Time is fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, another three days.


The day of execution, comes.

The time is eleven o'clock in the morning.

There are only four hours left before the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

All over the world, boiling.

An oppressive and tense atmosphere envelopes the sea.

The southeast, southwest, northwest, and the great shipping route, countless people nervously look forward to it.

Everyone knows that the Four Emperors Whitebeard is a human being who is more terrifying than the evil ghost.

Among the many pirates with stars in the sky.

Whitebeard is always the one who stands the most terrible.

This era is called Whitebeard!!

Today, this terrifying existence represents an era.

After years of silence, it is about to fully awaken.

The public execution of Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, was the fuse.

The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the headquarters of the Navy is about to begin.


"Four hours to go!"

"In four hours, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy will be..."

"Nope! Wrong! Not four hours, the war will start much earlier! "

"Maybe in the next instant, the Whitebeard Pirates will appear!"

Chambordi Islands, mangrove number 30, full of people.

This is the Navy's designated place for live broadcasts of war.

The Navy headquarters' video phone worm transmits the signal to the large screen here in real time.

This is the moment.

Almost all the people of the Chambord Islands gather here.

In addition, there are reporters from major news agencies around the world, sightseeing tours from all over the world...

People who are able to do so set out to witness this epoch-making war.

"Where will the world go in the future?"

"Will Whitebeard really appear? Just for a partner! "

"It will definitely appear, Whitebeard is definitely not the kind of man who will leave his partner alone!"

"As early as a few days ago, the huge whale ship Moby Dick could not be seen in the New World!"

"And those famous New World captains under Whitebeard, some witnesses have seen that they have reached the first half!"

"This war can no longer be stopped, Whitebeard and the Navy, who can win today?"

"I have a hunch that the greatest war of our time will soon begin!"



Tick Tick!

The hands of the clock move slowly.

At a certain moment.

The hour and minute hands coincide with the seconds at the top of the total.

It means that the time is twelve o'clock sharp.


Chambord Islands Live Plaza.

Snowflakes of light and shadow flashed on the big screen on three live broadcasts.

A spectacular sight ensued.

It was the headquarters of the Navy at this moment, Marinfodo.

The 100,000 naval elites gathered from all over the world lined up in a solemn and solemn manner.

The high fighting spirit of the strong men was united, and even the white clouds in the sky were disintegrated.

At present, this naval headquarters seems to have turned into a Longtan tiger's den, waiting for the white-bearded pirate group to throw themselves into the net.

"Oh, oh, what a spectacular sight, look, in front of it are His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas!"

"That demon-like guy is Qiwu Sea Moonlight Moria, he is still alive!"

"Moria's words, didn't I hear that it has been defeated by Fairy Tail? What a lucky guy! "

"Leave Moria alone, look at it, that's the female emperor!" Pirate Lady Emperor Boyahan Cook Lord ~"

"The world's number one beauty, really worthy of the name, I want to be the dog of the female emperor!"

The melon-eating masses in the Chambord Live Broadcast Square, both men and women, were all captured by the beauty of the Pirate Female Emperor, and even more, they were directly petrified on the spot.

"In addition to the Pirate Emperor and Moria, there are also the Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bear and the world's number one sword hero Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"I seem to have heard that there is also a new Seven Wuhai, why didn't it appear?"

"Don't care so much, look at the total combat force of the Navy!"

"Ten phalanxes, 100,000 people! More importantly, these 100,000 people are not ordinary naval soldiers, they are all the elite of the navy! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the Chambord Live Broadcast Square, reporters and melon-eating people shouted excitedly.

The live broadcast came to the execution table.

The first is directly below the execution table.

A dozen vice admirals of the naval headquarters - Stoloberg, Stérez, Dalmesia, Bastyeu, Maynard, Gumir, Jonathan, Kongming, Mozambia were lined up.

On either side of them, there were also six giant lieutenant generals such as John Jaindo, Longzi, and Laculowa, standing like a hill, motionless as a mountain.

Followed by.

The picture goes to the second floor of the execution table.

Squirrel, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Burning Mountain and other elite vice admirals of the naval headquarters stood calmly.

In addition, there is also a legendary veteran of the Navy - Grand Staff Vice Admiral Tsuru!

As well as one of the pillars of the Navy, the legendary Vice Admiral - Hero Karp!

On top of this.

Three chairs side by side.

General Qingji Kuzan!

General Sakaski!

General Yellow Ape Borusalino!

The three highest combat forces of the naval headquarters sat on Erlang's legs.


In the Chambord Live Broadcast Square, the mood of the melon-eating masses rose to the extreme.

"That's the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters!"

"Three admirals plus the team of vice admirals represented by Hero Karp ..."

"It's really spectacular, I've never seen such a luxurious lineup!"

"In this way, even if the other party is the world's strongest male fourth emperor Whitebeard?"

"Even if it is the Whitebeard Pirates, there will be no return today!"

"Hmm, oh, look, the protagonist this time, the executioner Fire Fist Ace has appeared!" "

The live broadcast screen turned and came to the other side of the execution table.

Under the escort of two executioners armed with long knives.

The fuse that triggered the all-out war between the naval headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates was killed.

The captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, took heavy steps and stepped onto the execution table step by step.

The picture then came to Marshal Sengoku.

Marshal Sengoku's gaze swept across the audience, and then he took out a small phone bug from his pocket.

"Today is an important day!"

The voice of Marshal Sengoku resounded throughout the Navy headquarters through the telephone worm.

At the same time, it was clearly heard by the people of the Chambordi Island Live Square.

"Before the execution begins, I have one more thing to inform you about the great significance of today's public execution!"


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