[Video: In the picture, four days ago, Luffy and his gang landed in the Chambord Islands.

When Luffy went to the population auction to redeem his friend Kemi, he was maliciously undercut and provoked by Draco, so he burst into anger and overturned Draco with one punch, and the auction hall was in chaos.

Subsequently, Reilly also appeared, and stunned the other two days of Dragon Man with his overlord-colored domineering aura.

Help Kemi untie the handcuffs of Hailou Stone and take Luffy and the others to Xia Qi’s bar.

During the conversation, Renly remembered everything Shanks came to see him when he passed by, and mentioned that he blocked his arm in the East China Sea and met a teenager who looked like a captain.

In the next test of Luffy, Renly was very satisfied with Luffy’s person, and even burst into tears because Luffy was too much like Roger.

After that, he said that he personally coated Luffy and their ship and let them go to Fishman Island and then to the New World.

But then the yellow ape kills, and Renly rushes to rescue Luffy and his gang.

Because of his old age, it was very difficult to fight against the yellow ape, so he could only watch the bear shoot Luffy and his gang away.

But afterwards, the bear teleported over and quietly said something to him, and Renly was suspicious.

The picture turns again, it is already after the top war, Luffy is seriously injured and faints, and Renly comes to see him.

When Luffy wakes up and comforts, he takes Luffy to the post-war dilapidated Marin Fandor to pay homage to Whitebeard and Ace. 】

[World Channel – Marko: How is that possible? Even Daddy…].

[Sakaski: Humph! I said it! I will personally unscrew the head of the beard in the war on top! 】

[Bista: Bastard! I will not forgive your navy this time! 】

[Morgaunce: Hey! I wonder if the top war can be fought again? 】

[Klockdar: I really hope that then I can get out of trouble again. 】

[Marianu: When I saved you two, you two didn’t want to go! ] Deserve! 】

[Daz Bonis: Huh? How can you be an ordinary person speaking on a world channel? 】

[Mariannu: Stupid! I’m mentally strong! 】

[Roger: Gee~! ] Genius, this little girl! 】

[Mariano: I’m eighteen! 】

[Roger: …! But your avatar… Only ten years old, right? 】

[Kidd: What’s going on? Even if Hades Renly takes it, how come there is no strong man to stop the two in the top war? 】

[Kira: Exactly! Too fake, right? 】

[Luo: It is estimated that after the end of the war, the dilapidated naval headquarters has moved elsewhere, so the top is not there. 】

Capone Becky: Probably. 】

[Tezzolo: Shouldn’t everyone care about the pattern of the sea when Whitebeard is dead? 】

[Joz: Get out! Daddy is still alive now! 】


[Video: In the picture, Luffy and Renly finish paying homage to Whitebeard and Ace, and deliberately show the code word of Luffy’s arm to the reporters.

After going back, Renly said that Luffy’s strength was too weak, and if he wanted to protect important people, he had to become stronger.

So he took Luffy to a desert island and practiced penance.

In a year and a half, the foundation of the tricolor domineering was handed over to Luffy, and Luffy’s domineering tricolor was also upgraded to an advanced level.

Six months later, Luffy and his gang regathered in the Chambord Islands and regrouped to travel to the New World.

The navy who learned the news came to block it, and Renly personally intervened to block the navy and domineeringly sent his students to sea. 】

That’s the end here, and there is no follow-up small theater.

[World Channel-Roger: Oh hoo, yes, in two years, the tricolor domineering has been upgraded to the advanced level. ] 】

[Shiji: No, there is no three-color domineering of the Aoyi level, how to defeat Kaido? ] 】

[Lokes: That is, it can’t be that Karp secretly brought someone to help quietly, right?] 】

[Wang Zhi: I think it is. 】

[Doflamingo: After all, this is Luffy the relationship king! ] 】

[Morgaunce: I suspect that in the next two years, the Ghost Island War will be Luffy and Karp, Dragon, Renly, Shanks and others surrounding Kaido and Charlotte Lingling! ] 】

[Tezzolo: Hmm~! ] When you say that, I think Kaido and BIGMOM’s failures are excusable! 】

[Vince Mock Gaji: I can’t really get this lineup to defeat Kaido and BIGMOM! ] 】


For a while, everyone was talking about it.

Renly, who was just mentioned in the video, was less talked about.

If before, the teacher was Rayleigh, it would definitely be big news.

But the relationship is Wang Luffy! Just after the identity of grandpa, father, mother and uncle was inventoried, it seemed that Renly was not so shocked!

Soon, new videos are here again!

[Tiandao inventory announcement: video inventory begins, relationship Wang Mengqi· D. Luffy, the guide. 】

[Video: In the screen, the black curtain at the beginning gradually opens, and the subtitles of ‘Inventory of the relationship Wang Luffy’s guide chapter, Shanks’ appear. ] 】

[World Channel – Bucky: Huh? Why is there no heavenly way to inventory the Q&A? 】

[Tezzolo: Alas~! ] I thought so too! I really want a reward! 】

[Kidd: I also want to be sure if the reward is real or not. 】

[Ben Beckman: Everyone basically knows this answer, naturally do not engage in questions and answers, otherwise who reacts quickly, whose reward! ] 】

[Borusalino: Hmm~! I wish so! 】

[Katakuri: Abominable~! ] Foreseeing the future is not valid for the inventory of the Heavenly Dao, otherwise the reward just now will be mine! 】

[Ledfield: And this? 】

[Doflamingo: Can’t even you predict it?] It seems that the inventory of the Heavenly Dao is really strange! 】


[Video: In the picture, ten years ago, Shanks robbed the ship of the world government CP9, took away a devil fruit called Rubber Fruit, and went to the East China Sea Windmill Village.

After docking, Shanks recalled the entrustment of Captain Roger, asking him to find a child of the D clan in Karp’s family and give the devil fruit to the other party.

Shanks investigates, and the Karp family has a child Luffy.

After a year of expeditions, Shanks is very satisfied with Luffy and intends to instill in Luffy the idea of becoming a pirate to go on adventures.

So in a ‘accident’, the red group let the gluttonous Luffy eat the devil fruit on the table.

Later, when Luffy was bullied and held hostage by thieves, he lost an arm to save Luffy.

Blocking his arm here is to lead Luffy and strengthen his belief in becoming a pirate and becoming One Piece. 】

[World Channel – Karp: Damn Shanks! You’ve got the wrong person! Roger asked you to look for Ace, Ace was left in the mountains after me, can’t you TM move more to find it? 】

[Shanks: …! 】

[Beckman: Hey! It’s to blame you, Karp, we haven’t heard about you and your adopted grandchildren for a year. 】

[Jesus: That is, who knew that you hid the captain’s son so well? 】

[Morguns: Ahaha! That’s a big oolong! 】

[Lokes: Groove! Karp, you help Roger raise a baby? 】

[Shiji: Shhhh Roger does not give Reili Jabba them, nor to Shanks, but to the opponents who beat to death? 】

[Doflamingo: Boom! ] One Piece is worthy of One Piece, and he actually pinched the naval hero! 】

[Tichy: Thief haha! Redhead, you actually got bitten off your arm by a fish? How much is this drinking? 】

[Klockdar: Apparently used to calculate Luffy. 】

[Beckman: Hey, don’t talk so badly. 】


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