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Chapter 33: Kill Enel With One Punch, Such A Weak God (Please Collect It, Please Give Me Flowers)

"No, let us go, we will never come here again."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"Please, please let me go. I still have a sick wife and two four-year-old daughters at home."

"My wife is still waiting for me to come home. I can't die here."

A dozen pirates were running and begging for mercy. The soles of their feet had long been worn out, leaving bloody footprints with every step they took.

But still no one stopped and they were all trying their best to escape.

Just because there is a cruel god chasing them behind their backs.

Enel releases lightning bolts from the sky, which can kill all the pirates at once, but only kills the last one every time.

Sometimes he missed the target on purpose, just to see the pirate's frightened expression and scream of despair.

This is hunting, and the more miserable the prey, the greater the pleasure the hunter gets.

The reason why not to kill all the pirates at once is to make the fun last longer.

Sky Island is very remote, and it will take a long time before some unlucky Qinghai people are washed up on Sky Island by the soaring currents.

If you kill them all at once, Enel will be very boring for the rest of his life.

call out! call out! call out!

At this moment, several laser beams fell from the sky, accurately hitting the fleeing pirates and piercing their bodies.

With a loud noise, the laser exploded, killing all the pirates.

These pirates who were worse than dead were finally freed, and it was Reynold who helped them.


"How dare you disturb the gods' game!"

Enel's expression changed and he quickly looked in the direction of the laser, but there was no one there.

"Where are you looking?"

Suddenly a cold voice sounded behind Enel. Enel was shocked and turned around to look as lightning erupted from his body.

But there was still nothing behind him.

Obviously he heard the sound, and Observation Haki also captured the human aura, but he couldn't find it.

"Here it is."

The sound sounded again, and Enel immediately looked up, finally seeing Reynolds suspended in mid-air.

"Who are you? When did you get here?"

Enel's face instantly darkened.

He couldn't believe that someone could invade his side without being discovered under his Observation Haki perception.

The person in front of him was very strong, very strong. He was not at the same level as the Sky Island bastards and Qinghai pirates he had killed before.

"Enel, right? You have good abilities and are qualified to be my subordinate."

Reynold looked at Enel condescendingly and spoke slowly.

"As your subordinate?"

Enel's eyes widened, feeling insulted, and the anger in his heart burst out instantly, and he was furious, "Damn bastard, who do you think you are talking to?"

"Laozi is the supreme god, you ants, please kneel down!"

Enel waved the golden staff in his hand and beat the thunder drum behind him, gathering thunder and lightning to form a huge thunder beast.

The thunder beast roared, soared into the sky, and bared its teeth and claws to bite Reynold.

Sixty Million Volts Thunder Beast!

"The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know how deep the sky is!"

Looking at the thunder beast coming towards him, Reynold shook his head slightly, swayed, and turned into a black shadow and shot out. The charging thunder beast was instantly shattered by the black shadow.

The next second, Reynold appeared in front of Enel, wrapped his huge fist around Armament Haki, and smashed into Enel's face.

Because of his mercy, Reynold did not use barbs for fear of accidentally blowing Enel's head off.

Enel stood motionless, staring ahead with dull eyes, like a statue. He completely lost the ability to react at this moment, allowing Reynold's fist to fall on his face.


As soon as the punch landed, Enel's face instantly deformed, dented, and then turned into a cannonball and shot out backwards.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Loud noises continued to be heard in the forest. Wherever Enel passed, he didn't know how many big trees and boulders he broke.

It flew over a thousand meters and finally smashed a ruins wall into pieces before finally stopping.


Ruins and rubble poured down, completely burying Enel.

Enel was seen lying in the ruins with an obvious fist mark on his face.

His mouth and nose were bleeding profusely, and he had no idea how many teeth were missing. His eyes turned white to reveal his pupils, and he had completely lost consciousness.

"This is the God of Sky Island. He is indeed such a weak God!"

Fortunately, Reynold was merciful and not serious, otherwise he could have killed Enel with one punch.

Enel is also a person with Logia Thunder Fruit ability. Although he is a little arrogant, he still has strength and potential.

If he can be subdued, he can be considered an effective subordinate.

After giving Enel one last look, Reynold ignored him and walked towards the ruins of the golden city.

The golden city of Shantora is Reynold’s ultimate goal in coming to Sky Island.

"My intercontinental nuclear missile will be born soon."

When he thought of this, Reynolds couldn't suppress his inner excitement.

Soon, Reynolds came to the ruins of the golden city, but now there was only a pile of stones left here.

The gold has been collected by Enel.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the gold is in Sky Island, it can't escape Reynold's grasp.

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