Fairy Tail guild leader, the new fourth emperor Su Yu - a bounty of 5 billion berry!!

Elusa, the Fairy Queen – Bounty of 2,015 million Berry!!

Majin Mirajan – Bounty of 1,964 million Berry!!

Sky Witch Wendy – Bounty 1,390 million Berry!!

Nicole Robin, son of the devil – bounty of 1,079 million Berry!!

Jubia of Water – Bounty of 1 billion Berry!!

Draco Killer Kalifa - Bounty of 780 million Berry!!

Thief Cat Nami - Bounty 636 million Berry!!



Princess Monon-Monon-Monon-Perona – Bounty of 320 million Berry!!

Mermaid Princess White Star - Bounty 100 million Berry!!

Violet – Bounty of 100 million Beri !!

Rebecca – Bounty of 100 million Berry!!

Super Fast Duck Karoo – Bounty 100 million Berry!!

Fairy Tail -

All-staff bounty !!

The bounty of all employees exceeds 100 million!!

Whether it is a person, a cat, or a duck, it all starts with 100 million.

Fairy Tail's new bounty order, like a twelve-magnitude earthquake, instantly swept the entire sea, causing the world to shake dramatically.

"Lying !!" 967

"Lying down!!"

"This, this, this... What the hell is going on here? "

"Fairy Tail... Fairy tail again!! "

"What the hell did Fairy Tail do? Unexpectedly, all the members were rewarded! "

"Hey, hey, Fairy Tail Guild President Su Yu, his bounty has actually risen to five billion!!"

"Nani! Billion! There are very few in history who can break through this bounty! "

"As far as I know, only Roger, the One Piece of the last era, and the world's strongest bounty in this era reached five billion!"

"The leader of Fairy Tail is the third! In this era, the bounty is only under the white beard of the four emperors! "

"But 、、、 this is far from the end of this man, you must know that the fairy tail is active on the sea, that is, this year's kung fu, and unlimited growth!"

"Guild President Su Yu's bounty is terrible, and the bounty of the others in Fairy Tail is also terrible!"

"yes! Especially the fairy queen Elusha and the demon Mirajan, they have both reached the level of two billion! "

"You must know that 1.5 billion is already the dividing point between the emperor and other pirates, isn't it..."

"Not only the five emperors, but also the sixth, seventh, and even eight emperors have all appeared, and they all belong to the same organization!"

"There are other people's (bedd) bounties, even cats and ducks have a reward of 100 million!"

"Really, the world government is suddenly crazy? Such a high reward was given to these cute girls! "

"Lao Tzu has been messing around on the sea for so many years, and as a result, the bounty is not as good as that of cats and ducks, what a dog!"

"Do you really think they are ordinary weak women? They are members of the strongest organization in this sea! "

"Because it is a member of Fairy Tail, even cats and ducks start at 100 million!"

"What I'm most curious about now is what exactly did Fairy Tail do to make the World Government react so much, is it overturning the Holy Land of Mary Joya?"

Around the world, people who first saw the new bounty order were shocked, in an uproar, and talked about it.

The time is short.

Today's morning news is delivered.

[The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Group was defeated]

[The winner is Fairy Tail]

[Fairy Tail defeats the Four Emperors]

Look at the horrible headlines on the morning newspaper news.

The whole sea once again blew a Category 12 hurricane storm.

For a time, the sound of lying down echoed over the world, enduring.



East China Sea.

Coco Yasi Village.


Windmill Ah Jian and other villagers couldn't help but round their eyes and blurted out.

"Nana... Nami's bounty turned out to be more than 300 million berry, this this... What the hell is going on here? "

"This should be the root, President Su Yu took Nami and them to defeat the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Group!"

The blue-haired girl Nuo Qi muttered in shock, unable to help herself for a long time.



Great Route, Cape Gemini. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Oh roar, roar, really worthy of President Su Yu, really worthy of being the tail of the fairy!"

Brooke, who died with only a handful of bones left, laughed.

"Although I knew there would be this day for a long time, I didn't expect that so soon, the future we saw on that island would change!"

The lighthouse old man Kulokas murmured.



Kingdom of Alabastan.

"Lord Kobra, the world government is too much!"

"Obviously, President Su Yu and Princess Weiwei are doing good things..."

"And yet they actually ... Even Karu was offered a reward of 100 million, Karu is just a duck! "

Ikarim, Hayabusa's Bell, and jackal Gaka were all indignant.

"Although it's a duck, Kalu is now a duck of Fairy Tail!"

King Kobra shook his head.



Chambordi Islands.

Mangrove number thirteen.

Xia Qi's rip-off bar.

"Unexpectedly, even Xia Lulu and Karu were rewarded, it seems that the world government is really in a bit of a hurry!"

Xia Qi spit out the smoke ring and said slowly.

"This is also a matter of course, after all, the growth rate of Fairy Tail is too fast, and it has been above the Four Emperors in just one year to go to sea, plus what they are doing is deeply popular with the people..."

Reilly took a sip of wine and sighed to himself.

"In terms of threats to the world government, they are much bigger than our Roger Group, or even the Rocks Pirates, the overlord of the sea thirty-six years ago!"



Nine Snakes, the country of daughters.

"Snake Ji, look, this is the tail of the fairy! They are already the real Four Emperors... No, in my opinion, they are already the God King team above the sea! "

The sour plum-faced Guroliosa shouted in shock.

"Fairy Tail... Su Yu... My lord...... Enjoy...... Like..."

Pirate Lady Emperor Boyahan Cook's little heart thumped.



New world.


Red-haired pirates.

"Head, this is really amazing!"

"Unknowingly, such a huge force appeared!"

"Even that Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido was defeated, and the strength of the fairy tail is still above our imagination!"

"Even if it's our goblin tail, it doesn't necessarily..."

Raziru, Jesus, Bendick and other cadres were all embarrassed and emotional.

"Compared to Fairy Tail, I care more about this now!"

First Captain Beckman pulled out another newspaper.

One Piece Island Hive, disappeared!!

Captain Wang Zhi of the Five Peaks, destroyed!!

"What's wrong with this world? It wasn't enough for a fairy tail to appear, and a mysterious powerhouse popped up again! "

"Yes, this Wang Zhi, no matter what, is one of the legends of the old era!"

"I think at the beginning, even it took us a lot of effort to win Wang Zhi!"

"However、、、 someone single-handedly brushed the entire Beehive Island..."

"Needless to say, this is also an imperial !!"

All the cadres of the red-haired pirate group looked solemn.

"Ahahahaha, is it possible, I mean probable, that this mysterious powerhouse who single-brushed Hive Island is also a member of Fairy Tail?"

Four Emperors red-haired Shanks guessed.

Hizzle ~~~


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