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Chapter 93 The Five Elders Come, And The Strange Devil Fruit Shocks The World! (Subscribe)

"Aren't the Five Elders going to save people? What a bunch of cowards, they can't stand it? Ninja Turtles, this is it.

"As people get older, they become more afraid of death. It seems that it makes sense for the ancestors' words to be passed down."

Reynold said to himself secretly.

In this live broadcast, the reason why Reynold revealed his location was because he wanted to use himself as bait to lure the Five Elders to kill him personally.

He knew that the Five Elders had a history of communicating through long distances.

You can teleport from Mariejois to the G1 branch at any time if you wish.

And as long as the Five Elders dare to come, Reynolds can try to get rid of those old dogs.

It's a pity that the Five Elders are too timid. Reynold has already tortured the Celestial Dragons in front of the whole world, trampling the majesty of the world's government into dust. They can still hold back, which is beyond Reynold's expectations. .

"Since the Five Elders don't come, you two are useless."

"What a pity, you didn't have to die.

"If you want to blame it, blame the Five Elders for not coming to save you."

As he spoke, Reynold immediately wanted to completely eliminate the two Celestial Dragons, but at this moment, Reynold's eyes suddenly turned red.

A picture of the future flashed through his mind, and at the same moment, Reynolds turned around and looked up at the sky.

"It's finally here. It seems I can't bear it any longer."

"These old dogs are not as courageous as I thought!"

Reynold smiled ferociously, and the killing intent in his body suddenly burst out.

This scene was also broadcast throughout the world through live broadcast.


Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, the sky above the island where the G1 branch is located changes color.

The originally clear sky was instantly shrouded in dark clouds, and the deep clouds were so dark that they looked like a giant mountain suspended in the sky, exuding a terrifying sense of oppression.

Bolts of lightning were swimming among the dark clouds, but the color was not blue or white, but black lightning.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Why did the weather change suddenly?"

"Is there a storm?"

"Fart, no matter how big the storm is, it won't attract Reynold's attention. Someone strong must be here."

"It's Marine or a master from the world's government who came to save people."

"After all, it is the Celestial Dragons, Marine and the world government will not just watch them being killed."

Ordinary people didn't know what was going on, the kings of the underground dark world were also confused, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea all looked solemn.

Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Vice Admiral and New World Whitebeard and Red Hair from Naval Headquarters looked at the huge black cloud Uzumaki and black lightning on the video screen, muttering to themselves in disbelief.

"It actually came out."

At this moment, there are probably only a few people in the world who know what happened.

As if to confirm their words, countless streaks of black lightning were seen shooting out of the dark clouds in the sky, Uzumaki, and descending on the island.

The black lightning did not explode, but formed two large magic arrays.

Two oversized monsters appeared from the magic circle, and two powerful auras suddenly exploded, sweeping tens of thousands of meters in radius and covering the entire island.

One of the two monsters was more than six meters tall, with six spider legs on his lower body and two horns on his head. He looked ugly and terrifying. He held a cane in both hands and was stuck on the ground. He was wrapped in black smoke.

The other one is like a huge strange bird, with a human face, bird wings, and a snake body. When it comes, it makes a sharp and piercing scream, forming a substantial sound wave that shakes the earth. It is also wrapped in black smoke.

Although it was the first time he saw it, Reynolds recognized it immediately.

The people who came were surprisingly two of the Five Elders. The former was Saturn Jaygolucia Satan Saint, and the Zoan phantom beast species Gyūki form ability user.

The latter is Mars Markas (cbbb) Mazsheng, a Zoan phantom beast species with the ability to form the true form of Jin.

All the Five Elders are Zoan phantom beast species ability users, and they have already developed to the state of awakening.

Once transformed, his true appearance is revealed, and his form is weird and terrifying, more like a devil than an ordinary phantom beast type user.

"Hey hey hey, what is this?"

"Isn't it a little weird?"

The Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick.

Marco looked at Saturn and Mars in the image, and a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

"Ah, yes, I feel very uncomfortable too. What kind of monster is it?"

Ace muttered.

"Is it Demon fruit power? It's too ugly. I've never heard of it."

Diamond Jozi and Foil Bista couldn't help but speak.

"Dad, do you know these two abilities?"

All the pirates looked at Whitebeard. They all knew that Whitebeard was well-informed and must know this thing.

"Ah, I know him."

Whitebeard nodded, "The last time I saw these two people was more than thirty years ago."

"These two guys are not easy to deal with."

Whitebeard's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

If it were a head-on competition of strength, Whitebeard would naturally be able to completely crush these two Five Elders.

But the difficulty of Five Elders is not their own strength, but their strange abilities.

"Take a good look, this is the first time that the World Palace has revealed its details in front of the world.

Whitebeard said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked at the live video with focused expressions, not daring to let go of any detail.

"I really didn't expect that these two people actually came in person. It seems that Reynold really pushed them to the edge of the cliff.

On Red Hair Pirates, Red Force, the red hair muttered to himself, with a hint of disbelief.

He knows the Five Elders all too well.

After all, among the numerous pirates, he is the only one who can enter the holy land of Mariejois and meet the Five Elders.

"A great change in the world is coming. The Five Elders are personally taking action. Reynold has pushed them into a desperate situation."

At the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, the moment Long saw Saturn and Mars appearing, he could no longer maintain his absolute calm, and for the first time a fanatical and ferocious look appeared on Bing Kuan's face.

At this moment, he saw hope and saw the weakness and fear of the world government.

Over the years, there have been countless heroes on the sea, but apart from the Battle of the Valley of the Gods more than thirty years ago [Reynold was the only enemy who even had the Five Elders appear in person.

"Chief, who are these two people?"

"Their fruit abilities are so weird, they look very uncomfortable."

Koala said while hiding behind Sabo with some fear.

Other revolutionary army cadres also looked at Long with puzzled faces, waiting for his answer.

Long said word by word: "The highest power in the world's government, the Five Elders, are also the existence above the Naval Headquarters and all Celestial Dragons."

The dragon does not know the existence of Im, the king of the Celestial Dragons, so in his view, the Five Elders are the real controllers of the world's government.

As long as the Five Elders are defeated, it is equivalent to defeating the world government.

"Are they our ultimate enemies?"

"Finally seeing their true colors."

"There are indeed strong people among the Celestial Dragons, and their abilities are super weird. The Celestial Dragons are indeed a group of evil people."

The appearance comes from the heart. After Five Elders activates the Devil Fruit ability, the transformation looks really too hideous and ugly to make people feel good at all.

When hundreds of millions of people around the world saw the appearance of the Five Elders, their first reaction was fear and fear.

"Devil, he is indeed a devil."

"This is beyond the scope of ability users."

"It's so ugly. It's like a monster."

"I'm a little disgusted. Are they really human?"

"No, they are not humans. They must be monsters raised by the Celestial Dragons. Humans cannot be so ugly."

The true appearance of the Five Elders is not visible to everyone. Even within Marine, soldiers of Rear Admiral and below are not qualified to see the true identity of the Five Elders.

But in order to prevent Reynold from continuing to torture the Celestial Dragons and trample on the majesty of the world government, Saturn Satan and Mars Macarth had to reveal their true identities in front of the world.

This alone makes Uranus and Mars feel a great shame.

"Reynold, you deserve to die!"

"In the name of the world's government, I sentence you to death!"

"Your soul will be punished, and you will never be able to escape forever. You will be tortured endlessly by the fire of karma in hell.

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

Saturn Satan and Mars Markas Maz roared simultaneously.

"Only two came. Are you looking down on me?"

Reynolds was a little dissatisfied, he thought the Five Elders would join forces and come together.

"Hmph, to deal with a mere untouchable, it is your greatest honor to have two people from our country join forces."

"Even if you die, your life will not be in vain!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Saturn Satan had already launched an attack.

I saw Satan's eyes emitting a strange light. He suddenly stopped his cane, and an invisible force shot out of the air and "shot at the center of Reynold's head and eyebrows at lightning speed."

This is the evil eye of Saturn, which can kill people invisible from a distance.

Mars Markas Maz flapped his wings, flew into the sky, and flew towards Reynold. He opened his mouth and sprayed out hot and high-temperature flames, like a sea of ​​fire surging in.

Sea of ​​Fire incorporates ultra-high-density Armament Haki, and its attack power is not weaker than Admiral Akainu and Kaido's ultimate moves.


Facing the attacks from Saturn and Mars, Reynold remained indifferent and stood still without evading.

A roar of dragon roar resounded through the sky, and then a huge steel dragon claw protruded from behind Reynold, crushing Saturn's invisible attack.

It was the Devil Terminator Long Yi who took action. At this moment, he had activated the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit and transformed into an orc form, the Iron Dragon Man.

After crushing Saturn's attack, Long Yi flew forward and rushed into the fire pass.

Then a huge slash shot out of the air, splitting the sea of ​​​​fire.

The remaining power of the slash was not exhausted, and after splitting the sea of ​​​​fire, Mars flew straight into the sky.

Izu Shinten let out a harsh cry, and the sound wave materialized and the flying slash collided in the air, and finally they both exploded and dissipated into nothingness.

"Blue Dragon Fruit!"

"It's actually the Blue Dragon Fruit. Kaido's abilities have been reborn."

"The most important thing is that this fruit was actually obtained by Reynold, and it was also eaten by a special model of the Devil Terminator."

"This is trouble."

In the large conference room of Naval Headquarters, Sengoku's expression suddenly changed when he saw Long Yi transforming into a steel dragon man.

He is well aware of the power of the Green Dragon Fruit, and even more aware of the power of the Devil's Terminator.

The combination of these two makes the Terminator even more powerful.

"Sengoku, now is not the time to focus on these details, the key now is the Five Elders."

Vice Admiral was afraid that Garp's expression was very serious at this moment. He looked at Sengoku and said seriously: "You should know the fighting power of Reynold and the Devil Terminator. It is impossible to defeat Reynold just by relying on Saturn and Mars."

"I know, but I didn't expect them to actually take action personally."

This was beyond Sengoku's expectation and caught him off guard. .

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