land!

And when the projection screen plays here, as Doflamingo finds Luffy in the Straw Hat anyway, attempts to capture the hostages and kill him, forcing Luffy to appear.

Doflamingo has not yet discovered, 10 minutes of time….

It’s almost over!

From this moment on.

With the anticipation of all the members of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, who was about to regain its domineering, it reappeared in front of Doflamingo and blocked the appearance of the straw hat figure of Doflamingo trying to kill the hostages.

At the same time, the classic bgmルフィ onslaught in One Piece sounds!

It shows that the final showdown between the two of them! Begin!

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