Karp sent someone to lead the three Nami to the family dormitory

And he took Luffy straight to the marshal's office.

"Wha!Warring States!Bring your black tea, I've brought the best senbei!".

Before the person arrived, Karp's voice had already reached the ears of the Warring States,

With a bang, the office door was pushed open, and Karp led Luffy through the door.


Sengoku couldn't help but roar


"Yo, you're big, why are you coming back so slowly!".

Karp said as he dug his nose

"Didn't you let me pick up a criminal by the way, and I also helped our navy recruit a talent, have the pirate hunters heard of it, I arranged for him to be a branch colonel. "

Sengoku looked at Karp with a black line on his face, and his face was full of words that said that you are taunting me, and you are embarrassed to mention this kind of.

"You... Forget it,".

Sengoku rubbed his eyes helplessly, and then turned his attention to Luffy

"This is your grandson?".

Luffy grinned:

"Hello old man. "

Sengoku's face is dark, and he is a god old man.

He looked at Karp, who suddenly boasted to Sengoku with a smug face

"This is the strongest naval soldier I have ever trained! I want to contribute to the cause of liberation, bah, and I want to contribute to peace. "

"Although I was already a colonel of the Navy Branch before, I don't think it's a big problem to mix Luffy's strength with a vice admiral in the headquarters!".

He's tested Luffy's iron, and it's really hard.

Right now, those lieutenant generals in the headquarters really have to waste a lot of effort if they want to break the defense.

If you don't come out, Luffy's perverted level of iron is quite perverted.

Luffy looked at the shameless Karp with a look of admiration

It is worthy of the man who refused the position of general,

Originally, I was going to play with the colonel of the headquarters who could take the ship to sea by himself.

Who would have thought that you would be more ruthless and directly want a lieutenant general of the same rank as you? I'm afraid you're not looking for a squirt.

Sure enough,

Sengoku roared with a dark face:

"Karp, are you kidding me? You're just a lieutenant general!"

"Wha! "

Sengoku: "..."

Sengoku waved his hand with a constipated face:

"I don't have enough qualifications, Peacock is still a colonel, and I want to serve in the department to catch pirates and fight for military merit!"

Luffy raised an eyebrow

The granddaughter of the peacock crane seems to be a commodore in the navy in 2 years, and she is still a shaky S.

He spread his hands and said to Karp with a nonchalant expression

"Look, old man, it's not that I don't want to work in the navy, it's that people don't look down on me. "

The position of the headquarters is two levels, and he is now the colonel of the branch, and he is directly transferred to the major of the headquarters.

And the major rank is not allowed to lead the ship to sea alone at all, and can only mix in other people's boats, which is unacceptable to Luffy who is preparing to travel with the United States.

Lao Tzu is lying down and enjoying it, and by the way, it is not impossible to help you catch some pirates, supernovas and other rising fans.

Lao Tzu wants to be a salted fish, not a miscellaneous fish.

Sengoku looked at Luffy with black lines, why are both grandparents and grandchildren so shameless.


"Straw Hat Luffy?!How dare you come here!!".

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden angry shout from the door

A hot magma fist slammed into Luffy.

Karp's face darkened

It only appeared behind Luffy in a split second

The black iron fist is wrapped around the flowing cherry blossoms and the overlord color domineering,

A domineering angry shout came from Karp's mouth

"Sakasky, are you looking for death?".

With a bang, accompanied by the scream of Akainu's fury, he flew upside down.

Luffy's brow furrowed

Not that I was frightened by this sudden scene.

After all, with Karp here, there shouldn't be anyone in the Navy Headquarters who can move themselves.

But the barking of the red dog made Luffy suspicious

Straw Hat Luffy?


I don't have a straw hat.

How could he call out Straw Hat Luffy?

Before Luffy could think about it,

Karp in front of him has rolled up his sleeves and is ready to do a big job

"Damn, Akainu, Lao Tzu is not powerful, you treat me as a sick cat? Do you really think that you can do whatever you want when you become a general?".

Seeing this, Sengoku dodged and hugged Karp tightly:

"Don't be impulsive!Karp, ask first!".

Karp said more than once during Ace's execution that it would be nice if he were in the navy

If Ace is in the navy, then he can keep Ace, even if he is Roger's son.

Today's Luffy is the Navy

Akainu actually directly killed the killer?

What if I force my good grandson to become a revolutionary army again, what will the pirates do?

Karp scolded and waved his fists, and took the time to mumble to the Warring States:

"Tighten up, I'm afraid I'll beat Akaiu to death. "

The red dog who got up below heard that his face turned even darker.

This damn traitor!

I said this when I was at war.

Akainu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and pointed at Karp and scolded:

"Karp, you're a naval hero, how can you shield pirates!".

Cap laughed angrily

"Boy, what eye did you see that the old man's grandson was a pirate?".

Akainu snorted coldly and looked at Luffy:

"Isn't he the Straw Hat Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates?

Akainu: "..."

Akainu was stunned halfway through speaking,

No, the straw hat seems to be in Ace's...

ps. The manuscript is gone, I seem to be yang again, and I'm about to practice Jiuyang Shengong. Anyway, Fei Lu really doesn't see pirates

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