Headquarters of the Navy, Marinfodo, Marshal's Office.

Sengoku gritted his teeth, only feeling headaches, stomach pains, and pain everywhere in his body.

Two days ago.

Get Gion's report.

When the red dog disobeys the order and blocks the fairy tail from heading to Egghead Island.

Under the heart of the Warring States, a faint sense of foreboding arose, and now, it has indeed come true.

Of course, Sengoku also understood the reason for the red dog's obstruction.

Dr. Vegapunk is the most important talent resource for the Navy and government.

His security level is even enough to benchmark Mary Joa's Draco.

Under normal circumstances, pirates have a way to kill just by trying to get close to Vegapunk.

Agreeing to Su Yu's request was also based on the good conduct of Fairy Tail.

In addition, at that time, Su Yu just let Boni and the three go, and he did not want to go.

That's why the Warring States will readily agree.


Two days ago, the chaotic entry of the general Akainu completely disrupted the rhythm and triggered the worst result.

"Sakaski's actions two days ago have already aroused the dissatisfaction of the man 19, and he did not go directly to the naval base, perhaps it was already the result of his restraint!"

The Grand Staff Lieutenant General Tsuru said faintly.

"I would rather I hope he goes to Sakaski PK now, and that man's landing on Egghead Island is even more disturbing!"

Marshal Warring States Road.

"Marshal of the Warring States"

At this moment, the green-haired brigadier Brannu ran over in a panic.

"Above... The direct order of the five old stars, now immediately send a hundred warships to surround Egghead Island! "



New world.

Future Island Egghead.

Led by punk02 Lilith.

Su Yu and Boni walk through a steel jungle and hidden caves.


A coconut grove appeared in front of Su Yu and Boni.

Also appearing in the sight of the two at the same time was a huge robot with ruins.

"Hey, evil, what are you doing, why did you come here with the Four Emperors? That's a secret that can't be exposed! "

An angry voice suddenly sounded.

"I came to take them to find the body, after all, they readily agreed to let me study their ship, so of course I have to give some sincerity!"

Punk02 Lilith said of course.

"Even if that's the case, it can't..."

Ignoring the complaints of other Vegapunk.

"Hey, ontology, you're here!"

Punk02 Lilith shouted.

After a moment of silence.


The sound of explosions came.


An old man with a long tongue and an apple head was swept into the sky by an explosion.

Su Yu flicked his fingers.

The ball of gravity wrapped the old man and landed smoothly.

"Saved, thank you so much, Fairy Tail Guild President Su Yu, I saw you on the news!"

Vegapunk let out a long breath, and his gaze immediately fell on Bonnie.

"Boni-chan, I haven't seen you for a long time, it's not a long time, I've seen your reports on the news, life in Fairy Tail must be interesting, your happy life is really better than anything!"

Vegapunk said with a look of relief.

"No kidding, Vegapunk, don't say the same words as your elders!"

Bonnie rebuked indignantly.

"Besides, what's going on with your head? What about the head that looks like a big light bulb? "

"Ah, that, because it is so big, I cut it!"

Vegapunk touched his head and explained casually.

"Don't act like you've just cut your hair!"

Bonnie couldn't help but complain.

"I am a brain person who eats the brain fruit, with an infinite brain smelting that can memorize all the knowledge, as the amount of data increases, the brain will become larger and larger, coupled with my natural genius, the brain becomes infinite data punk, so that the world's largest brain has been cultivated, and now it is continuing to become huge!"

Vegapunk looked proudly at the huge egghead in the center of the island.

"My dream is that one day this brain will become a prop for humans to share knowledge, and all humans can upload data to each other to punk records, and then my brain will become an ocean of knowledge!"

"In other words, do you want to build an Internet platform with one person, it's really amazing!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Su Yu, after actually seeing and hearing it, couldn't help but marvel.

"No, no, President Su Yu is overprestigious, but what kind of network is the Internet, it sounds very interesting? Please also ask President Su Yu to advise! "

As a leading scientist, Vegapunk is keenly aware of this epochal term.

"The so-called Internet is that the whole world can ..."

Since Vegapunk asked, Su Yu did not hide it.

When the Internet system for the future is succinct.

"Nani! The world has become a village, President Su Yu, you you you... Have you ever used this internet? "

Vegapunk was flabbergasted.


What Su Yu described was exactly the dream he pursued.

"Of course!"

Before crossing over, Su Yu was also a surfing adult on the Internet.

"This, this, this... So where exactly does this internet exist 490? Why have I never heard of it, and..."

Vegapunk asked excitedly.

The Internet revealed by Su Yu opened a new door for him.

"Wait a minute... Wait a minute"

Right at this moment.

Bonnie on the side suddenly shouted and inserted into the conversation between the two, and her small mouth pouted.

"Hahaha, sorry sorry, let's get back to the topic first, Vegapunk, Bassolomiu Bear should be on the island now!"

Su Yu asked.


Vegapunk nodded.

Of course, he also knew the intentions of Bonnie's trip.

"Lilith, bring President Su Yu and Boni-chan to the research layer, I will wait for you there!"

Say nothing.

Vegapunk's figure flickered.

Then it suddenly disappeared from the same place.

"So that's it, holograms, well, forget it, let's go to the research layer!"

Punk02 Lilith took the lead.

The time is short.

Su Yu and Boni land on the research layer at the core of Egghead Island.

The Vegapunk Entity and the other doppelgangers are already waiting.

At the same time, there is also the Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bartholomew Bear!!


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