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Chapter 5 Creating An Army Of Terminators (Please Collect And Flowers)

The Devil Terminator also carries a long knife on his back, which is also made of Adamantium alloy and is extremely sharp.

With the hardness of Adamantium alloy, no knife in the world can match it, not even the supremely fast knife.


The Devil Terminator's eyes glowed red and he spoke human words, "Master, please give the order."

Reynold has already made adamantine into a devil terminator based on the knowledge in his mind.

Built-in smart chip, all systems are available.

Not only that, Reynold also added flight functions, shock absorption functions, and some other weapon systems, and instilled a large number of combat skills to make it stronger.

The original terminator, whether it was T800, T1000 or TX, did not have much weapon attack capabilities.

The T800 is just a robot, and can only use external guns for long-range attacks.

Because T1000 is a liquid metal robot, although it is not afraid of physical attacks and can change forms at will, it can only turn into cold weapons such as swords, and external guns are still used for long-range attacks.

The TX combines the advantages of the T800 and T1000. Although the weapon has evolved and can use a built-in plasma cannon, it is not very powerful.

Reynold directly improved the plasma cannon to make it more powerful, and also equipped it with small laser cannon technology, which is as powerful as Admiral Kizaru's flash bomb.

It has invincible Admiral alloy for defense. It is invulnerable to swords, water and fire, and is not afraid of nuclear bombs. Even if it stands and allows Admiral to attack at will, it will not be able to hurt it at all.

Its long-range attack capabilities include laser cannons and plasma cannons, which are comparable to Admiral Kizaru.

It has great close combat power, and it also has an extremely sharp sword made of Adamantium alloy. It can be said that it can kill people when it blocks people, and it can kill gods when it blocks gods.

Coupled with the ability to fly, it can come and go freely, and the built-in hydrogen battery energy source continuously supplies energy, giving it unlimited battery life.

This Devil Terminator is simply an Immune to Death, an ultimate killing weapon that cannot be broken and will never tire out. Its strength is definitely not inferior to that of the Marine Admiral.

The only drawback is that the Devil Terminator cannot use Haki and cannot attack those with Logia abilities.

And because it is made of metal, it is afraid of those with magnetic powers.

Based on this, a certain pirate who has not yet become famous has been put on Reynold's must-kill list.

"From today on, you are called Long Yi."

Reynold looked at the Terminator and said.

"Yes, Master, the code name record is completed."

The Terminator's eyes glow red.

"follow me."

Reynold walked towards the metal wall, which opened automatically, revealing the elevator passage behind it.

Long Yi followed closely behind him.

Through the elevator passage, Reynold took Long Yi to another huge underground space, which was Reynold's metal storage warehouse.

The metal reserve is directly connected to several mines in the kingdom. All refined pure metals will be transported here through underground passages, and will be transported away and sorted by logistics robots.

These logistics robots cannot be compared with Terminators. They can only do some simple transportation work, which is very rigid.

The metal storage warehouse is stacked with various metals, and there is a small pool in the corner containing liquid metal.

In the past year, Reynold has not only been selling arms, he has also been mining and successfully developed liquid metal.

Reynolds named it liquid silver metal.

However, it is difficult to make liquid silver metal, and raw materials are scarce, so large-scale mass production is not yet possible.

But this is only limited to the present. In the future, as Reynold's power continues to expand, he will have more and more resources, and liquid silver metal will naturally be able to achieve mass production.

With a thought, Reynold activated his mechanical fruit ability, and various metals in the underground space began to rapidly combine.

A series of tools such as high-temperature furnaces, robotic arms, conveyor belts, and precision machine tools are all automatically formed.

In just ten minutes, this metal storage warehouse has been transformed into a Terminator manufacturing factory.

After the factory was completed, there was still a lot of extra metal.

Reynold manipulates these metals and builds them into Terminators.

Liquid flowing silver metal, Reynold manufactures it into TX type and T1000 type.

After the liquid silver metal is used up, all T800 models are produced.

By the time all metal reserves were used up, Reynolds had built tens of thousands of T800 model Terminators.

As for the TX type and T1000 type, the two together total a hundred units.

These Terminators are all equipped with flight capabilities, especially the TX type. The power of the plasma cannon is enhanced by Reynold, and its combat power far exceeds that of the original Terminator.

The mines are still sending in a steady stream of newly refined metals, but there is no need for Reynold to make them himself. The factory will automatically turn the metals sent into it into Terminators.

So far, Reynold has four models of Terminators.

The strongest devil terminator made of the strongest Adamantium alloy.

This is followed by the TX, T1000 and T800 models.

As time goes by, Reynold's army of Terminators will grow stronger.

"The Terminator army has taken shape, and the Custer Kingdom can begin to expand."

In the past year, Reynold only sold arms and accumulated strength, but did not launch wars or expand territory.

But now, with sufficient reserves of weapons and an army of killing machine Terminators, he is already strong enough.

It should be noted that the fastest way is to speed up the progress of science and technology, create more powerful weapons, launch wars, and plunder other countries' resources.


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