Chapter 0058 – Father and Daughter, Luffy Lifts Yamato!!

Deal with the phantom beast species! You have to use stronger and more violent attacks! Double domineering winding, steady and ruthless outbreak!


One blow to the power of Yamato flying thousands of meters!


Kaido snorted lightly, and by the way, he took an inventory of the Heavenly Dao.

Seeing that the Tiandao inventory was about to play the video, he also cared about continuing to talk with his daughter.

“Roar Ray Gossip!”

The figure chased away like lightning, and before Yamato landed, Kaido had already come in an instant, and the huge mace from top to bottom fell down!


Yamato, who fought hard to resist, was smashed into a deep pit, and blood was spilled?


In the afterlight, he found that Yamato resisted vigorously, and did not completely faint, Kaido was stunned for a moment!

It seems that I haven’t fought with someone with an Aoyi-level armed color for a long time, and it’s not good enough to grasp the proportions!

“Even if you get the Aoyi-level armed color, what if the domineering superposition? The Aoyi-level armed color domineering is not the end, just a level! ”

“And I! Decades of Aoyi-level armed color domineering realm! Several times stronger than you are now! ”

Watching Yamato shudder struggle to get up, Kaido said with disdain.

Boom immediately raised and fell, and Yamato, who was seriously injured, directly fainted completely.


Kaido snorted!

“Lord Kaido!”

Ember hurried over here, looking nervously at Yamato.

This TM is the daughter-in-law of his sister’s son—one of them!

If it was before, he would have paid homage to Yamato at most, but now, he has a little more love.


Kaido slowly closed the baton, looking at Abel while browsing the inventory of the Heavenly Dao.

“You say…, we still have more than twenty years to wait for one or several excellent heirs?”

Abel was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized.

Yamato has not dealt with Kaido since he was a child, and now he is probably thinking about another mind.

“Of course!”

Abel replied firmly.

He hasn’t reached forty yet, and Lord Kaido is only fifty-seven, let alone twenty years, thirty or forty years!


When Kaido heard this, he laughed heartily!

Immediately grinning at Abel, he continued: “Ember, I hope you and Urti get married and have children as soon as possible, and have more children!” ”

Abel was a little stunned, accept it, too suddenly, don’t accept it, as if he couldn’t refuse Lord Kaido.

“And then! Think of a way to leave Luffy on Oni Island, and he and Yamato can leave later! But must leave me two grandchildren! No! It’s three! ”

“When the time comes, you and Ulti’s child will be right with my grandson!” Hmm…”

“Yes! Lord Kaido! ”

Abel knelt down on one knee and smiled.

What? Generational problems? Fuck you.

As long as his sister’s child Luffy can marry and have children with Princess Yamato, he is quite happy with anything!

Luffy can become the new Joey Boy in the future! The half-blood Lunaria bloodline is definitely not much worse than him.

And Princess Yamato’s ghost bloodline is undoubtedly stronger than Ulti and Peggy Wan’s sisters and brothers, comparable to Lord Kaido!

Abel looked forward to it for a while!

[Tiandao inventory announcement: video inventory begins, relationship Wang Mengqi· D. Luffy, Red Face. 】

[Video: In the picture, the black curtain at the beginning gradually opens, and there is an inventory relationship Wang Mengqi· D. Luffy, Red Face, Oni Princess, Yamato’s subtitles. Immediately, Yamato’s image appears on the interface.

I saw Yamato, two meters six three, tall and hot, sleeveless white kimono with red hakama! Against a huge mace.

Delicate facial features, a beautiful face, and a pair of red ghost horns on the head, add to the beauty of three points of wildness.

Long silver hair fluttering back like a waterfall, the ends of the back half? The knot is bluish green.

Wan’er’s smile and innocent golden eyes perfectly show what is called the body of the royal sister, the heart of a child, and at the same time do not lose the wildness and domineering spirit of the ghost princess! 】

[World Channel – Ben Beckman: Gee! Another superb beauty princess! 】

[Capone Becky: Luffy, this kid, is not shallow! ] 】

[Apu: Isn’t it? By the way, I saw Luo and Luffy together many times in the video, why didn’t I learn a little? 】

[Hawkins: It seems that when Luffy rescues him from the Black Group in the future, he will still be single! ] 】

[X. Drake: Could it be that his peach blossom luck was sucked away by Luffy?] 】

[Bonnie: Didn’t the previous multiple-choice question have a picture of sexual transfer? In the future, Luo won’t use this method to pinch his thighs, right? 】

[Kidd: I look! It’s really possible! 】

[Luo: Get out! 】

[Ace: Bastard! Yamato didn’t return to a private chat! Damn Kaido, what happened to Yamato? 】

[Karp: Kaido! Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, don’t worry too much! 】

[Kaido: Roll! It’s just a future video, isn’t it changed? 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Ma Ma~! ] Kaido is right, foreknowledge is to change the future, that’s why it exists! 】

[Lokes: Hey! Yeah! How else does Karp get now? 】

[Karp: What a big deal, Kaido, in a few days and Luffy will personally come to visit the door, everyone is relatives, what is closed to discuss! ] 】

[Kaido: I have put up with you for a long time, Karp! Just before you die! I’m going to win you once! 】

[Karp: Good to say, good to say! Things are well negotiated, and winning ten times is a problem! 】

[Shiki: Don’t argue! I want to see Kaido Daughter and Luffy beat Kaido! 】

[Edward Newgate: Goo la la! If you say so, I’m not sleepy! 】

[Kaido: Shhh! I also want to watch the video of Blackbeard defecting from the White Group and how to capture the Shock Fruit in the future! 】

[Joz: Damn Kaido! Shut up! 】

[Jack: Who are you?] Xiao Xiao San! Are you also qualified to mention the name of our Lord Kaido? 】

[Marko: Tichy! Spend your last days in secret! I will slaughter you with my own hands! 】

[Tichy: Thief hahaha! ] I’m better than you! The sea is more suitable for living in this era! Come if you have one! 】


And the Tiandao inventory interface here, the video also began to play!

[Video: On the screen, the mesmerizing image of Yamato dissipates and the subtitle ‘Two Years Later’ appears.]

In the picture, on the ghost island of Wano Country at night, there is a lot of fighting!

When the camera turned, it suddenly became Luffy fighting against the Ulti and Peggy Wand sisters and brothers of Flying Sextuplets.

After several attempts, Luffy seconds Peggy Wan, and the furious Ulti is hard

Facing Ulti, who turned into a huge swollen-headed dragon, just when Luffy was considering whether to turn on fourth gear!

A clog clicked on the floor.

I saw a figure strike like lightning, jumping high and rushing to the swollen dragon head that wanted to attack Luffy!

“Thunder gossip!”

I saw the man waving a mace with both hands, accompanied by lightning blooming, knocking the defenseless Ulti to the ground with one blow.

Luffy and the others present were dumbfounded!

The smoke dispersed, and I saw this person with long cyan hair flying openly and wearing a mask of green ghost fangs.

Tall, two meters six three, sleeveless white kimono with red hakama.

Then he hung the mace on his back and slowly walked towards Luffy. 】

[World Channel – Shiki: Ahahaha! The opening scene is Kaido’s daughter rebellion time! 】

[Marko: Good guy, it’s really ruthless to attack your own people, one by one! ] 】

[Urti: Bastard! That’s just my carelessness! I didn’t expect this person to help each other! When she wakes up, I will make her look good! 】

[Abel: Ahem! If she doesn’t understand, forget it, why don’t you understand things? 】

[Urti: Hmm…! Be! Lord Ember! Urti didn’t dare! 】

[Abel: And Luffy, this is your aunt! In the future, when you see respect, don’t move! 】

[Urti: Shhh

Here on Ghost Island, Ulti saw Lord Ember’s speech, and his face turned red with shame for a while, and he twisted and pinched!

When her brother Peggy saw this, his eyes were shining!

Finally someone took this little witch! Do you know how you have lived for more than ten years?

[Luffy: Ang? Aunt? But what if she hits me? Can’t you fight back? 】

[Abel: Won’t you run? Why go against your elders? 】

[Luffy: Oh, got it! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Ma Ma~! ] Kaido just can’t! Teaching daughters will not teach. 】

[Abel: I heard that you have a daughter, didn’t you also refuse the courtship of the giant race Loki and ran away from marriage? 】

[Loki: Can you stop talking about this?] 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Damn Ember! Bastard! 】

All nations, Aunt was broken by a word from ember!

She has longed for the giant race all her life, and wants to have the power of giants!

But because she killed the hero of the Giant Race sixty years ago, the relationship between the two sides was cold.

A few years ago, the prince of the giant tribe finally took a fancy to Lola, but Lola refused and ran away from marriage!

The aunt, who is only one step away from having the power of the giant race, is angry!

[Video: When the screen turns, I see Yamato running all the way with Luffy in his grip, and tells Luffy his identity and name. ]

Luffy was stunned for a moment, but seeing that the other party had no malice, he didn’t make a move, and asked Yamato why he was looking for him?

Yamato said that he had something to say to Luffy, something very important.

But Luffy says that he is also in a hurry, but Yamato also insists that he has something to say to Luffy.

Because the communication ability of the two is zero, Luffy, who is in a hurry, immediately starts, and the two fight.

After Luffy unleashed the Fire Fist, Yamato said it reminded her of someone

Seeing Yamato so persistent, Luffy bargained with the other party, and finally Luffy offered to give the other party five minutes.

Yamato then tells the story of what he saw twenty years ago when he wanted to become Mitsuki Ota, and takes out the Mitsuki Ota diary that he has always carried with him to inform Luffy.

Through Mitsuki Ota’s diary, after the absence of Ota and the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath, she wants to inherit the will to make the country of Wano founded!

After speaking, take off the mask of the green ghost fangs, and tear off the loose cloth strips on both sides, revealing his true face and super broad heart!

And said to Luffy expectantly, “I want to fight with you!” ”

Luffy was stunned for a moment, looked Yamato up and down, and asked suspiciously, didn’t you say that you are Kaido’s son?

Yamato said that Mitsuki Ota is a man, and she wants to be a man, and naturally she is also a man.

At the same time, he praised Luffy’s strength and reminded her of Ace!

At the mention of Ace, Luffy’s attitude suddenly changed! Listen carefully to Yamato’s story, and Ace’s past, and mention that Ace told her a lot about Luffy

In the end, Yamato said that she, as Mitsuki Ota, as Luffy, as Ace’s younger brother, should take her on board, so she has been collecting Luffy’s information.

Luffy corrected her, saying that everyone liked Mitsuki Onda, how could she be Mitsuki Ota?

Yamato is a sign of playing a little temper, maybe you are Mitsuki Ota!

And complain that as Mitsuki Ota, she is not free, and if she leaves Ghost Island, the handcuffs that her father Kaido put on her will explode.

Because she was afraid, she was not able to go to sea with Ace and them.

Seeing this, Luffy immediately said that he could help her take it down, and Yamato was stunned when he heard this!

Luffy asked again, did Yamato really want to fight with them? Even if he knocks Kaido away in front of Yamato!

Yamato firmly stated that she wanted to beat Kaido herself! 】

[World Channel – Lokes: Ahahaha! Laugh me to death! O filial piety to the father and daughter! Do you deserve it, Kaido? Tell you to betray me! 】

[Shi Ji: But no, like Lingling, he was betrayed by his daughter! ] 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Hey! My daughter just ran away from marriage, but it’s not like Kaido’s daughter, who wants to take action against him, the father! 】

[Mitsuki Ota: Ah, the name was occupied by Kaido’s daughter, a little confused, no wonder she chatted with me enthusiastically before, I thought she taunted me! ] 】

[Karp: Abominable! What is there to admire him Mitsuki Ota? I must correct my granddaughter-in-law’s cognition! 】

[Orochimaru: Well, time was too limited to teach her to look at Mita’s notes more correctly! ] 】

[Mitsuki Ota:…! 】

[Fengyue Miyue: This can’t be blamed on the Ushimaru brothers, it was really big and too small at that time, and it was difficult for us to teach her to read. ] 】

[Yuyue Tempura: I didn’t expect her to grow up, but she went crazy? ] Aren’t there any other books in Kaido? 】

[Dragon: Don’t worry, I’m sure Luffy will change Yamato!] 】

[Edward Newgate: That’s right! Untying the girl’s heart knot is your son’s best skill! 】

[Rayleigh: I must have taught well! ] 】

[Jabba: Don’t be so 660 shameless brother, people didn’t know you when they rescued Robin! ] 】


[Video: In the picture, Luffy sees Yamato so firm, and sees that the domineering perception of emotions also recognizes Yamato.

But Yamato was incredulous that Luffy wanted to help her uncuff her, after all, it was the handcuffs that had imprisoned her for twenty years, and she couldn’t undo them all these years.

Turning around in the picture, as soon as he arrived in the corridor, Luffy once again offered to help Da Da and untie his hands from the handcuffs of Hailou Stone.

Yamato hesitated, then gritted his teeth and nodded, and reminded Luffy to untie it and throw it farther, in case there was really a bomb…

Luffy stepped forward and took a deep breath, holding the Kailou stone handcuffs on Yamato’s hands with both hands to avoid running the flowers.

I saw the golden-red energy fluid blooming from Luffy’s hands, instantly shattering the handcuffs of Yamato’s hands.


Yamato sees that the shackles that have bound her for twenty years are untied! Shocked said!


In an instant, the two were engulfed in an erupting glare, and then flew out with violent fire

The sudden explosion shattered the high platform, so that the aunt here unfortunately fell with it!

“Abominable! That cow orangutan bastard! You’re trying to kill me!” ”

Yamato, who fell in mid-air, cried bitterly, and roared viciously at Kaido in the distance!

Yamato didn’t expect that her father really added such a terrifying bomb into the handcuffs of her hands!

Even if Luffy loses it in time, I’m afraid the shockwave is terrifying! Hit by this, Yamato unilaterally announced that he and Kaido broke off the last relationship! From the loft above, Kaido heard Yamato’s roar and looked over.

Seeing Yamato and Straw Hat Luffy together, the handcuffs of the Hailou stone in their hands were still gone, and he was immediately shocked.

Hearing Yamato announce that he had severed relations with him in front of so many people, he instantly became angry! 】

[World Channel – Mitsuki Ota: So ruthless? Did he really add a bomb to his daughter’s handcuffs? 】

[Karp: Bastard! Kaido, what kind of education is this? Can’t teach bring me to teach! 】

[Roger: My own daughter! Why don’t you stop there! 】

[Redfield: This father’s love is like a landslide! It’s amazing! 】

[Lox: Ahahaha! Well done ah Kaido! If people are not ruthless enough, how can they become great? 】

[Edward Newgate: Goo la la! The good ones didn’t learn, the bad ones learned thoroughly! Kaido! You don’t deserve to be a father! 】

[Kaido: We ghost race’s education, do you want you to take care of it? 】

[Karp: It’s nothing wrong with you! I will teach it from now on! You go out and disobey, Lao Tzu sent you to see Lokes! 】

[John: Let’s fight! Fight up! 】

[Wang Zhi: Don’t instigate Kaido! ] Engage the battle! 】

[Dragon: Yamato’s daughter-in-law actually lived such a miserable past, hoping that Luffy could redeem her in the future! ] 】

[Ace: Luffy! Did you see that? 】

[Luffy: Ah, I see! I’ll beat Kaido hard for Yamato! Then take her on a journey around the world with me! 】

[Roger: Ahahaha! It’s Joey Boi! 】

[Shanks: Think so, that’s great! 】

[Rayleigh: It seems that we old people don’t have to worry about anything!

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