Sing the world.

Headquarters of the Navy, Malinfodo.

The much-anticipated war on top is over.

There is no intervention of the Straw Hat Kid, the Child of Destiny.

The war lost many twists and turns.

Everything went as the Navy expected.

The execution of Fire Fist Ace proceeded as scheduled.

The world's strongest man, the Four Emperors Whitebeard, was also won in the wheel war.

The eradication of the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates is also proceeding smoothly.

Different from the top battle of the original plot line.

In this battle, more than ninety percent of the Whitebeard Pirates' group was lost in this war.

Of course

The Navy also paid a considerable price.

The damage to personnel is more than twice the original plot line.


In the opinion of the marshals, the warring states, as well as many hawkish admirals.

All this sacrifice was worth it!!

Today's war, they have done their best.


On the execution table, Marshal Sengoku stepped on Ace's pool of blood and spoke again.

"Today's war, thanks to the bloody battles of everyone here, we have achieved unprecedented results! In a corner of the Four Emperors of the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates led by Whitebeard Edward Newgate have been defeated by us! "

"Celebrate! Cheers! Thanks to the efforts of the princes, the pirate forces that continue to grow barbarically in this sea will be greatly contained, we have kept the peace of the civilians, we have kept justice! "

Marshal Sengoku delivered a series of impassioned post-war speeches.


The audience applauded and cheered thunderously.

"Whew, it's really great, Sister He!"

Under the execution table, Gion wiped the fragrant sweat from his forehead and let out a long breath.

"What's so good?"

Lieutenant General Tsuru asked.

"Of course, we defeated the Whitebeard Pirates, and Fairy Tail and Su Yu were not involved in this war!"

Gion Road.

"It would be great if that was the case!"

Lieutenant General Tsuru's faint whisper.


Gion was stunned.

Follow the line of sight of Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Gion saw Lieutenant General Karp.

Without saying a word at this moment, he walked towards the ruined headquarters building.



Chambordi Islands, Live Square.

"Knot... It's over! "

"War ... The war is over! "

"Sure enough, as I expected, this is a great victory for the Navy!"

"Uh-oh, oh, great, it's really good, a big tumor of the sea has been removed!"

"Fire Fist Ace was executed, the four emperors Whitebeard died in battle, and the Whitebeard Pirate Group was defeated, great, really good!"

"This is simply the best result, and the sea will surely usher in true peace in the future!"

"Hahahaha, what the strongest man in the world, what four emperors with a white beard, is not vulnerable in front of the navy!"

"The strongest man in the world has long been changed, Whitebeard is already old, and the real strongest in the world is the one with Fairy Tail!"

The melon-eating masses gathered in the square were cheering and discussing hotly.

"Hey, journalists, what are you doing?"

"The war is over, hurry up and publish the results!"

"Yes, the world is waiting for your news!"

Some of the melon-eating masses urged.

"Of course we know this kind of thing!"

"Just 、、、"

"We've tried it countless times!"

"Since just now, I can't contact the outside world!"

"The signal on this island is completely cut off!"

The reporters of the major news agencies were sweating profusely.

"Can't get in touch with the outside world? This is a matter of course, because 、、、 the space we are in has long changed! "

Magician Hawkins whispered faintly.

"It is too early to celebrate the results and victories of the war!"

Cappenbeki, the godfather of the mafia, spoke in a deep voice.

"The situation has gone to an unknown path from the beginning!"

Death surgeon Trafalgaro Road.

"Today's war on top of the naval headquarters is not over!"

Fallen Rear Admiral Drake looked dark.

"It's better to say that everything is just beginning!"

Empty Island Monster Monk Urki Dao.

"Kidd, who is behind all this? Is it really only that fairy tail? "

Killing warrior Kira Dao.

"This kind of thing, no one knows until the results come out!"

Captain Kidd had several black lines in front of his eyes.


...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Floating island, square.

"Hahahahaha, Whitebeard, you are still on the end after all, in this way, the legend of the old era is really only Uncle Ben!"

Golden Lion Shiji said with a big laugh.

Yet beneath the surface laughter.

But there are still deep regrets.

"'How so, Ace... And the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone turned out to be ..."

Since witnessing Ace's execution, Yamato's face has been pale and bloodless.

Immense sadness filled her whole body, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Let the festival change smoothly!"

Runni patted Yamato's shoulder, rarely targeting again.

"Ace... Luffy's brother is dead, if Luffy knows..."

Rebby's eyes turned red sharply, and tears couldn't stop falling.

"There's no way around it!"

"Without the guild leader's order, we can't act rashly!"

"To be honest, I also have a slight affection for the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Although he is a pirate, he shelters the civilians in the territory for free!"

"The usual food and clothing is also by capturing other pirates in exchange for bounties!"

"Their downfall, far from making the sea peaceful, will lead to great turmoil!"

"And that (Zhao) Ace, although a little out of tune, but really a good person!"

"After all, not many people in this world are willing to give everything they have for the country where Pingshui meets!"

The demon tail girls couldn't help but shake their heads regretfully.

"That's not right!"

Elusha suddenly shook her head violently.

"What's wrong?"

Nami asked.

"Based on my understanding of the president, he will definitely not be absent from such a lively event, and the lone departure of the president a week ago is the biggest evidence!"

Elusha said resolutely.

"That's right, in fact, I also know, on the eve of the guild president's departure, he once took away several confidential commissions, both naval and whitebearded pirates!"

Mira Zhen nodded lightly.

"So, what the hell is going on now?"

Wei Wei and the others were puzzled.

"Well, everyone, look at it, President... That's the president! "


... Even....

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