200 years ago, someone created the technology to create devil fruits. Although it was only animal-based, it was still shocking enough.

Robin stopped translating and couldn’t help asking,”Your Kingdom of Alabasta still has such a terrifying technology? But why?……”

When she worked under Crocodile before, she had never heard that the Kingdom of Alabasta had the technology to make devil fruits. If the royal family of Alabasta really had this technology, how could Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, dare to come to Alabasta to usurp the kingdom?

Vivi shook her head in confusion:”We in the Kingdom of Alabasta do not have this technology.” Then she asked excitedly:”Could the treasure left by Queen Setaka be the technology to make devil fruits?”

Robin:”I think it is likely, but we have to wait and see what happens next.””

【The technology for making devil fruits is not perfect, and it is not as perfect as I imagined. I can only make ordinary animal-type devil fruits, and I cannot make ancient or mythical beasts.

I remember that the evil scientist M. Caesar Kulang once made a replica of the Blue Dragon Fruit. Although it was rubbish, it was indeed a mythical beast. How did Caesar succeed?

Robin’s face changed, and then he looked at the diary in his hand in disbelief.

“M·Caesar Kulang? Isn’t he from our time? How can people from 300 years ago know people from our time?”

Nami looked at Robin’s reaction and asked curiously:”Robin, do you know the evil scientist M. Caesar Kulang?”

Robin nodded:”Of course I know him. The evil scientist M. Caesar Kulang was once a member of the Vegapunk Science Group and one of the top scientists of this era.” Luffy said in surprise:”Could the evil scientist M. Caesar Kulang be an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years?”

Robin shook her head in confusion:”I don’t know either.”

Robin didn’t know much about Caesar, she had only heard of him. As for whether the other party had lived for hundreds of years, she was even less clear.

Robin turned to the next page and found that several pages had been torn off. Robin frowned.

Robin said:”This diary is not complete at all. Many key places have been deliberately torn off.”

Vivi explained:”This should be done by Queen Setaka. Since her, no king has understood the text on it.”

Robin nodded and continued to translate

【Wuhu! Take off! I seem to have discovered the ultimate secret of the Devil Fruit, which is said to be able to breed Devil Fruits! I seem to know how to overthrow the World Government next.

Hahaha! Setaka, let’s play a game, chase the legend, I left all the treasures in the legend! 】

Nami frowned and asked unhappily:”What does this mean? Why is it so inexplicable? Is the owner of the diary crazy? What is the ultimate mystery of the Devil Fruit? And what is the legend that can be used for Devil Fruits?”

Robin analyzed:”Could it be related to the treasure and the legend left by the owner of the diary? Are there any folk legends in Alabasta?”

“There are many folk legends in Alabasta. The most popular one is that the great Supreme Warrior Queen Setaka once established a kingdom of God in the sky. All warriors who died bravely in battle can go to the kingdom of God to enjoy a feast. Its name is – Shurima!

There are also various heroic epics. It is said that the greatest warriors of the Kingdom of Alabasta can meet the great Supreme Warrior Queen. The Queen will hold an ascension ceremony for the warriors to become demigod-like ascenders, who not only have eternal life, but also gain powerful power.”

Robin asked:”Where is the legendary Shurima? Could that be the location of the treasure?””

Vivi:”Legend has it that Shurima is in the center of the desert, a place that mortals can never reach.”

Hearing this, Nami sighed:”It seems that the clues are broken here again.”

Nami, who was thinking about the treasure, looked at Robin expectantly and asked:”Are there any more clues later?”

Robin nodded and continued to translate

【Anubis is the gatekeeper who leads souls to the afterlife and the god of death. He is the guardian of the tomb and the guide to the underworld.

Vivi explained excitedly:”This is a god that our Alabasta Kingdom believes in. It is also a folk legend. Legend has it that Anubis is the god of the head, who appears in tomb murals with a jackal head and a human body.”

Robin, who had a flash of inspiration in his mind, seemed to have caught the inspiration and asked excitedly:”When did this legend appear? It must not be 800 years ago, because I have been to the mausoleum of the Alabasta royal family, and there are no murals of Anubis inside.”

Vivi explained:”This legend appeared more than 200 years ago, or it may be 300 years ago. The specific time can no longer be traced.”

“I understand!”

Robin’s eyes flashed.

Robin said with certainty:”He is creating a god! To be precise, the owner of this diary is creating a myth!”

Luffy asked in a puzzled manner:”What is the purpose of the owner of the diary doing this? Is it just for fun?”

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