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Chapter 66 World Live Broadcast, Reynolds’ Declaration, I Want The World To Crawl At My Feet! (Pleas

Ten warships and tens of thousands of Marine soldiers saw the huge pillar of flames falling from the sky. They all looked horrified and were frightened out of their wits.

There were even Marine soldiers who were so scared that they sat paralyzed on the deck.

"Everyone takes action together to protect the warship!"

Vice Admiral Dauberman roared angrily and flew out before he finished speaking.

The long sword at the waist was unsheathed, split into a flying slash, and shot towards the dragon's breath.

Together with Dauberman, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider will burn the mountain,

These Marine elite Vice Admirals are all great swordsmen. Although their strength is not as strong as the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye or Reynolds, they should not be underestimated.

The three of them joined forces, and their sword energy flew across the air, cutting off the incoming dragon's breath until it was shattered into nothingness.

"Great, it was Vice Admiral who took action."

"My life was saved."

"I almost thought I was going to die just now."

Each Marine soldier had lingering fears and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Idiots, don't let your guard down, the battle has just begun!"

The three Vice Admirals turned over and returned to the bow of the warship. They all looked solemn and did not dare to be careless at all.

Everyone looked to the sky, and saw large black clouds suddenly gathering in the sky over there.

The wind was dancing and the dark clouds were rolling and boiling, mixed with thunder, exuding a sense of terror and oppression like the end of the world.

"Hey, what do you think that is?"

Suddenly, a soldier pointed to the sky and shouted.

All the soldiers looked up to the sky.

Vice Admiral Dauberman can recognize the dragon's breath at a glance and confirm that it is Kaido attacking, but ordinary soldiers have no idea.

At this moment, they were shocked by the sudden change in climate and became uneasy.

"There seems to be something in the clouds?"

"What kind of animal is that? It looks so strange."

"Is it a claw?"

"No, it's scales! It also has a 21-foot tail, and its head is so big."

"Monster! That's a monster!"

Many soldiers looked at the huge black shadow swirling in the clouds, and they all looked frightened.

A few timid soldiers were so frightened that they sat directly on the deck, their faces pale and covered in cold sweat.


At this moment, a dragon's roar echoed through the sky.

The wind howled, and everyone saw the clouds in the sky being torn apart, and a huge dragon claw protruding from the clouds.

Next is a huge green dragon head, then a long neck, strong limbs and tail.

Dark clouds hovered around the dragon's claws, and countless lightning struck the green dragon, but could not harm it at all.

With the thunder and lightning, the light of thunder and lightning also illuminated the entire sky.

Tens of thousands of Marine soldiers finally saw Kaido's true form as the Azure Dragon.

"Cunning Reynolds actually lured Kaido here. This time he really miscalculated."

Many Marine Vice Admiral Rear Admiral's face was livid, so gloomy that he could shed water.

Originally, Marine planned to make a profit when Reynold, Kaido and BIGMOM were all defeated.

Now, Reynold has plotted against them, and Marine has become Reynold's pawn.

Now it is Reynolds who sits on the mountain and watches the fight between tigers and tigers.

"Uh-huh, Marine is actually here, it's really busy today.

Kaido flew in the sky and laughed loudly, his voice booming like thunder.

Admiral Akainu forced Ryuuji back with one punch and stepped on Moonwalk to return to the bow of the warship. Kaido looked at the sky with the same gloomy expression.

What Vice Admiral Dauberman can think of, Akainu can naturally think of.

The situation changed so quickly that Marine was caught off guard.

"Sakazuki Admiral, Kaido is the Four Emperors. Without the order of the marshal, we cannot have a conflict with Kaido."

Vice Admiral Dauberman came behind Akainu and said in a low voice.

"And the situation is unclear now. If we rashly start a war with Kaido, Reynolds will be advantaged."

"I know, contact Naval Headquarters immediately to inquire about the next combat action."

"Also, where are the follow-up reinforcements?"

Akainu ordered coldly, but his attention was always on Kaido and the two Devil Terminators in the sky, and he did not dare to be careless at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the appearance of Long Yi and Long Er are very similar, with only some minor differences.

"I didn't expect there to be more than one humanoid killing weapon of this level. Is it possible that Reynold can even produce humanoid killing weapons of this level?"

Akainu's heart sank.

Although ordinary humanoid killing weapons have good lethality, Akainu doesn't take them lightly.

Even if there are a thousand or ten thousand units, he can easily kill them all.

But the Terminator is completely different.

In the previous battle, although Akainu did not unleash his full strength, he did not show mercy either.

Some powerful moves were used, but they could not leave any trace on his body.

At this time, Akainu completely believed what Kizaru said.

The armored suit Reynold wore had super strong defense and could withstand his full-force attack without any damage.

Now it seems that the humanoid killing weapon in front of me is made of the same material as Reynold's suit.

"Although he doesn't know how to use Haki, his overall combat power is completely comparable to Admiral's."

"It is also equipped with seastone bullets and swords, which can threaten Logia users."

(After capturing Wanokuni, Reynold obtained a large amount of seastone and has equipped each Devil Terminator with seastone weapons.)

"Damn Reynold, he actually quietly developed such a terrifying humanoid killing weapon."

"Such evil elements are indeed a disturbing factor on the sea."

"It must be eradicated completely, no matter what the cost, it must be done."

At this moment, the murderous intention in Akainu's heart towards Reynold reached its peak, even far surpassing the bloodline descendants of the Four Emperors pirates and even the so-called Pirate King Roger.

Akainu has a premonition that as long as Reynold doesn't die, he will definitely overturn the entire world in the future.

Marshal Sengoku, who was far away at the Naval Headquarters, was so distraught after learning about the current situation that he could break his pencil by frowning together.

Judging from the current situation, Reynolds must have understood Marine's plan, so he led Kaido to Marine in order to counterattack.

This is to treat others in their own way.

For this situation, Sengoku couldn't think of any good solution. He could only hand over the decision-making power to Akainu and let him act according to the situation.

You can never go to war with Kaido unless necessary.

At the same time, Garp was ordered to rush to Akainu as quickly as possible to provide support.

Although the current situation looks like a three-way confrontation between Kaido, Reynold and Marine.

But Kaido will join forces with Reynold to get rid of Marine first.

After all, Kaido and Reynold are both criminals. Regardless of whether they are enemies or not, Marine must be an enemy. This is absolutely unchangeable.

If Reynold and Kaido really join forces, Akainu will be in danger, so Garp's reinforcements must arrive as soon as possible.

"Uu la la la la, what now? Do you want to join forces to deal with Marine first?"

"Reynold, Laozi, I know you can see this. Do you have any thoughts on my proposal?"

Qinglong Kaido was suspended in the sky, looking at the Devil Terminator and roaring.

Akainu and others Marine's heart suddenly tightened when they heard this. The most serious situation had indeed happened.

Akainu's fist turned into hot lava, emitting billowing smoke, and he was ready for battle.

Vice Admiral Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Huo Shaoshan and many Marine Rear Admirals have also taken up their fighting stances and are ready to fight to the death.

Although some of the 10,000 Marines behind him are timid soldiers, most of them are elites. At this moment, their faces are solemn and full of fighting spirit.

With Admiral Akainu leading the team, and later supported by Marine hero Garp, they were not afraid at all even if they faced Four Emperors Kaido and Reynold at the same time.

At this moment, Long One and Long Two suddenly flew between Kaido and Marine. The eyes of the two Devil Terminators changed from red to blue, projecting a huge three-dimensional projection. It was Reynolds.

"Hey, are you guys okay?"

"I'm a little surprised that you didn't start a fight."

"Kaido, don't you hate Marine the most? Now that Marine is right in front of you, you don't do anything?"

"And Akainu, the Four Emperors pirates are right in front of you, and you can actually remain indifferent? It doesn't meet your justice."

Reynold glanced at Marine Admiral Akainu and Kaido and smiled playfully.

"Hmph, you want Laozi and Marine to fight, and then you reap the benefits. How can anything in this world be so cheap?"

"Reynold, don't treat old age as a lottery ticket."

Qinglong Kaido snorted and roared, Akainu and other Marines breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Fortunately, Kaido is not as reckless and brainless as he appears, otherwise Marine would be in trouble today.

"Reynold, what's the point of being secretive and sneaking around in the gutter?"

"If you have the guts, stand up in person, don't send a few robots out to die!"

Akainu looked at Reynold's three-dimensional projection and roared.

Reynold smiled slightly and didn't care at all about Akainu's provocation. He said calmly: "You can't even defeat a few of my robots. What qualifications do you have to let me come out to see you in person?"

"It's better not to talk nonsense here, it will only make Marine appear cowardly and incompetent!"


Akainu was shaking with anger, and behind him Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Huo Shaoshan and other Vice Admirals were also gnashing their teeth.

"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense. Since you are not going to start a war, I will get straight to the point."

"I'm here today because I have a great fireworks show for you to watch."

"This fireworks show is not only visible to you, but also to the whole world."

"I guarantee that after watching this fireworks show, Marine will be extremely scared of me! The world will be extremely scared of me!"

"Hundreds of millions of people will have trouble sleeping day and night, and will have trouble sleeping and eating well."

"From now on, no one will dare to speak loudly in front of me!"

"The world will crawl at my feet!!!"

Reynold opened his hands with a rainbow of momentum, as if he had the whole world in his hands.

What is arrogance? What is arrogance?

Today's Reynolds is synonymous with arrogance!

Low profile? What is that?

Nowadays, it is natural to be as high-profile as possible!

Just as Reynold said, what Reynold said at this moment can not only be seen and heard by Kaido and Akainu080 and other 10,000 Marine soldiers, but also spread throughout the world.

By hacking into radio signals, Reynolds broadcast everything he said and did live to the world.

The big screens in the Sabaody Archipelago Square, the big screens in the capitals of various countries, and the swarm drones all over the world are all projecting real-time images all over the world.

The sudden change attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of people, and the whole world's attention was attracted to Reynolds at this moment.

"Who is this? What is he talking about?"

"Is the screen broken?"

"No, this man is Reynold, Reynold Parritt, that brutal king.

"Yes, yes, when you said that, I remembered it. He is Reynolds. He was killed by the sea not long ago.

The supervillain has a bounty of one billion Baileys on his head.

"Is he doing a live broadcast in public? How did he do it? Isn't this something that only Marine can do?"

"Don't worry about how he did it, the key is what is his purpose?"

"Look, in addition to Reynold, there is a Marine fleet on the sea. The person leading it is Admiral Akainu, if I'm not mistaken."

"Admiral Akainu personally leads the team. Is Marine going to attack Reynold?"

"Not only that, there is a giant dragon in the sky. What kind of monster is that?"

Ordinary people did not know Qinglong Kaido, but someone soon came forward to explain.

"That's Kaido, the great pirate of the Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts, who is said to be the strongest man in the world in a one-on-one fight!"

"Oh my God, is Reynold going to fight the Four Emperors and Marine at the same time? How brave is he?"

In Sabaody Archipelago Square, countless people are watching the big screen at the moment, including not only civilians, but also pirates, bounty hunters, human traffickers and other various people.

Reporters from major newspapers responded immediately, using video phone bugs to record all live broadcasts and preparing to write articles at the same time.

On a big tree in the corner of the square, an old man with white hair and beard was also watching the big screen.

This person is surprisingly the right arm of Roger the Pirate King, the legendary great pirate, Pluton Rayleigh.

"Reynold Parritt, there are really more and more monsters in this era."

"But what is his purpose for being so high-profile?"

“Attracting the world’s attention to yourself will lead to you becoming a public figure.

Pluton Rayleigh couldn't figure out why Reynolds was so high-profile.

In his opinion, Reynolds is not the kind of person who likes to be in the limelight, so there must be some hidden meaning in doing so.


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