Hey, hey, hey~

Princess Mononoke Perona waved her small hand.

Strong identification technique, launch !!

The shapeless and massless white ghost flew through the body of the six-cell Forsford.


Forsford's body froze on the spot.

A look of struggle appeared on his face, wanting to resist.

However, after all, it is not really a strong person.

Fell under the strong identification technique.


Flying Sexters Fossford fell to his knees passively.

"Arashi !!"

Kalifa flicked Hisi's long legs.

Under the increase in Capricorn star vestments.

Her Lan feet were several times more powerful than usual.

The huge Lan foot air blade hit Fosford, flying it out heavily.


Fosford recovered from his negative state.

A pair of tiger palms slammed to the ground, and the figure catapulted.


I didn't wait for him to make any moves.

Next second.

The white negative ghost broke through the ground and once again penetrated his body.


Forsford fell again.

So several times.

Passively beaten all the time.

Rao is an ancient breed with thick skin, and those who have thick flesh cannot withstand such consumption.

Saber-toothed tiger flew sexters of Forsford and fell!!


It wasn't so much that he was knocked down by Kalifa's relentless attacks.

Rather, he himself off.

In front of everyone, he negatively said that he was inferior to the bed bugs on the ground.

This shame simply drove Forsford crazy.

Just as the battle on Kalifa's side ended 910.

The other side.


Triceratops Flying Sextice Sasaki shouted in anger.

However, the body was entangled by the tentacles that seemed to come from the demon world.


The lion's light was constantly dilated in his pupils.


With a loud boom.

The impact from the Lion Star smashed on the triceratops Sasaki.

Triceratops Flying Sextine Sasaki was taken down by Nami and Marianne.

Other battlefields.

Elusa, the fairy queen, is still mowing the grass.

Vivi rode the superfast duck Karu around the battlefield, shooting arrows with a bow continuously.

The Artificial Devil Fruit Abilities are powerless under Jubia's water currents.

The only thing that struggled a little was Wendy's battle with Plague Quinn.

In any case, Plague Quinn is a big dashboard for the Hundred Beasts.

But overall.

The fairy-tailed girls on the battlefield are unstoppable.

The performance of the new members is also remarkable.

"Hot Iron Tears - Whale !!"

Hot whale tears burst out of Violet's eyes, crushing a group of beast pirates.

And that's not the end of it.

The detached whale tears were further deformed with Violet's mind.

Become her weapon, like an arm.

This is the result of the combination of Superman's glaring fruit ability and eye magic.

Violet is in charge of the attack.

Rebecca, who has a divine foot and a good sight, is responsible for interference.

The combination of sister-in-law and niece is intimate, and it is more than enough to deal with ordinary artificial devil fruit abilities.


At a certain moment.

Without warning.

Violet's body froze.

Followed by.

Rebecca is also uncontrolled.

"Auntie, what's wrong? My body... The body is out of control! "

Rebecca spoke in panic.


Violet scolded angrily.

Already guessed who was behind the ghost.

"Fu Fu, Viola, the family has collapsed, why are you still there? By the way, you betrayed ah, betrayed Don Quixote, and took refuge in Fairy Tail! "

Doflamingo laughed conspiratorially.

"Doflamingo, I have never thought of myself as a member of your Don Quixote family, you bastard, I can't wait to cut you by a thousand cuts!"

Violet scolded indignantly.

"Fuf, before that, you still want to think about how not to be cut by the little princess of Dressrosa!"

Doflamingo sneered.

Flick your finger.

Rebecca was suddenly out of control.

Staggering towards Violet.

"No... Don't..."

Seeing that Rebecca's blade was about to hurt Violet.

Right at this moment.


The sword flashed.

Cut off the parasitic thread that Doflamingo set on Rebecca.

The other side.

Vivi riding the super fast flying duck Karu switches to the Cancer star spirit suit. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The two knives in his hands turned into scissors and cut the parasitic threads on Violet's body.

"You are that Nanabu Haido Flamengo!"

Elusa said quietly.

"Elusa, leave this guy to us!"

Nami and Kalifa join forces.


Doflamingo stroked his forehead with one hand and laughed up to the sky.

"It's just a bunch of yellow-haired girls who have not dried up, and I am really underestimated!"

"Those guys under you [BBCI] said that at first, and then they died!"

Kalifa spoke lightly.

"It is most appropriate to use a Qiwu Sea to test our new strength!"

Nami spoke calmly, her words full of confidence.

"Doflamingo, what you did to Dressrosa, just end it here!"

Wei Wei looked firm, and cut off the drink.

Say nothing.

Nami, Vivi and Kalifa.

The three Star Spirit Magi came together and held hands with each other.

The light of the stars bloomed from them.

"Extremely far away, count all the stars."

Nami spoke first.

"Show me my true body, and all are my palms."

Vivi continued.

"I am the Lord of the stars, and I have ordered Ru to open the door of barbarism."

Kalifa's red lips opened lightly.

With the retelling of the mantra.

The light of the stars on the three girls became more and more dazzling.

"This is !!"

Elusa looked slightly moved, and she already knew what Nami and the others wanted to do.

"Miss Elusa, the other party is Nanabu Kaido Flamengo, Nami and them..."

"No problem!"

Elusa interrupted Violet's concern.

"It's Doflamingo who should be scared now!"

"Hey, hey, is that the rhythm of something earth-shattering going to happen?"

Ace and Saab noticed unusual fluctuations.

"What kind of ability is that?"

Yamato muttered.

"We don't know that Fairy Tail is full of magical powers!"

Kerra muttered.

"All day stars! Star Map History! So that's it, this is the new magic that Nami has been hiding! "

On the demon tail, Su Yu held his chin with one hand, overlooking the battlefield with interest.

For the power of Nami, Vivi and Kalifa.

Su Yu naturally couldn't see it.

Star Map History!!

Also known as the All-Sky Star!!

The super magic of the legendary stars!!

Can use the power of the eighty-eight stars in the sky to perform all-round lock attacks!!

Feel the rising momentum around Nami and the others.

Doflamingo's face changed, and he did not dare to underestimate it in the slightest.

Almost without hesitation.

Doflamingo unleashes the Superhuman Tether Fruit Awakening.

The earth of the four directions was assimilated into white lines under the power of his awakening.

The pure white lines of the earth swell like the sea.

A series of sixteen threads wrapped around the color of powerful weapons rose up.

This is the most powerful move of Qiwu Haido Flamengo!!

"Sixteen Divine Murder Bullets - God Kills !!"

Doflamingo waved his hands blatantly.

Sixteen lines with the power of piercing gold cracking stones attacked the three of Nami.


"88 stars in the day, shine, star map history !!"

Nami, Vivi, and Kalifa stopped drinking in unison.

Super Magic - Star Map History, Launch !!

The light of the stars blooms.

Instantly devoured Doflamingo's divine murderous bullet.

Su Yu withdrew his gaze and did not look at the result again, because the result was already doomed.

His gaze looked to the northern sky.

Layers of dark clouds rush like the waves of the sea.

It is accompanied by lightning and thunder, and the wind and clouds change.

Vaguely, it was as if a behemoth could be seen churning through the clouds.

Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido, here!!


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