The Navy soldiers who watched the excitement around were shocked.

"Damn, is the yellow ape really going to be in the future?"

"That's the grandson of Lieutenant General Karp, right?"

"It's not going to kick you to death, is it?".

"It's really ruthless. "

The soldiers whispered, and Tina was also worried

Only Karp and Yellow Ape stared at the ruins that Luffy had smashed out with strange faces.

Looking at the ruins that had not moved for a long time, Karp couldn't help but curse:

"Don't pretend to be a stinky boy! you can't even break the skin with this little strength, so what are you pretending to die there. "

The yellow ape's face on the side turned dark

Even those pirates who had a bounty of more than 100 million yuan couldn't get up for half a day.

Although it feels a little wrong in terms of foot feeling, but is it a little bit despised to say that the skin can't be broken?


The yellow ape was about to speak,

With a bang, Luffy, unscathed, stood up from the rubble.

The yellow ape's pupils shrank:

"How is that possible?".

But Luffy's handsome face seemed to be a little distorted at this time

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, could it be that they had suffered internal injuries?


However, only Luffy himself knew that his expression was not pain, but the urge to laugh.

Because of the kick of this yellow ape... He doesn't hurt!

MAX-level iron plus two pans plus a rock-solid 30x toughness

Luffy, who was fully defended, directly ignored the yellow ape's attack!

Even he can say that if there is no such attack that causes damage to the inside,

Physical attacks in the general sense can basically be ignored by Luffy.

And the yellow ape is not good at domineering, which leads to the fact that unless he uses a magic attack like the Shining Fruit, he can't even break Luffy's defenses...

Luffy had a smirk on his face

He gave a thumbs up to the yellow ape and winked

"Uncle, I'll just say that we are a family, give face!"

The surrounding navies suddenly realized

It turned out to be acted, no wonder it was unscathed, they thought that the guy in front of them really resisted the blow of the yellow ape and was unharmed.

The faces of everyone looking at the yellow ape became strange

originally thought that the yellow ape didn't understand human favors, but now it seems that the favors given by others are simply flawless.

If it weren't for that foolish criticism, who would have seen that this was a fake fight?

The corners of the yellow ape's eyes twitched, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

I really didn't release water, I saw the battle between Karp and Luffy, and then attacked according to the strength of the other party.

Now it seems that the grandfather and grandson are just messing around

Looking at the strange faces of the soldiers, the old face of the yellow ape couldn't help but feel a little hot.

He narrowed his eyes at Luffy

"It's terrifying, it's the grandson of Master Karp, it looks like I'm going to get some serious. "

Luffy smiled

"Come, Uncle Yellow Ape, you're welcome, we can still bear it. "

The corner of the yellow ape's eyes jumped twice, and even he couldn't help but raise a trace of anger:

"Nephew, have you ever heard of speed as strength?"

Luffy bared his white teeth and put on a strange posture of zama step, hooked his hand at the yellow ape, and shouted

"Come here~!".


The yellow ape instantly appeared next to Luffy

He kicked Luffy hard at a speed far faster than the kick he had just made!

Duang with a crisp sound,

This time Luffy wasn't kicked out

Sharp pain came from the yellow ape's feet.


The yellow ape gasped

The terrifying reaction force directly made the yellow ape almost lose his expression management.

Luffy winked at the yellow ape and said

"Uncle, it's true that speed is power, but the role of force is mutually protective, and this five martial arts have passed. "

The yellow ape quietly put down the painful and numb right leg, patted Luffy's shoulder and said

"Yes, you're qualified. "


The soldiers rolled their eyes in unison

"Isn't this a release of water?".

"Mingyan! This is definitely Mingyan!".

A group of people looked at Luffy jealously, how could he not be Karp's grandson, and even the general was released in the assessment.

[Ding Dong ~ Congratulations to the host for successfully passing the assessment of the yellow ape and obtaining the muscles of the A-level purple secret treasure Oliba. 】

With the acquisition of the secret treasure, Luffy felt that his strength, including the strength of his internal organs, had been terrifyingly improved.

In the past, it only relied on iron to resist external damage, and it was impossible to resist internal damage.

But now that he has obtained the Secret Treasure bonus, even his internal organs have a strong ability to resist blows.

At least it won't be painful to die and come back to life if Karp casually adds a little bit of Sakura's domineering.

Luffy cracked his mouth and smiled at the yellow ape, "Thank you." "

The yellow ape smiled and waved his hand

"It's okay, it should be. "

He turned his head and saw a strange Karp's face darkened, and then he forced a smile

"Lieutenant General Karp, you have a good grandson. "

"Waha~ Of course, it's my grandson!".

The corners of the yellow ape's eyes twitched twice again, and he walked decisively towards the naval headquarters.

This grandfather and grandson are shameless!

The sharp-eyed soldier muttered strangely to his companion beside him

"Hey, have you seen it, how do I feel that the Yellow Ape General's leg is a little lame?".

"Net fart, who can hurt the yellow ape general, it can't be because of kicking people just now, right?"

"Yes, maybe I'm wrong. "

The yellow ape's body was stunned, and it directly turned into a burst of golden light and flew away from here.

ps. Ask for data, ask for a monthly pass, does anyone still see it?

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