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Chapter 116 Hydrogen Bombs Uranus, And Im Is Terrified! (Subscribe)

In addition to the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates, other countries in the New World were also hit by tsunamis one after another.

The closer you are to where Uranus attacks, the higher the tsunami waves will be and the greater the damage to the country.

The aftermath of Uranus is centered on the original location of the Custer Kingdom and continues to spread in all directions.

First New World, then through the Calm Belt and into the Four Seas.

In other words, the Red Line can temporarily isolate the tsunami attack, greatly reducing the power of the tsunami.

In short, on this day, earthquakes and tsunamis of different magnitudes occurred all over the world, and the number of casualties was incalculable.

The power of Uranus is so terrifying that ordinary humans cannot resist it, even if it is just the aftermath.

Among the high-altitude clouds in the New World, the giant steel dragon is suspended here.

Reynold, Hawkeye, and others stood on the dragon's head, looking down at the huge sea eye below.

"What on earth is this?"

Hawkeye asked again, but this time his voice was hoarse and trembling.

Enel, Yamato and Robin also looked at Reynolds with pale faces, and the fear in their eyes was visible to the naked eye.

Reynold said expressionlessly: "This is Ancient Weapon, Uranus."

Reynold raised a finger and pointed at the clouds in the sky, explaining: "Uranus is like a super battleship that is always suspended in the sky. The laser just now is the attack released by Uranus."

"It will destroy all set targets and completely wipe them out from the cellular level without leaving any trace, as if they had never appeared in the world."

"Uranus! Ancient Weapon Uranus, Uranus!"

Robin exclaimed when he heard the word Uranus.

Apparently she knew about Uranus' existence.

Years of studying historical texts have made Robin's understanding of Ancient Weapons far superior to that of 99% of people in the sea.

Hawkeye's face also changed dramatically. Although he didn't know as much as Robin, he had also heard of Uranus' reputation.

Uranus, Poseidon and Pluton, the three ancient Weapons.

Legend has it that everything has the power to destroy the world.

I had only heard about it before, but I didn't expect to witness the power of Uranus to destroy the world with my own eyes today.

Compared with the devastating attacks released by Uranus, human power is too small and insignificant.

"Is it an attack launched by the world government?"

Robin looked at Reynolds and asked nervously.

"No, it's Celestial Dragons."

Reynold shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "The World Government and the Celestial Dragons are not the same concept. Only the Celestial Dragons, the group is qualified to use the Medical King.

Reynold didn't tell them about Im's existence, and they didn't need to know.

"It is precisely because of the existence of Uranus that the Celestial Dragons can rule the world for 800 years and stand firm!"

Reynold said this sentence word by word, and each word was like thunder exploding in several people's ears.

"I see, it's not surprising."

Enel murmured to himself and suddenly realized, "It turns out that there are destructive weapons like Uranus. No wonder the Celestial Dragons are so useless, but they can still dominate the world.

Hawkeye said slowly: "The Celestial Dragons have ruled the world for eight hundred years. Is this their background? It is indeed unfathomable."

"Before, I was really sitting in a well and looking at the sky."

Hawkeye showed a wry smile. He never thought that one day he would become a frog with bottom.

"You already knew that, right? Otherwise you wouldn't have moved the entire Custer Kingdom."

Hawkeye looked at Reynolds and said with certainty.

"That's natural."

Reynold stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "In order to defeat the Celestial Dragons and the World Government, I have been planning for so long, so I will naturally make all preparations.

"Although Uranus is terrifying, it didn't hurt a hair on my head."

As soon as these words came out, Hawkeye, Enel, Robin and others all smiled.

Reynolds is right, Uranus's power is indeed terrifying, but it cannot hit the target, so no matter how powerful it is, it is useless.

Just like this time, Uranus' attack came unexpectedly, but it was unexpected that Reynold had been prepared for it.

Uranus's indiscriminate bombardment even penetrated the sea, but only killed a group of fish and Sea Kings, and did not threaten Reynolds at all.

This is like hitting mosquitoes with a super laser cannon, thankless and ridiculous.

"Then what do we do next? The Celestial Dragons have already used Uranus, and he won't stop until he kills us."

"We can avoid it the first time, but we may not be able to avoid it the second time."

Robin looked at Reynolds, his expression still solemn.

Reynold sneered: "Celestial Dragons has Uranus. It's not like I don't have a trump card in my hand. It just depends on whose card is stronger.

As soon as these words came out, Hawkeye Enel and others all thought of the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile.

But they didn't know that Reynold was not talking about the ordinary Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile, but the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile carrying a hydrogen warhead.

A hydrogen bomb with a yield of 100 million tons is more than 300 times more powerful than an atomic bomb with a yield of 300,000 tons.

As soon as Reynolds finished speaking, there was a sound of breaking wind behind him.

Several people looked back and saw a Devil Terminator flying at supersonic speed, heading straight into the high-altitude clouds.

This is what Reynold has been preparing for.

Im wanted to use Uranus to kill him, and Reynold also wanted to take the opportunity to destroy Uranus with a hydrogen bomb.

He has been searching with space satellites for so long, but has not found any trace of Uranus.

Now that Uranus has finally appeared, Reynolds will naturally not miss this great opportunity.


Blue flames erupt from the Devil's Terminator's feet and fly at extremely high speeds.

Because the speed is too fast, the friction with the atmosphere has caused extremely high temperatures in their heads.

Fortunately, Adamantium alloy is almost indestructible, so it still didn't turn red.

Moreover, Reynold's surface of the hydrogen bomb is also protected with heat-resistant materials to ensure that the hydrogen bomb will not be affected by high temperatures when it passes through the weather layer.

At the same time, a virtual screen was suspended in front of Reynold, which was the image sent back by the Terminator.

The Devil Terminator soared into the sky carrying a hydrogen bomb and quickly penetrated an altitude of 10,000 meters.

20,000 meters, 30,000 meters, 50,000 meters, and soon broke through 100,000 meters.

Reynolds guessed correctly, Uranus flew at a very high altitude, more than 500,000 kilometers above the ground.

Ordinary intercontinental missiles simply cannot hit their targets.

But the Devil's Terminator flies at more than thirty times the speed of sound and will arrive soon.

Soon, a black spot appeared on the virtual screen, and then the black spot began to grow in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the full picture of Uranus appeared in front of Reynold's eyes.

"This is Uranus!"

The moment Hawkeye, Enel, Yamato and Robin saw Uranus, their eyes widened and they were extremely focused, staring at Uranus without missing a single detail.

Uranus looked like a giant island suspended in outer space. It was made of unknown materials and covered with various weird metal patterns.

By zooming in, De saw clearly the bottom of Uranus.

I saw that there were countless thick muzzles at the bottom of Uranus, which were densely packed and extremely ferocious, making people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

Reynold knew that each of these thick muzzles was a laser cannon, and the laser rays just now were emitted from these muzzles.

"Hey, hey, this is a bit ridiculously big, isn't it?"

"How did such a huge thing get into outer space?"

Enel couldn't help but speak.

"It should be the Devil Fruit ability."

Yamato said: "Besides the Devil Fruit ability, I can't think of any other way to send such a behemoth into outer space."

"No, technology can also do it."

Robin shook his head and said.

She looked at Reynold, Reynold's presence was the best example.

The Devil's Terminator penetrated the atmosphere at super fast speed and approached Uranus at extremely high speed.

At the same time, Uranus also discovered the existence of the Devil's Terminator and immediately passed the signal to Im.

Holy Land Mariejois, deep in Pangu City, underground palace.

Im, who was sitting safely on the throne of the void, suddenly opened his eyes, which were extremely blood-red and cold and ruthless.


A soft cry showed Im's surprise and uneasiness.

"What's wrong? Lord Im?"

The three Five Elders were still kneeling on the ground. When they heard Im's voice, they all raised their heads.

But they didn't dare to look directly at Im's face, and stopped when they saw Im's ankles.

"Mu's attack failed."

Im said slowly.


"How can this be?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The faces of the three Five Elders changed drastically, they broke out in cold sweat, and they couldn't believe what Im said.

"That's Uranus' attack. No creature can dodge it."

"Reynold should have been completely wiped out, and the Custer Kingdom should have completely disappeared."

The three Five Elders were extremely panicked, at a loss what to do, and felt their brains went blank.

They couldn't believe it that someone could avoid Uranus' attack.

"Is it because Reynold was not in the Custer Kingdom that he was lucky enough to save his life?"

"Yes, that must be the case."

"Reynold, it's impossible to avoid Uranus' attack. He must be lucky.

The three Five Elders began to make excuses for Uranus.

They would rather believe that Reynold was just lucky than that Uranus' attack would fail.

In their view, Uranus could never fail. 447 This is the Celestial Dragons' clan-killing artifact, and failure is never allowed.

If even Uranus can't kill Reynold, what other weapon in the world can kill Reynold?

Just thinking about it makes Five Elders tremble with fear and fear.

"There's an attack on Uranus."

At this moment, Yi Hua said something again.

As soon as these words came out, the three Five Elders' eyes widened instantly.

"What? Attack on Uranus?"

The three Five Elders felt like their brains had been punched, their brains went blank, and their ears were buzzing.

Uranus is suspended in outer space. Who can attack Uranus?

Besides, what kind of attack can hit Uranus? It's impossible.

Unless it's Pluton, who is also an Ancient Weapon.

The three Five Elders have completely lost the ability to think, and their hearts are filled with shock and panic.

"Shut up and don't interrupt your thoughts."

Im shouted coldly, and invisible pressure appeared again, overwhelming the three Five Elders and telling them to shut up.

At the same time, Uranus is controlled remotely to launch attacks on incoming objects.

I don’t know what means Im used to remotely control Uranus from an ultra-long distance.

Uranus received Im's instructions, and several thick laser muzzles at the bottom began to rotate and change direction, aiming at the Devil's Terminator approaching at extremely fast speeds.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thick laser rays shot out, instantly cutting through tens of thousands of meters of air and shooting towards the Devil's Terminator.

The Terminator's intelligent system detects laser attacks in advance, quickly analyzes the laser trajectory, and then avoids it immediately.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

I saw the Devil Terminator quickly change direction and dodge all the laser rays.

However, Uranus's attack will not be just one wave. Laser rays like a torrential rain have poured down, covering an area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius, blocking all the Devil's Terminator's escape routes.

Laser rays fell from the sky, hit the sea, triggered a super explosion, and blasted huge holes in the sea.

The Devil's Terminator quickly shuttled through the laser rainstorm, dodging countless laser rays, and finally got close enough.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The hydrogen warhead intercontinental nuclear missile was successfully ignited and approached Uranus at extremely high speed.

Carrying the Devil Terminator, the initial speed of this intercontinental nuclear missile exceeded thirty times the speed of sound. .

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