"Ace, come back soon? What exactly are you trying to do! "

Marko, who turned into an immortal bird, shouted anxiously.

"In such a hurry to rush back, did you have something left behind?"

Yizo teased.

"Sorry, Marko, Eizang, Saab's words earlier woke me up, I want to try again, the next is my private affairs alone, you go back ~ go first!"

Ace Dao.

"Don't worry, I'll accompany Ace!"

Saab nodded firmly.

Marko and Izang looked at each other.

Even if Ace said so, they would definitely not be able to really leave like that.



The other side.

"Grandma, those guys from the Whitebeard Pirates are back, it's really deceitful!"

The shaking girl clenched her little pink fist angrily.

"Are they provoking us? Don't think that if you can escape once, you can escape a second time! "

The peacock said as he took out the whip and prepared to mobilize the building again with the whip fruit.

"Hold still for the time being and see what they want to do?"

Lieutenant General Tsuru shook his head calmly.

In the previous dialogue with Su Yu.

Lieutenant General Crane tacitly did not mention Ace and Saab and others.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't curious about the purpose of their trip.

In fact.

The contact between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Fairy Tail is a first-level major event.

For the Whitebeard Pirates to walk together with the revolutionary army, Lieutenant General Tsuru did not care.

Because I know that the paths of these two forces are completely different, they will definitely not go together.

But the Whitebeard Pirates with the Fairy Tail.

What kind of cooperation is reached between the two royal groups?

It will be an unprecedented impact on the sea.

Under the withering order of Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Ace, Saab, and the others returned to Fairy Tail's residence without much effort.

"Really, why are you back, Saab, it's rare to have escaped, are you stupid?"

Kerra shook her head helplessly.

"Ahahaha, stupid people also have stupid insistence!"

Saab laughed.

"So, what are you doing back?"

Su Yu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"President Su Yu, I want to try again and send you a commission!"

Ace solemnly spoke.

"No matter how many times you try, it is useless, our answer will not change!"

Elusa shook her head.

"It's really pestering, isn't your white-bearded pirate group also the Four Emperors Group? Isn't your daddy whitebeard the strongest man in the world? If you want to fight the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido, you can go by yourself, why come and beg us!" "

Nami said impatiently.

"Even if it is our white-bearded pirate group, if we start a war with the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido, it will inevitably cause huge casualties, Dad doesn't want us to take risks, and we don't want Dad to fight hard at this age!"

Marco said.

"So come and entrust us? Want to use us as guns? I'm glad you can say it..."

The poisonous tongue girl Runmei was mercilessly critical.

Yizang looked at Runnian solemnly.

If he didn't recognize it.

This girl seems to be a cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

However, it seems to be a member of Fairy Tail now.

Could this be the root cause of Fairy Tail's refusal to accept their commission?

Before them.

What agreement did the Hundred Beast Pirates reach with Fairy Tail first?

No, no, no!

It shouldn't be!

Eizang quickly shook his head.

"Even if it is our white-bearded pirate group, the strength is only equal to the hundred beast group, but if we can get the help of everyone in the fairy tail, we will definitely be able to completely overwhelm the hundred beast pirate group, please, no matter how much the reward is, we will pay!"

Eizang pleaded.

"Are you still talking nonsense?"

Su Yu said lightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Marko and Izang were stunned.

Immediately shook their heads in unison.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work.

Just as they were ready to give up.

"That's not right! This time I am not representing the Whitebeard Pirates, I am talking about my personal commission! "

Ace shook his head violently.

"Before joining the Whitebeard Pirates, I once went to Wano Country, where I met a young girl..."

Ace recounts his experiences in the country of Wano.

"I promised that girl that when I go again, I will turn that country into a place where she can eat, but I am far from enough alone, so please!"

Ace fell to his knees and snatched his head on the ground.

"Aren't you still the same? It's just a different way of saying it, and in fact, what needs to be done is still ..."

Nami didn't finish speaking.

"Nope! It's different! "

Elusa shook her head.

"It's really different!"

Mirazhen looked at Su Yu.

"The price of this commission is huge, can you afford it?"

Su Yu asked lightly.

"It's okay, I'll give everything!"

Ace was firm and unhesitating.

"Then it is established, Fire Fist Ace, this commission of yours, I will take it!"

Su Yu grinned.

"Really? Thank you! Thank you so much! "

Ace looked overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

"That's wonderful, Ace!"

Saab laughed.

"Great! It's so good! "

"Then we will go back now and let everyone prepare!"

After Marko and Eizang were excited, they immediately began to act.

"Milk... Grandma"

The shaking girl Peacock opened her small mouth, and even said something unfavorable.

He was even more unaware of Marko and Eizang's departure.


This is the moment.

Something big has happened.

The two most terrifying forces in this sea have formed an alliance!!

And they are about to launch a crusade against another terrifying Four Emperors!!

"The sea is about to change!!"

The Grand Staff Lieutenant General Tsuru said faintly.

"Whahahaha, Sbarasi! Fairy Tail is race-high! "

News king Morguns laughed happily.

"An unheard of event is about to happen, the Seven Martial Seas are already in the past, and the fairy tail is finally going to the apex of this world and launch a crusade against the Four Emperors!"

Just a few hours.

Under the strong impetus of news king Morguns.

The news that the fairy tail declared war on the four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido spread throughout the sea.

As a result, the whole world was shaken by it!!

... Small....

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