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Chapter 35 Occupying Sky Island, Reynold’S Sky War Fortress (Please Collect It, Please Give Me Flowe

Just when Reynold was about to leave, his Observation Haki locked onto a group of auras approaching him at extremely fast speeds.

"I almost forgot, there are a few small miscellaneous fish on Sky Island."

Reynold smiled evilly.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Within a few minutes, the sound of rushing wind suddenly came from the forest.

There were figures flashing in the forest on both sides of Reynold at the same time, and then two people and horses had already sandwiched Reynold in the middle.

On the left are Enel's men, the so-called God's Guards. They are smaller in number, only a few people.

There are more people on the right side, and they are the powerful warriors of Sandia.

"The golden bell is missing!"

The leader of the war ghosts, Weber, saw that there was only a broken golden pillar left on the ground, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Hey you...."

At this moment, one of the God Guards spoke, but his attitude was very bad and somewhat bossy.

But just as he opened his mouth, a laser shot out of Reynold's palm and penetrated his chest instantly.

There was a loud bang, and the laser exploded violently, forming a huge Great Fireball with a diameter of more than twenty meters.

The shock wave of the explosion blew away the God's Guards, and everyone fell into a pool of blood, their life or death unknown.


The disastrous defeat of the God's Guard made the faces of Weber and other Sandia warriors change wildly. Everything Weber wanted to say was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say even a single word.

"Don't act rashly, this guy is stronger than Enel!"

Weber warned his companions behind him in a low voice.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "You are right, I am indeed stronger than Enel."

Weber's eyes widened, his expression was dull, his body was stiff and he didn't dare to move, and a drop of cold sweat slowly slipped from his forehead.

His companions behind him all froze in place.

Because at some point, Reynolds teleported into the middle of them.

A terrifying sense of oppression emanated, making them almost unable to breathe.

"Enel has been defeated by me. From today on, I am the new god of Sky Island."

Reynold's voice sounded slowly, "You warriors of Sandia will only be loyal to one person from now on, and that is me, Reynold Parritt."

"In return, you can get back the land left by your ancestors and the most precious treasures."


Weber was overjoyed, and the soldiers of Sandia behind him also showed joy.

“God doesn’t bother to lie to you.”

Reynold said calmly.

"But the golden clock..."

Weber hesitated to speak.

Reynold said disdainfully: "The golden clock is just a foreign object. Compared with the real treasure, it is just a drop in the bucket, garbage among the garbage."

"Did you see that huge stone? That is the text of history, and that is the most precious treasure left by the ancestors of Sandia."

"It records the blank history of eight hundred years ago, and it is also something that the ancestors of Shandia fought tooth and nail to protect."

Following Reynold's fingers, Weber and others saw a cubic boulder with densely written words carved on the front.

Weber had heard what the patriarch said about the historical text, so he believed Reynolds' words and immediately knelt down and saluted, "Dear God, Weber swears allegiance to you and is willing to sacrifice everything, including my life."

Behind Weber, Sandia's warriors also knelt down and saluted, showing their allegiance.

"Very good, this is the symbol of the Custer Kingdom. Make it into a flag and plant it on the territory of Sky Island."

Reynold nodded slightly, shot out a line of fire from his fingertips, and drew a Custer Kingdom logo on the ground.

"My subordinates will remember it."

Weber looked at Peugeot on the ground with a look of reverence on his face.

"Go and tell all the residents of Sky Island the news that their new god has been born."

Reynold waved his hand, and Weber immediately left with Sandia's soldiers quickly.

Now that Sky Island has been captured, Reynolds will naturally occupy this land.

If nothing else, the location of Sky Island is its unique geographical advantage.

Reserve troops and manufacture weapons here. No matter how strong Marine is, there is nothing he can do against him.

Not only that, Sky Island's unique weapons are very powerful, such as Sky Island shells, laser swords and other weapons, which are very popular in Qinghai and can expand Reynold's arms business.

And this is also a good place to stockpile atomic bombs. Atomic bombs fired from here can hit the target faster than those fired from the New World.

According to Reynold's plan, after successfully creating an atomic bomb, he will store the atomic bombs in many uninhabited islands, so as to deter the whole world.

Sky Island was the first launch point he selected. After Reynold slightly modified it, Sky Island became a sky war fortress.

And Reynold did not deceive Weber and others. Shandia's ancestors indeed valued the historical text very much and would sacrifice their lives to protect it.

Reynold gets the gold, and the Sandians get the text of history. Both sides get what they need, and everyone is happy.


With a thought, Reynolds has already sent a signal to the surrounding drone swarms.

Soon, a thousand drone swarms will fly to Sky Island to protect the safety of Sky Island.

Unfortunately, there are no metal mines on Sky Island, so Reynold cannot manufacture drone swarms, atomic bombs, or even weapons factories on site.

But it doesn’t matter, there will be Terminator troops stationed on Sky Island in the future, responsible for building weapons factories and mass-producing Sky Island weapons.

Since then, Sky Island has become the third territory under Reynolds and the location of the third weapons factory.

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