Chapter 109 Partners, Zoro, King Of Hell!

【Marco: Ahahaha! That’s true, first against Fujitora Admiral, then against Kizaru Admiral, and finally against Fujitora and Green Bull in Mariejois!】

【Vista: Why don’t you go find Aokiji Admiral and Akainu Admiral now?】

【Yasopp: No need to look for it, the search is over. In the future, Aokiji will become a pirate and Akainu will become a marshal. 】

【Haku: Isn’t that why you picked Admiral all over the place?】

【Roger: Interesting! Young people are really strong now!】

【Rayleigh: Yes, let’s not say that Luffy defeated Kaido at the age of 19, and Sabo played against Admiral at the age of 22. It’s already amazing!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la! The new era has grown up!】

【Charlotte·Linlin: Hmph! My wife has just regained ten years of youth, so which one is their turn?】

【Kaido: Noah! I like geniuses the most, come and challenge me! If you lose, submit to me, or die!】

【Luffy: Asshole Kaido! We’re here for Yamato! I’ll blow you away!】

【Kaido: Just you? Here to send the head? If you surrender, I will save your life. 】

【Luffy: I promised Yamato yesterday that I will blow you away!】


“Damn it! The Revolutionary Army is horrible!”

Mariejois, Five Elders looks gloomy!

Two years later, Sabo and the others not only sneaked into Mariejois, but also saw Master Im on the Void Throne?

And it led to the failure of their plan to assassinate the Naferutali family, which led to the activation of Pluton later!

Although Lord Im has been exposed now, their World government doesn’t have many secrets anymore.

But still very angry, it seems that the defense has been strengthened.

Build special buildings now, avoid Revolutionary Maury’s Push Fruit ability, and infiltrate Mariejois!

You must know that their holy land is not hidden, God knows if the ability of Tui Tui fruit will bring a large number of people to sneak into the holy land someday?

Also, beware of the door fruit that Buggy obtained as a reward from Heaven’s Inventory. That thing can also lead people to sneak in, so it is even more difficult to guard against.

For a while, Five Elders had headaches. If the Holy Land is not moved, it must be considered in every aspect. It is really a difficult project!

Meanwhile, the Tiandao inventory video continues.

[Video: In the picture, Sabo and the others escaped and came to the Kingdom of Lulucia.

Sabo also spoke to the dragon, ready to tell the dragon what he saw in Mariejois.

But at this moment, both the Marine and the World government locked Ace’s location by listening to the phone bug.

In an instant, an astonishing light bomb suddenly burst out over Lulucia, spreading for a kilometer in an instant.

Afterwards, more than a dozen intense white lights burst into the ground, instantly submerging everything in the dazzling white light waves.

When everything returns to calm, the entire Kingdom of Lulucia, together with the islands, are completely annihilated and disappeared, only countless water vapor and swarming seawater!]

At this moment, in the Kingdom of Lulucia, King Saiqi, who is a fan of the world government, is so cold that he collapses to the ground!

The daughter Kemani next to her was even more pale, terrified!

Didn’t expect that in the future, their country would be wiped out by the king of the world government, Im?

The father and daughter collapsed to the ground, even if the subordinates came to persuade them, saying that as long as Sabo does not appear here in the future, it will be fine.

They are now going to the whole country to promote, let everyone boycott Sabo, boycott all revolutionary troops appearing here!

But the inner panic has been planted, and it is only a matter of time before separation!

After all, in the future you will be able to kill us so without blinking an eye, which means that you have not taken us seriously from the beginning to the end.

Why bother with you if there are better options than you?

However, King Saiqi did not dare to fall to the revolutionary army, for fear that the Uranus cannon would come early!

【World Channel-Ochoku: Damn it! Uranus is so fierce? One shot destroyed a big island tens of kilometers away from Fang Yuan?】

【Tezolo: It’s amazing!】

【Quinn: How could it be so fast? As soon as the phone bug locates Sabo, Uranus’ attack arrives in an instant?】

【 Doflamingo: Xixixixii! In other words, even if you leave the base and hang around on the nearby big boat, there is still the risk of being designated as an instant second? 】

[Morgans: Damn Uranus! Old bird, I have to redo my response plan!]

【Lu Field: Me too! This base doesn’t matter!】

【Kibson: From today onwards, I’m going to make a replacement!】

【Pieccolo: Don’t be replaced by a fake double!】

【Ah Bell: Bastard! It’s really hard to deal with!】

【Kaido: Ugh! Luffy can block it, and I’m not afraid!】

【Charlotte is special. Linlin: Well, well, well~! I’m not afraid either!】

【Katakuri: I’d better be careful if I’m worried about two shots in a row. 】

【Ochoku: Shout out, Kaido, you were defeated by Luffy, he couldn’t stand the attack of Uranus, why are you?】

[Quinn: Bastard! Master Kaido is the number one creature in the world! It is not difficult to block the attack of Uranus! 】

【Rocks: I almost believed this!】

[Marco: What a headache! It seems that we have to re-draw the plan again! 】

【Klocke Dar: I’m really envious! I really want to get Uranus!】

【Nami: Hehe! Sooner or later it will be mine!】

【Im: Don’t even think about it!】

【Nami: I will always stay by Luffy’s side, are you willing to bombard me?】

【Im: Bastard! I’ll kill you right now!】

[Pei Ross Pero: Support! Don’t hesitate, hurry up and send it twice!]

【Ochoku: Yes! Then no one will compete with you for Uranus, and the sun god Nika will be gone!】

【Sabo: It’s just you guys who are so scheming!】


For a while, many people made a fuss, hoping that Im would quickly use two Uranus rounds at the Straw Hat Crew, so as to prevent them from living a life of fear.

Otherwise, one day a ball of light will appear inexplicably on the top of your head, and you will not be able to sleep just thinking about it!

If that thing is not in your hands, it will always be very dangerous!

Before the video was played, I saw that Uranus attacked Mariejois’ Al Buff, which was more than 10,000 kilometers away, and Luffy almost died when he fought hard.

But now the video is even more frightening, Sabo’s phone call is set as an instant, only a few seconds, and Uranus’s attack condenses and falls!

What kind of horrible attack is this?

Is this Uranus? Full map strike?

Each of these three ancient weapons is stronger than the other!

Shiki’s eyes are staring straight at Shiki! If Roger had told him back then, by now, at least he would have Yankai and Haikai to fight against Im?


As for Tiandao’s inventory here, the final video is also here.

【Video: After the screen changes, Sabo is talking with the dragon, obviously avoiding the destructive blow of God.

After recuperating for a period of time, Luffy took the lead, and various forces attacked Mariejois.

Here, Sabo and Ryu lead the revolutionary army respectively.

Long led a part to block Marine’s support, while Sabo led a break into the Holy Land to cooperate with Luffy and his group.

During this period, Sabo started a fierce battle with Lu Qi and other cpOs.

Afterwards, with the help of the Straw Hats and the large ship group, they dragged the cp mechanism and the robot army, and Sabo led the revolutionary army to liberate the many slaves underground in Mariejois. 】

This is the end of the inventory video for the Sabo chapter of the relationship king Luffy Brothers chapter.

【World Channel- Kid: Is life so hard? Is it not dead?】

【Kira: It’s really tough!】

【Luo: At that time, didn’t Bo become a Logia Mera-mera Fruit capable user? You can avoid it by elementalization!】

【Apu: That’s how it is!】

【Ke Lockedar: What are you thinking! If Logia is really so strong, will Im launch that Uranus bombardment?】

【Marco: Indeed, Im must know that Sabo is a Logia fruit capable user, and being able to release it means that he is sure. 】

[Sabo: Logia’s elementalization is also limited, and it’s okay to deal with ordinary attacks. In the face of large-scale and continuous attacks, I don’t know where I was overturned after elementalization, and I didn’t even survive in the picture. . 】

【Benn Beckman: What’s more, the island is destroyed, when the violent seawater erupts, elementalization will be useless. 】

【Morgans: This makes me even more curious about how Sabo survived the bombardment from the sky. 】

【Rayleigh: Is there a possibility that they rescued Bartholemew Kuma and shot him flying with the ability of the meatball fruit?】

【Capone Bege: It must be so!】

【Bello Betty: The hateful World government will destroy a country without hesitation! Inhumane!】


During the two-minute break at halftime, everyone started talking again.

【World Channel-Rocks: Is there no brother of Luffy now? Is it time to finish the inventory of his relationship king?】

【Shiki: It’s over! I don’t think anyone doubts Luffy’s status as the relationship king anymore!】

【John: Don’t dare!】

【Silver Ax: The three ancient weapons alone are his confidante, this relationship is enough to stand proudly in the world!】

【Ledfield: So stop counting Luffy, count Observation Haki, and I’ll be on the list!】

[Katakuri: Then am I number one?]

[Ledfield: I can read minds and memories. 】

【Rebecca: Luffy’s Observation Haki can sense emotions, change the will of others and predict the future!】

【Sanji: Impossible to finish the inventory! And our partners!】

【Brook: Yohohohoho! In this world, partners are the most important thing, so we must be the finale!】

【Kid: It would be impolite to take stock of relationship king Luffy!】

【Luo: What if you, as some kind of king, are counted as Luffy’s ally?】

【 Kid: Eh? Then this one is fine! It’s better to be One Piece!】

【Luffy: One Piece belongs to Monkey D. Luffy!】



Amidst the heated discussions among countless people all over the world, the two-minute intermission passed, and a new inventory came.

[Announcement: Ding~! The question and answer of Heavenly Dao is open, and the first person who answers correctly will get a top reward. 】

[Tiandao Q&A: Next, we will take stock of the relationship king Luffy’s partner chapter, Roronoa Zoro. May I ask what title will the Roronoa Zoro who will be counting soon be given in the future? The rush to answer starts, and the time is limited to BO seconds. 】

【World Channel-Rocks: Relationship King Luffy again! Damn! How rude! When will it be my turn?】

[Roger: Are you still nagging? Top rewards! Hurry up and answer!]

【Shiki: Roger, what did you answer?】

【Roger: I guessed a sword king!】

【Shiki: Hahahaha! Me too, we hit it off, why didn’t you become my right hand back then!】

【John: Bastard! I don’t even know this guy! Does he use a sword?】

【 Rocks: Answer now, isn’t it too late? Just guess the rest. 】

【Ledfield: Hey~! I guessed a warrior king. After all, the sword god Shimotsuki Ryoma appeared before, and they exposed that Zoro is Shimotsuki’s nephew. 】

【Morgonz: I looked at the notes. It is Shimotsuki Ushimaru’s nephew and Shimotsuki Koshiro’s student. 】

【Kozuki Oden: Ahahaha! I answered Dragon King!】

【Shimotsuki·Ryoma: Brainless, it will be Luffy who will defeat Kaido in the future, where does Zoro get the Dragon Slaying King?】

【Kozuki Oden: Isn’t this the successor to your title of Dragon Slayer Samurai, Lord Sword God?】

【Shimotsuki·Ryoma: Huh? Is that so! You can have this!】

【 Luffy: Ahahaha! Zoro, you’re the best. To become the strongest swordsman, I guess you’re the king of swordsmen. 】

【Zoro: Such an ugly title, my title must be the King of Six Paths Ashura of the Three Thousand Worlds!】

【Sanji: Didn’t your TM IQ be used in naming the name?】

【Zoro: Why, don’t you agree? I’m the one who can make the quiz the top reward, and the one who can help Luffy in the future, how about you?】

【Sanji: Bastard! The next one to take inventory must be my Knight King Sanji!】

【Mihawk: Boy, it seems that you will be a character comparable to One Piece in the future, and you must fight me!】

【Zoro: Hey! My goal is to beat you! I will definitely beat you in the future!】

【Mihawk: I can’t wait anymore, I hope you beat me in two years, not longer!】

【Zoro: This time! It will be shorter! I will beat you within a year!】

【Mihawk: You must have won top rewards, or have the qualifications to face me. 】

【Zoro: Bastard! I won’t ask for a reward! I will defeat you with my own efforts!】

【Mihawk: Huh? Interesting…!】

【Shanks: Ahahaha! This Zoro has something!】

【Rayleigh: I am more optimistic about you!】

【Shimotsuki·Ryoma: My offspring! Come on!】

【Shimotsuki·Niuwan: Is this really good?】

【Shimotsuki·Koshiro: I support Zoro. 】

In the question and answer interface, countless people are also answering why the original Ace died, and by whom?

[Tiandao Q&A interface——]

[Question and Answer of the Way of Heaven: Ding~! The correct answer is———The King of Hell. The first person who answered correctly was Brook. 】

[Answer-Brook: The king of hell. 】

[Answer – Gol·D·Roger: Sword King. 】


【Shimotsuki · Kozaburo: Er……! Unexpectedly, did you choose Zoro for the last knife?】

【Brook: Yohohoho! It’s just that I came back from the underworld through the fruit of the underworld! I feel the temperament of Zoro, which fits that feeling!】

Although many people have a lot of opinions on Luffy, who is still the king of relationships.

Those with strength feel that they must be counted, such as Roger Im and Rocks.

【Shimotsuki·Ryoma: It’s a pity, isn’t it Qiushui? Is it because Qiushui is not a demon sword?】

[Answer – Luffy: Sleeping King. 】

[Answer – Roronoa Zoro: King of the Six Paths Ashura of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds. 】

[Answer – Kozuki Oden: Warrior King. 】

However, the Q&A for the top awards came, and they were all very positive.

[Answer – Dracule Mihawk: King of Three Swords. 】


【Roger: This…! I answered a sword king, doesn’t it look dumb?】

[Answer – Monkey·D·Dragon: Sword King. 】

【Rocks: Can you see this? It can’t be another fate, right? Roger!】

【Marco: None of you guessed it right, how did Brook guess it?】

【Shimotsuki・Koshiro: King of Hell……! Could it be that sword? Father!】

【World Channel-Rocks: Ang? What the hell is this title? Isn’t he a sword?】

And now, everyone is rushing to answer, the title of Zoro.

【Dracule Mihawk: King of Hell? What have you experienced in the future?】

【Brook: Yohohoho! I’m just guessing!】

【Kid: Exactly! Can you guess the king of hell by guessing? Is that kid calling himself the king of hell every day?】

Soon the 30-second answering time passed, and the answer was revealed immediately.

[Roger: This involves my knowledge blind spot! Don’t understand hell! Namely].

【Answer-Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Road Crazy King. 】

【Rayleigh: Hahaha! Such a title of Haki, obviously the title of the captain is very out of place for you!】

【Kozuki Oden: Huh? Which knife is it?】

Those who have no strength, hope that they are as lucky as Vivi Nami. Even if the original self is weak in the future, what if they get a peerless opportunity?

Then wait until the inventory of Luffy’s partners (Zhao Lizhao) is finished, and then come to inventory them!

【Shimotsuki Kozaburo: What big fast sword, if that demon sword recognizes Zoro and grows with Zoro, it will definitely be the supreme fast sword in the end! I forged it!】

【Yasopp: Impossible?】

【Shimotsuki·Koshiro: Yours, the big sharp sword, Yan Mo!】

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