Chapter 90 Now Learning Now For Sale! Suppression from Katakuri’s abilities!!

Mirror World.

Because of the confrontation between Luffy and Katakuri, the venue was almost destroyed!

“Turn on the second gear!”

Luffy’s body turned red, and something like steam began to emerge around him!

The speed of launching attacks has increased significantly compared to before!

However, even so, Katakuri’s dodging is still effortless.

As the first combat strength under the Four Emperors, it can be said that it is completely displayed

“JET—Eagle Rifle!”

Luffy’s hands began to tangle and rotate, and the inky black armed color domineering covered it.

While increasing the attack power, even the speed has increased visibly under the action of the second gear!

The blink of an eye appeared above Katakuri!

Then, with the power to destroy everything, he smashed into the top of Katakuri’s head!

[Bucky: That’s so fast! Got to hit it?! 】

[Ivankov: Straw Hat BOY! Come on! 】

[Golden Lion: As long as it’s fast enough… Even the top cultivators who have seen and heard the domineering color will be hit! 】

[Bree: Brother Katakuri!] 】

However, in the face of the attack falling from the sky, Katakuri’s eyes burst out with a red 627 light.

Then the body disappeared in an instant!

And the Straw Hat Boy’s attack also landed on the ground where Katakuri was originally standing at the same time!

【Bucky:欸????!!! Dodged again?! 】

[Marko: Katakuri, this guy is definitely not just strong because of his sight… Even I would find it very tricky to be on top of him. 】

[Foil Bista: If you want to crack the Katakuri’s Sight and Smell Color, you can’t crush it with a more powerful Sight Color!] Or attack at a speed that overrides him! 】

[Yellow Ape: But obviously, these two points, the straw hat boy Luffy does not have it. 】

“Rubber Rubber – Vulture Rocket Launcher!”

Luffy’s hands stretched out and gathered. An indescribably powerful force was once again unleashed in the direction where Katakuri was located!

However, even such a sudden attack was easily flashed by Katakuri!

The straw hat boy Luffy had a look of reluctance in his eyes.

I realized that there was indeed an insurmountable gap between myself and Katakuri.

“Since the Ming can’t do it, we can only use secret means!”

Because the force was too great when he just struck, the force that caused the rebound caused Luffy’s whole person to be directly embedded in the wall!

But it was precisely because of this that Luffy temporarily thought of a plan!

“Huh? What about the Straw Hat Boy?! ”

In the projection of some insignificant creeps, Luffy looks around at the figure of the straw hat boy Luffy.

Didn’t find it!

Cocata Kuri’s eyes turned red.

The ability to foresee the future made his body disappear again from the spot in an instant!

Then Straw Hat Luffy’s Eagle Axe Attack once again landed on the spot where Katakuri had been standing!

“Sneak attack?” Sneak attacks are also useless to me. ”

Katakuri’s eyes were filled with indifference!

In his opinion, the Straw Hat Boy’s plan is very good. But unfortunately, the gap between their own strength and their own is too big.

“If I wanted to hide, you wouldn’t have hit a single attack.”

“Or obediently die here.”

[Moria: How to fight this… Is it useless to even sneak attack? 】

[Reilly: This is the power after cultivating the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing to the extreme! The old man had really seen it. 】

[Bucky: Huh? Uncle Reilly, haven’t you cultivated to the point of foreseeing the future? 】

[Ben Beckman: Bucky, there are many ways to master the domineering spirit.] And foreseeing the future is just one of the development directions. 】

[Red Dog: Nice job!] Just strangle the Straw Hat Boy in the cradle! 】

[Pheasant: I’m afraid it’s hard to do this, Sakarsky… Because if you judge from the final result, the result of this battle should be that the Straw Hat boy won. 】

[Yellow Ape: Although I am very reluctant to admit it, it seems that this is really the case. 】



[Ballorik. LEDFIELD: Although I can see through people’s minds, even I can’t see the slightest chance of the Straw Hat boy winning. 】

Projection screen.

Because of the indiscriminate attack of the Straw Hat Boy, the entire mirror world was completely covered by billowing smoke.

And all the buildings fell into a state of collapse due to the attack of the Straw Hat Boy. Instead, it became Luffy’s best hidden cover.

[Bucky: Can’t see clearly!] Is this the plan of the Straw Hat Boy? 】

[Moria: Want to use smoke to hinder the domineering… Where is it so simple? 】

[Reilly: Seeing and smelling domineering depends on the perception of breath, not with the eyes………]

“Eagle gun fight!”

Suddenly the Straw Hat Boy’s attack appeared from an unknown location!

The fierce force fell on Katakuri’s body, and countless white glutinous rice balls were knocked to the ground.

[Everyone: 欸????? 】

[Crowd: Hit?!!! 】

Under the fierce attack of Straw Hat Luffy, Katakuri now let Luffy’s attack fall on him as if he had no counterattack.

However, at this moment, there was not the slightest panic on Katakuri’s face.

After a moment of surprise, the crowd immediately reacted!

[Bucky: This… This was done deliberately by Katakuri! 】

[Hawkeye: The Straw Hat Boy’s attack seems to have landed all on Katakuri’s body, but if you look closely, you will find it…]

[Yellow Ape: Katakuri’s body appeared one by one… This is to use the domineering spirit of the smell to do the response in advance, right? 】

[Sengoku: Glutinous fruits were developed to the extreme by Katakuri… As a special superhuman demon fruit, in a sense, its elasticity and stickiness are more than rubber characteristics! 】

At the naval headquarters, the Sengoku almost subconsciously said “rubber fruit”.

However, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Even the type of Devil Fruit of the Straw Hat Boy Luffy is that they still haven’t figured out…

Only Kapu.

At this time, the eyes looking at the projection screen were full of worry about Luffy.

This is not a pirate family, Luffy encountered the opponent is a real silver medal player among pirates!

Projection screen.

The Straw Hat Boy’s eagle gun slash speed began to slow down. At the same time, on the other side of the picture.

Behind Katakuri’s back is what suddenly appeared, what white stuff…

Immediately afterward, white glutinous rice balls covered the back of Katakuri.

Finally transformed into a strip of arms covered with armed color domineering! Collide with Luffy’s Eagle Gun in a Straw Hat!

At the same time, the words that came out of Katakuri’s mouth made the pupils of Straw Hat Luffy’s eyes shrink slightly…

“Learns to sell… It’s still a little different…”

“But with more arms, it’s more efficient, right?”

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