Karp looked at it with an unkind face

"What did you just say?".

How can my Karp's grandson be a gentleman?

There is nothing wrong with liking women, as long as you don't force others, you love to find a few, but you have to do the right thing.

This kid actually wants to be a gentleman, what's the difference between this and that group of garbage dragons?

Ever since they saw the true face of the Draconians in the Valley of the Gods, the Draconians have turned into garbage in Karp's mouth.

Although considering the overall situation, he can't resist the tyranny of the Tianlong people like the dragon, but he can still do it with two sentences.

But he would never allow his offspring to become that kind of beast.

Luffy coughed dryly twice

"I mean salted fish, when salted fish is rotten. "

Karp's face darkened, and he smashed at Luffy with a punch, what's the difference between this and the dumb kid?

Luffy didn't show weakness, and collided with Karp's fist with a max-level Arashi foot + iron block.

"Hey, can't you be a salted fish?".

"Shut up Luffy, you're the man who wants to be the strongest marine!".

"Lose, can you pursue a little, what is there to be a sailor, you must know how to enjoy it. "

"If it weren't for those Navy soldiers out there to fend you off the pirates, you'd still be enjoying a fart. "

"What you say is unreasonable, we all paid the heavenly gold, shouldn't it be taken for granted that the navy protects the people? "

"Fart, have you made a Bailey after all these years!".

While the two are arguing, you are going back and forth to tear each other down.

The two of them tacitly understood that they didn't use domineering or six forms, but just relied on their bodies to fight.

Every punch from Karp made Luffy grin

This dog doesn't talk about martial arts than the old man, and he actually adds a willow cherry blossom to his fist!

"No fight, no fight!".

Luffy shaved back and stood behind Captain Tina, the commander of the Navy Headquarters who was passing by, "You don't talk about martial arts, use domineering." "

Karp sneered: "Aren't you using iron? Are you stupid to be an old man, and use your fists to smash your boy's hard bones." "

Luffy muttered:

"Iron depends on skin and flesh, okay. "

Karp snapped his fingers and made a click

"I see that you kid just don't cry when you don't see the coffin!".

Luffy poked his head out and shouted:

"You wait for me to learn to be domineering!".

After saying that, he shrank back behind the righteous daze in front of him.

Karp's face darkened: "Tina, get out of the way, I'm going to let this kid taste the iron fist of love today!".

The pink-haired Navy Headquarters Colonel Tina in front of Luffy pointed at Luffy, who was dragging his righteous man

, with a look of grievance, and sighed

"Tina also wants to get out of the way, but Tina can't move, can you fight and not be here for Tina. "

Luffy poked his head out with a smile and laughed:

"Beauty, you can't die without saving, I'll invite you to a big meal when I go back. "

Tina looked at the handsome face that had been beautified and suddenly felt a little dazed

She coughed dryly and looked at Karp and said

"You're here to take him to the test, aren't you?, why don't you get down to business first?"

Luffy: "That's a good idea. "

Karp: "Every time you fight, you hide behind the woman!"

"You know a fart, this is called a hero who doesn't suffer immediate losses!".

Karp blew his beard and glared, slapped the school examiner's desk and scolded

"Assessment! Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, get him a strong one, the pheasant is not there, give him a beating!".

The examiner looked at Karp aggrievedly with a painful face

Pheasant?Let the general come to do the colonel assessment? Really have nothing to do when the general, right??

"It's so scary~ The strength of young people now is too strong, Lieutenant General Karp, why don't you let me try it out for assessment?".

Before the pheasant came, a lazy voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Seeing this, the examiner immediately stood up and saluted loudly:

"Hello Yellow Ape General!".

Luffy walked out from behind Tina very familiarly and naturally, grabbed her thin waist by the way, and then showed a very surprised look:

"Huh, Uncle Yellow Ape?".

Karp and the yellow ape showed black lines on their faces at the same time

Tina was distracted by this, not noticing that a groping pig hand was measuring her waist on her thin waist.

"Tina is surprised that General Yellow Ape is still related to Lieutenant General Karp?".

"Relatives fart!".

Karp glared at Luffy angrily, then turned his head to the yellow ape with a wicked smile on his face

"It's up to you, give me a good beating up on that uncompetitive boy!".

Luffy squinted at the yellow ape

As the most perfunctory acting ape in the navy, Luffy has been speculating whether this guy is from the Revolutionary Army or the Five Old Stars.

Anyway, it's not on the same path as Karp and Sengoku.

The current three admirals of the Navy are directly the three factions.

The yellow ape of the paddling faction, the righteous Karp and the green pheasant, and the red dog of the criminal faction.

Originally, Luffy planned to throw Sengoku into the crime-fighting faction on the side of Akainu.

Later, when the war was topped, he gloated all day long and mocked Akainu's behavior and made Luffy scratch him out.

At this time, the yellow ape stepped forward with a smile and looked at Luffy and smiled

"It's okay for me to assess my eldest nephew, right?"

[Ding Dong ~ Congratulations on triggering the special event 'Yellow Ape's Assessment', and the following rewards will be awarded if you succeed...].

ps. Ask for data, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, alas, someone doesn't?

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