Chapter 0168 – The Third Animal Lineage, Great Buddha Form Fruit!!

【Tiandao Q&A Interface——】

[A—Borusalino: Great Buddha form fruit. 】

[A—Shanks: Great Buddha-shaped fruit. 】

[A—Jorakol Mihawk: Great Buddha-shaped fruit. 】

[A—Gion: Jade rabbit form fruit. 】

[A—Charlotte Katakuri: Great Buddha form fruit. 】

[A—Ben Beckman: Great Buddha form fruit. 】

[A—Ledfield: Vampire Form Fruit.] 】

[Answer: Frost Moon Beef Pill: Fruit of the Great Entry Pattern. 】

[A—Bucky: Split Fruit. 】


Someone is in a hurry, and their own superhuman department is filled in!

In fact, after the Heavenly Dao Q&A questions came out, they all became answers to compete in reaction ability.

The top three animal lines in the comprehensive strength of animal lines basically have a number in the hearts of all major forces.


Soon thirty seconds of answering time passed, and the answer was immediately revealed.

[Heavenly Dao Q&A: Ding! The correct answer is – animal system human fruit, phantom beast species, big Buddha form fruit. The first person to answer correctly was Borusalino. 】

[World Channel 22 – Lokes: Yes, the speed is really fast! 】

[Shiji: Damn, I didn’t expect it to be this kid from the Warring States! ] 】

[Buddha Warring States: Hey, I didn’t expect my Great Buddha Fruit ability to rank third in the animal line! ] 】

[Quinn: What’s there to be happy about, not behind our Kaido-sama’s blue dragon form?] 】

[Nami: What is Kaido happy about? The first is Luffy’s sun god Nika form! And I have it too! 】

[Jack: Bastard! 】(……】

“Hmm! I didn’t expect me to be rewarded this time! Here at the naval headquarters, the yellow ape was also a little surprised. ”

Entered the navy for decades, although it is rare to see the Warring States shoot.

But the power of the Great Buddha form, they all know, the power is beyond the ability of the flesh ball fruit.

What’s more, the animal is a phantom beast species, and the physical strength of the increase is very impressive! Didn’t I see the predecessors of the Warring States, didn’t I leave any scars on my body?

I hadn’t even heard of when Sengoku was seriously injured, and he was a person who specialized in dealing with Whitebeard.

Therefore, Huang Ape and others quickly browsed the topic and chose the Warring States.

So, the next top two are the Blue Dragon Form and the Sun God Nika Form, right?

Which of the two is first?

In the video of the previous Tiandao inventory, Luffy defeated Kaido two years later.

However, the green dragon form has been recognized as the first animal line, and even the first in the world for many years, and many people are not very sure for a while.

What’s more, Kaido challenged the navy dozens of times and was arrested more than ten times, and the yellow ape was fortunate enough to see the horror of Kaido’s physique.

And the scientific troops he also took over have repeatedly extracted Kaido blood for experiments, such as Vegapunk who made the pink artificial green dragon fruit.

That’s it, Kaido, who has been imprisoned more than ten times, can always break the limit and break the sea lou stone to escape.

Therefore, among the four emperors, the navy and the world government, are more vigilant against Kaido.

At the same time, the reward distribution link for answering questions came.

[Heavenly Dao Q&A: Borusalino is the first to answer correctly and get the opportunity to choose a top reward, the reward options are-1, the six-style and three-color domineering of the Peak Buddha’s Warring States; 2. Awakened Great Buddha Fruit Ability. Limited to 30 seconds, obsolete will be randomly rewarded. 】

Then, the real-time image of the yellow ape appeared on the Heavenly Dao inventory interface.

Here, the yellow ape set his eyes on the red dog.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, Araki and the others are inclined to choose the first option for the yellow ape.

There are too many strong people with the overlord color domineering of the four emperors, and after the Warring States left, now the navy does not have the owner of the overlord color domineering, and a strong overlord color domineering powerhouse is needed.

The red dog frowned, and then denied it.

No matter how you look at it, it is cost-effective to choose an option.

However, if today’s inventory disgraces the world government, it will have no prestige.

Akainu also knew what to do early in the morning.

However, if you choose an option and have the overlord color, doesn’t it show the attitude of separation?

Before the influence of the world government is completely eliminated, Akainu still wants to use some of the resources of the world government.

So choose the second option: Awakened Blue Dragon Form Fruit.

This is to tell the five old stars and Im, alas, my red dog, in order to kill the pirates, I am still willing to take a stand with you.

So, hit the money!

Now in the situation of the world government, Akainu believes that the five old stars will definitely make money when they see his attitude.

What’s more, must only the overlord color dominate the sea?

The red dog is not convinced, but he has witnessed the rise of Karp’s predecessors since he was a child.

Karp has no overlord color, no demon fruit ability, and no sword skills.

It’s not the same as fighting invincible hands all over the world, chasing Roger for more than ten years to make the other party spleenless.

So, why can’t you yourself?

Then the yellow ape here, chose the second awakened Great Buddha fruit ability, and according to the recommendation of Chi Inu and others, designated Zefa!

Zefa did not refuse, and after repeated missions, he recovered thirty years of youth, except for his broken right arm, and his strength returned to the peak.

In the face of today’s changing world, the Navy needs stronger strength!

[Heavenly Dao inventory announcement: video inventory begins, animal fruit chapter, the third comprehensive strength of animal line human fruit, phantom beast species, big Buddha form. ] 】

[Video: In the screen, the black curtain at the beginning gradually opens, and subtitles of the animal fruit chapter, the third comprehensive strength of the animal line human fruit, phantom beast species, and the form of the big Buddha appear. ]

At the same time, a picture of the fruit appears on the interface, and a big Buddha is ghosted.

Immediately, the graphic explanation video of the inventory of Tiandao appeared

The ability of the Great Buddha Form Fruit, as a rare animal phantom beast species, naturally has a strong physical strength increase for those who are able.

At the same time, it can transform into the Golden Buddha, which can cast a powerful shock wave and has a top-notch defense.

After transforming into a golden giant Buddha, the 553 blooming Buddha light has the ability to calm the mind, so that the capable person is in a calm state and at the same time improves his own intelligence.

After awakening, the fruit awakens to enhance the intelligence and mind of the able, and the Buddha light in the form of the Great Buddha can also influence others, make the enemy repent of his sins, and increase the confidence of his own people.

If one develops the second awakening, one can master the skill of Buddha sound, which can clarify the mind of the mixed mind, make people more accessible, and allow those who are dark in their hearts to repent and be cleansed.

At the same time, there is a chance to gain the recognition of the Great Buddha Spirit, and you can get the increase in the opponent’s ability.

With the increase in Zen of the Great Buddha Spirit, the influence of any spiritual abilities is invalid.

It can also block the ability to read minds and perceive emotions, and avoid the influence of the ability to change the will.

However, the Great Buddha Spirit only recognizes people who have great compassion and great benevolence. 】

[World Channel – Marko: Groove! ] There are really fruit elves! Wouldn’t I have a chance too? 】

[Edward Newgate: Goo la la! I didn’t expect the Great Buddha Fruit to be so powerful! Warring states! 】

[Shiki: Shhhh However, the strength of the Warring States seems to have insulted this devil fruit! 】

[Wang Zhi: Hey, it’s a person who hasn’t been recognized by the Great Buddha! ] Is Sengoku the kind of person with great compassion and great benevolence? Apparently not. 】

[Ledfield: Nonsense, the Great Buddha with a Zen heart, how can he be willing to recognize his ignorant conscience and submit to the evil world government? 】

[Kaido: Hmmmm! I suddenly look forward to the Devil Fruit Elves even more! 】


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