The country of peace, the capital of flowers, the people are panicked.

The chaos caused by the explosion from Oni Island continues.

At a certain moment.

"Everyone look at the sky!"

"The ship ... Flying! "

Looking at the spaceship passing over the capital of flowers, the people of the capital city could not help but be shocked.

"Oh, what a brilliant spaceship, what the hell happened?"

The optimistic and cheerful Lao Kang hurriedly followed with brisk steps.

Rakshasa Street.

"Fairy Tail, there can be no mistake, that's the ship of Fairy Tail!"

Denjiro, who had always been sleepy, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and his face was extremely shocked and excited.

"Denjiro, I want to meet them now!"

Guangyue Day and anxious Dao.

The time is short.

Under the shocked and shocked gazes of the people of the Flower Capital.

The Demon Tail slowly landed in the central square of the capital.

The old man wearing a big tengu mask led a little loli to disembark first.

"Everyone in the capital, after so many years of darkness, finally, the dawn of our country has arrived!"

Tengu Mountain Fei Che forced down the excitement in his heart and slowly spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Who is on this ship behind you?"

"What happened in Wano Country today?"

"What happened to the apocalyptic explosion before?"

"This is General Snake's territory, do you want to be arrested?"

The people in the audience spoke one after another.

Tengu Yama Fei Che did not speak, but silently took off the mask of the big Tengu.


The little old man Lao Kang squeezed out from the crowd and shouted excitedly.


"Could it be the previous general?"

"This old man is General Sukiyaki?"

"How is it possible! Sukiyaki-sama died more than twenty years ago'! "

The residents of the capital shook their heads one after another.

"There can be no mistake, it's Sukiyaki-sama!"

Lao Kang boarded the square and stepped forward excitedly.

"Are you... Kang family? You're alive too! "

Mitsuki Sukiyaki recognized Lao Kang.

When the name of the Kang family came out.

The audience was shocked again.

"Is the Kang family a former daimyo!"

"Former White Dance Daimyo Frost Moon Yasuka-sama?"

"How is it possible!"

"How can Lord Kang be that funny old man!"

The residents were 10,000 disbelieving.

Right at this moment.

"Mad Death Boss"

"It's the Mad Death Boss here!"

"Hahaha, there is a boss, there is no need to worry anymore!"

"Dr. Xiaozi is also here!"

"Today's little Zi doctor is still as beautiful as ever!"

Seeing the arrival of Mad Death Lang and Xiao Zi, the hanging hearts of the residents of the capital city were put down.


Next second.

What surprised everyone happened again.

"Sukiyaki-sama, Yasuka-sama"

Denjiro strode forward, shouting and falling to one knee in front of the two old men.


"Alas, alas!"

"This, this, this... What the hell is going on here? "

"The mad death boss actually said that it was Sukiyaki Lord and Lord Kang family!"

"Are they real people, not fakes?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"No, now what I want to know is why the Mad Death Boss is like this!"

"The Mad Death Boss is not Lord Big Snake..."

All over the square, there was an uproar.


The answer is revealed.

When the identity of the Red Sheath Samurai of the Sleepy Mad Death is revealed.

The shock and uproar of the residents of the capital city escalated again.

Without waiting for people to die madly, Tanjiro Akasheath walked out of shock.

Next second.

The great shock truth struck again.


Hua Kui Xiaozi walked up to Mitsuki Sukiyaki, her little face flushed, full of excitement and joy.

"Are you Hiyori? Day and you are still alive! "

Mitsuki Sukiyaki couldn't help but cry from the old.

"Huh? Alas, alas! "

"Little Purple Doctor... Dr. Xiaozi is..."

"Dr. Kopurple calls Sukiyaki-sama for... Grandfather? "

"Is Hanakui Kopurple the granddaughter of Sukiyaki-sama?"

"Hiyo ... Do you say... Could it be said that Dr. Xiaozi is a Hiyori adult? "

"Ota-sama's daughter, the princess of our Wano Country, Mitsuki-sama is also alive!"

"Yes! It must be right, because the boss of the mad death is a red sheath samurai, so it makes sense! "

"As a red sheath warrior, the mad death boss has always been protecting Princess Hiyo-sama!"

"But what kind of day is 、、、 today, with so much heavy news at once, my pig brain is going to be overloaded!!"

"Not good! If the Great Snake knew that Sukiyaki-sama and Yasuka-sama were still alive, and knew the identity of Mad Death Boss and Hiyo-sama..."

The huge capital square was suddenly in chaos.

Not just ordinary people.

Even the demon tail girls were stunned by this sudden complexity.

"That is, that plane head is the retainer of that Mitsuki Ota, and that beautiful flower kui is the daughter of Ota, and the two have changed their appearances, endured the humiliation and lurked beside the black charcoal snake waiting for the opportunity!"

Robin summed it up simply.

"It's so powerful, the princess of this country is also so powerful, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to do it!"

Vivi exclaimed.

"No, Vivi your strength is above her, don't be presumptuous!"

Su Yu smiled.


Wei Wei, who was praised by Su Yu, her eyes suddenly shone.

The other side.

"Sukiyaki Lord (Wang Nuo Zhao), what happened today!"

The people were nervously shouting and asking.

"Everyone, as I said earlier, the darkest hour that has enveloped the Land of Wano for many years has passed, not long ago, with the help of the Savior of our Country of Wa, with the help of everyone of Fairy Tail..."

Mitsuki Sukiyaki took a deep breath.

"The culprits who caused the suffering of the country of Wa, General Black Carbon Great Snake, King Ming Hundred Beast Kaido and his group of Hundred Beast Pirates have been defeated by the Fairy Tail led by President Su Yu, and we are free!"



The earth-shaking noise echoed over the country of Wano.

It's not just limited to the Flower City Square.

This shocking fact, announced by Mitsuki Sukiyaki, spread throughout Wano Country through light paintings.


The entire country of Wano was shaken unsurprisingly!!


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