"Everyone, something is bad!"

Yamato shouted in a hurry.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? "

"Could it be that something happened to the president?"

"What's wrong with the guild president?"

A group of demon tail girls hurriedly and nervously stepped forward.

"No... Not the president, this is the newspaper from three days ago, Ace ... Ace has been caught by the navy and is about to be publicly executed! "

Yamato's face was full of nervousness and anxiety.

"What, it turns out that this is it, what a fuss ~ strange, Yamato!"

Runtian said indifferently.

"Don't say that, Run, Ace is my friend!"

Yamato serious Tao.

Ace was the first friend she made in this world.

Now seeing that Ace was arrested and about to be executed, Yamato naturally would not be indifferent.

"This Ace is a person on the Whitebeard Ship, he will be publicly executed, and he has his own Whitebeard Pirate Group to be responsible, so don't make a mess!"

Runnian waved her hand.

"I didn't expect that when we were on vacation, this kind of thing happened, and now the war between the navy and the whitebeard pirate group is inevitable!"

Robin frowned.

"Rebby, what's wrong with you?"

Mirajen asked.

"Ace... Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates is Luffy's older brother! "

Rebby's face involuntarily appeared anxious.

"What to do? If Luffy knew, he would definitely ..."

"Calm down, Rebby, don't worry, the president's words must have known about this for a long time!"

Elusha hurriedly pacified.

"That's right!"

"The guild leader must already know!"

"Maybe the president's departure this morning is for this matter!"

"I didn't say it because I wanted us to enjoy our holiday!"

The fairy-tailed girls spoke one after another.

"Since we already know, then naturally we can't keep the guild leader busy, we are fairy tails!"

Mira said seriously.


All the girls nodded.



No wind bands.

Nine Snake Daughter Country.

"Pirate Lady Emperor Boyahan Cook, convey to you the extraordinary summoning order of the government, now immediately set out, follow me to the naval headquarters to participate in the battle, and fulfill the obligations of the Seven Wuhai!"

The elite vice admiral of the naval headquarters said in a deep voice.

"Concubine refuses!"

Pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook refused without hesitation.

"Pirate Female Emperor, if you refuse, you may be deprived of your title of Seven Martial Seas!"

Lieutenant General Squirrel did not finish speaking.

"No, it won't, even if you don't go to the concubine body, it will still be the Seven Wuhai, because the concubine body is so beautiful!"

Pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook spoke haughtily.

Sweet and sweet!!

The pink petrified rays will petrify all the sailors who have eliminated Lieutenant General Squirrel.

Not often.

Daughter country, castle tower.

"Snake Ji, what are you thinking!"

The sour plum-faced old woman Guroliosa broke in irritably.

It's night.

"Pirate Emperor, have you decided?"

Lieutenant General Squirrel solemnly looked at the female emperor Han Cook who had arrived again.

"There is a problem with the concubine's body!"

The female emperor Han Cook spoke.

"This war, Sue ... Will Fairy Tail appear? "


Lieutenant General Squirrel was stunned.

"I don't know the specifics, but Marshal Sengoku has indeed commissioned Fairy Tail!"

"That is, the concubine has the opportunity to be with Su... With Fairy Tail? "

Emperor Han Cook asked.

"Alas, there is a possibility!"

Lieutenant General Squirrel nodded stunnedly.

"In that case, let's go!"

The female emperor Han Cook arrived.


Lieutenant General Squirrel is completely stupid.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure it out.

What does this Qiwu Hai summon have to do with Fairy Tail.



Time passes.

In the blink of an eye, it was another four days.

Chambordi Islands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mangrove number thirteen.

Jingle bell ~

"Xia Qi, we're back!"

Renly pushed the door in.

"Ah, welcome back, how is Little Monchi's practice?"

Xia Qi brought the wine to Reilly.

"Luffy is indeed very talented!"

Renly nodded appreciatively.

In just one week.

Straw Hat Luffy has already made progress from zero to one.

Initially comprehended the power of the domineering tricolor, and the entry was successful.

"Next, I will take Luffy to continue advanced training, this time may be out for a longer time!"

Reilly took a sip of wine and said casually.

"That's right, you guys will leave in three days!"

Xia Qi said.

"Three days later? Why? "

Renly was puzzled.

"Old Ray, don't you know what happened recently?"

Xia Qi said and handed a newspaper to Renly.

After seeing the above report, even Renly couldn't help but gasp.

"Hey, hey, is the Navy serious? You actually want to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates? They don't want the headquarters of the Navy anymore? "

Renly's eyes widened in shock.

"Whitebeard? It seems to be somewhat familiar. "

The straw hat boy who was concentrating on practicing domineering on the side tilted his head and suddenly stunned.

"Ah, I remember, the Whitebeard Pirates are where Ace is! They are going to war with the Navy, so is Ace going too? "

Straw Hat Luffy quickly asked.

"It's not a question of whether to go or not, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, is the fuse of this war!"

Xia Qi said.

"Huh? Esta... What's wrong? "

Straw Hat Luffy was puzzled.

"Fire Fist Ace has been arrested and detained by the Navy, and will be publicly executed at the headquarters of the Navy in three days"

Xia Qi replied.

"Then again, little Monchi, what is your relationship with Fire Fist? Why is it so off..."

Without waiting for Xia Qi to finish speaking.

Next second.

"Ace... Ace, he's my brother!! "

Straw Hat Luffy had an unprecedented look of panic on his face.


"Ace... So powerful Ace, how could he be caught by the Navy? "

Straw Hat Kid's soulless whisper.

"Ace under Whitebeard is Little Monchi, your 、、、 brother!"

Xia Qi was stunned.

"Ace... Ace is going to be executed, no, how can it go on like this, I'm going, I'm going to save him now! "

Straw Hat Luffy got up hesitantly.

"Calm down, Luffy, it's not something you can get involved in!"

Renly held Luffy the straw hat with one hand.


"It's okay, little Monchi, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely not let their partners be killed and remain indifferent... In addition, the same is true of the revolutionary army, your father will not watch his son be executed! "

Xia Qi analyzed.

"But... Ace, he's not my father's son! "

Straw Hat Luffy Road.


Reilly and Xia Qi were stunned again.

"Ace and I are sworn brothers, and Ace's biological father is One Piece Roger!"

Straw Hat Luffy reveals this shocking secret that is not known.

As his words fell, the huge bar fell into a deathly silence.

A moment later.

"Nani, Ace is my eldest nephew!!"

... Then....

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