“terribly sorry! During those two days I……”

Ain blushed slightly and said to Lu Xiu that

she was very grateful that the other party saved everyone and healed Teacher Zefa’s arm.

Because of this, the thought of her aggressive behavior in the past two days made her feel ashamed, so she took this action.。

“Hmm…it’s okay……”

Lu Xiu yawned and said, originally he didn’t care about what happened in those two days. On the contrary, he found it quite interesting.

Looking at the blush on the other person’s fair baby face, it’s inexplicably cute~

“Anyway… thank you very much for saving Mr. Zefa! And… also helped him heal the injury on his arm……”

She smiled as she spoke, as if this matter was very important to her.

“You are welcome……”

Infected by the girl’s smile, Lu Xiu couldn’t help but smile.

“And…and…hey, little Sadie! Didn’t you come here?……”

After the girl finished speaking, she pushed the blond girl behind her out.

“Now…her name is Sadie. She said you saved her and she came here to thank you! ”

Ain’s little mouth said, and

Lu Xiu looked up. He didn’t look carefully when he was fighting with Weibull before, but

now he found that she was surprisingly pretty.

She had slightly curved blond hair, and bangs covered her eyes, and her face She has a little freckles and looks very introverted,

but she has an extremely good figure. Even wearing a large navy uniform on her body can’t stop the plumpness of her chest. Her long and smooth legs look particularly sexy. This is a look

. A beauty full of contradictions but unexpectedly beautiful…

Lu Xiu thought to himself,

“You…Hello, my name is Sadie……”

She introduced herself again, her voice was soft and soft, with a hint of charm, but it was a pity that she sounded a little shy.。

“Thank you so much for saving me! ”

She bowed slightly, a ravine like “520” loomed somewhere, Lu Xiu couldn’t take his eyes away.。

“Hello Sadie, my name is Xiu……”

He replied casually, and at the same time, a figure appeared in his memory, a

certain jailer chief in Impel Down City, the commander of the four jailer beasts in Impel Down City LEVEL4 Scorching Hell, with equal rights as the warden. He also had curly blond hair, covered with

bangs He has two eyes, candle-shaped white earrings, a pink tight leather jacket and spiked high-heeled shoes, and his mantra is “Yeah”. He has a serious sadistic habit, and whenever he hears the screams of his

opponents who are being tortured and beaten, he will She will become quite excited.

I just don’t know if it’s her?

Lu Xiu thought, suddenly feeling sleepy again, then waved his hand and said,

“I’m a little tired and want to sleep. You can leave first.……”

“Hehe, okay……”

Ain, who has gradually become familiar with his temperament these days, chuckled, and pulled Sadie, who was still opening his mouth to say something, to leave quickly. This is a great benefactor, you can’t mess with him… you have to provide for him!


Seeing the two people leaving, Lu Xiu leisurely came to the beach chair, lay down and crossed his legs, eh ~ comfortable ~

【You caught fish while on a business trip, and your bad value is +100]

Bulu Bulu Bulu Bulu ~

However, as soon as he lay down, the phone in his arms rang.

Lu Xiu answered the call and said lazily,

“Moses Moses?”

“Lu Xiu, when will you come back? ”

Nami’s voice came from inside, with a hint of questioning and longing.

She didn’t know that he had a fight with someone at the Navy Headquarters two days ago, and she didn’t know that he had just fought with pirates again.

She just missed him a little~

“What’s wrong? Those Baileys in the base are not enough to pay your salary? ”

Hearing the girl’s voice, Lu Xiu felt inexplicably happy, and he joked,

“Lu Xiu! I’m telling you something serious! ”

There was a hint of irritation in her voice. Nami on the other side of the phone gritted her teeth.

This guy didn’t answer my question, so I just changed the topic!

And… isn’t it my custody of your money now? I’ll give it to you. Send as much as you want!

“Still some time, Nami……”

Lu Xiu said, he hasn’t found the source of luck yet, so his return date is uncertain.

“I’m going to trouble you for a while. Please help Bartolomeo and the others with the pirates they can’t deal with.……”

Of course, this is what I’m talking about. The Ke family has developed rapidly in the past year, and

they also have specialized ships. With the strength of the group in Rogge Town, which is one against ten, Nami basically doesn’t need to take action.。

“I know, and you are not allowed to hook up with beautiful female navy women when you go out.……”

Nami warned,

“All right……”

Lu Xiu blinked, Tina, Gion, Ain, and Sadie came up on their own initiative, he didn’t go to hook up with them, right?


“Hum hum… That’s fine, I’m telling you……”

Nami’s voice sounded satisfied, and then she started chattering about what happened in the base during his absence.

Lu Xiu listened patiently, feeling that time was passing quickly.

The warship headed towards the headquarters of Marine Fando. This time the recruits suffered heavy casualties. The Warring States side ordered them to go back immediately.。


An island in the Grand Line,

this is Robbie Island.

In an underground laboratory somewhere,

some people in white coats are doing their own experimental steps.

Some are responsible for dissection, some are responsible for dismemberment, and some are responsible for suturing.

There are people on the experimental table. The figure with the face but the body of a sea beast was staring at them fiercely.

His name was Allen. He was originally a homeless man in the small town. Unexpectedly, he was beaten by someone and woke up again on this cold experimental table.

They first Give him anesthesia, then cut his body into two sections, and finally sew up the body of the sea beast.

When he wakes up, he has turned into this ghost!

If possible…he must kill them!

In another corner, a civet cat wearing a hat was locked in a cage by them.

“Hey, where did you catch this civet cat?”

“I don’t know, it looks like he ate a devil fruit…it’s worth researching……”

“Yeah… That’s fine… I’ll dissect it in two days and have a look. I haven’t seen what happens to the body of an animal that eats a Devil Fruit.……”

“Well…don’t kill me……”

“Don’t worry, I’m very skilled……”

“Also, tell that guy Barlow in the next two days to get some strong ones. This experimental subject almost died just now.……”

“People on the island are very vigilant now, it’s hard to catch them……”

“Then add money!”

“Oh, I see……”

The figures in white coats talked to each other, their tone full of indifference to life.……

“Oops, Ain, why did you drag me away? I still want to thank Mr. Lu Xiu properly.……”


The image of Lu Xiu’s tall and handsome figure standing in front of her flashed through her mind, and Sadie let out a seductive hum.

“He just went through a big battle, let him take a rest…really……”

Ain looked at his little sister with hatred, why did he feel like she was so stupid sometimes?

“Oh oh… okay~”

Sadie responded with a smile, but her bangs covered her eyes, making it hard to see what she was thinking…

Robby Island,

“Hey hey… Hogback! Don’t sew up the corpses of sea beasts again!”

“Well, don’t worry about these details, this is all to complete the experiment better! ”

The fat man named Hogbark laughed. He was originally a genius surgeon and his reputation was well-known in the medical community.

However, the death of the singer Sindori a few years ago lef

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) t him in despair. He wanted to resurrect her!

So he did not hesitate to fight with these mysterious He is responsible for dissecting and suturing the corpses, and these people are responsible for collecting experimental data.

“Sindori, wait for me…I want to resurrect you……”

He murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of madness…

The navy warship was sailing on the sea.

Due to the weird weather, it was raining violently.

【You have experienced the storm of the Grand Route, and your experience value of seeing, hearing, and coloring is +1333!】

“Mr. Lu Xiu, are you really not going to take shelter from the rain? ”

A soft voice sounded.

Lu Xiu, who was lying on the beach chair on the deck, raised his eyes and looked at the blond beauty. She

seemed to be particularly attentive these days. She also asked him about his well-being and brought him food every day.。

“Well~ What on earth does little Sadie want to do with me? “(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He didn’t use his knowledge to pry into other people’s hearts, he just asked directly,


She blushed slightly, tilted her head and thought for a while before deciding to speak out her request.

“Can you… scold me? ”

Lu Xiu:“……”[]

Seeing the tall and handsome man staring at her like an idiot,

Sadie’s face turned red, but she still insisted,

“please! ! ”

And bowed!


The little white rabbit jumped up and down, which made Lu Xiu blush. He couldn’t help but said,

“Are you a fool? ”

This sentence was like a switch, making her whole body tremble. With a hint of charm, she said,


The corners of Lu Xiu’s eyes twitched when he saw it.

Damn it, isn’t she S? Why did she become M here?

He had no doubt that if he had a whip in his hand, the other party would even kneel down and beg him… Ahem……

“Lu Xiu! ”

At this moment, a voice came from the cabin, and she immediately saw Sadie, whose face was flushed and trembling slightly, and Lu Xiu, who was lying leisurely on the beach chair, seemingly doing nothing? Did nothing

? Damn it! What did you two do behind my back?

Ain was inexplicably angry, but she didn’t know why. She stepped forward and grabbed Sadie and said,

“Hey, little Sadie, Teacher Zefa is looking for you. Come in quickly.……”

“Ah… Mr. Lu Xiu, I will come to you later~”

Sadie, who was being pushed, said loudly, which made Ain’s face darken

and bang!

She closed the cabin door smoothly and

walked towards it with her long legs. Lu Xiu walked in the direction and asked nonchalantly,

“Now, what did you just do? ”

Lu Xiu looked at her like she was a fool.

“What could I have done just now? Haven’t you been lying here all this time?”

“You…I mean little Sadie! ”

Seeing that he didn’t tell the “truth”, Ain was angry and stamped his feet. His fleshy legs exposed to the air trembled.

Seeing her anxious look, Lu Xiu felt a little funny. He said half-truthfully,

“Now, it’s nothing. Sadie just told me that she was impressed by my handsome hero saving the beauty and wanted to go back with me.……”

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

“she! How… how can it be possible! ”

Ain’s voice was filled with a hint of anxiety and annoyance,

and then he noticed Lu Xiu’s smiling eyes, and his fair and soft baby face could not help but be filled with blush.

“oh? Why not?”

“Could it be~”

He deliberately prolonged his tone, his handsome face full of ridicule,

“you! you! That’s all for now! Teacher Zefa asked me to tell you that we need to dock for supplies later! snort! ”

She stretched out her green-white fingers and groaned angrily, then ran away as if running away,


“Ouch! ”

Before leaving, she was so angry that she kicked the iron wall, but she forgot that she was wearing slippers, and her white toes hurt. She screamed…

Lu Xiu, who was lying on the beach chair, smiled.

He didn’t know why. Bullying a baby-faced girl like Ain always gave him an inexplicable sense of pleasure. Could it be that he had unlocked some attribute?


Lu Xiu suddenly raised

his eyes and looked into the distance. He looked beyond the violent storm and looked at the faint Ruoxian’s island,

he had a premonition that he was about to encounter something…


When the warship docked at Robi Island, the violent storm in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the weather became clear again.

This is the magic of the great shipping route….

Lu Xiu watched silently as thousands of domineering experiences were refreshed in the background of the system. He nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, it seems that he can often come to the Grand Line for vacation in the future…

he thought to himself.

Click, click, footsteps came from behind, and

the bandaged Zefa came to Lu Xiu’s side,

“We are going down below to resupply, do you want to go for a walk? ”

The voice was full of gentleness, and it was obvious that he loved Lu Xiu very much.


Lu Xiu nodded, and at the same time the premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

“But I can just go alone… No need……”

Before he finished speaking,

a soft voice sounded,

“Lu…Mr. Lu Xiu, I can accompany you.……”

Sadie said weakly, not at all like she did just now,

“And I! ”

Ain jumped out not to be outdone. She looked at her sister angrily,

you are no longer my turtle honey! You are the enemy honey!


Lu Xiu swallowed his words of rejection,

well…I definitely didn’t agree just because they were two little beauties.。

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You go down for a walk, we will wait for you to come back! ”

Zefa didn’t say much when he saw this. After all, with Lu Xiu’s strength, there were very few people who could threaten them in the first half of the Grand Route. He was very relieved about this.。


Lu Xiu waved to Zefa,

and then when the warship just docked, he stepped directly on the fence,


The amazing jumping ability made him fly up instantly and jump downwards.

Being strong is used for high jumps!

Ain and Sadie looked at each other and followed them on moon steps…

At the same time, in the mysterious laboratory,

“Damn it! A navy warship has docked! ”

A man in a white coat hurriedly walked into the house and started to pack up materials. He was about to run away!

“How many ships? ”

Another man in a white coat shrank his pupils, thinking that the experiment he and others had been exposed had triggered the Demon-Slaying Order.

“three ships……”


The white coat breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t just the Demon-Slaying Order.

“But they have to start evacuating… Although it seems that they are just passing by for supplies, in case of emergency……”

He didn’t finish what he said, but everyone understood it.

“Hello! Hogbark! you with us……”

“Get out of here! Wait until I finish dissecting this! ”

He said manically, staring at the corpse on the experimental table.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of strange corpse. It was actually covered with crystals, and they would grow when exposed to light.

Maybe… maybe there would be a resurrection Xin. Dolly’s clue!

“This guy……”

The man in the white coat who had just spoken to remind him clenched his fist, and the other man stretched out his hand to stop him.

“Forget it, he probably won’t be able to wake up in this state… Let’s go……”


The people in white coats left one after another, leaving only the fat figure dissecting the corpse intoxicatedly…

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