Chapter 82 Poseidon Awakened Early? Then You Raise Waste

“I said you fucking knew you were going to retire, so you jumped out, right?”

Marine HQ Marineford, Sengoku is angry with Garp who is having fun.

Knowing that after the stocktaking yesterday and today, I am in a bad situation and my position is doubted.

But Garp has always supported his grandson openly, how did this end?

Well, they helped Garp maintain his status as a Marine hero for thirty-six years! Now it’s probably a massive collapse, right?

The old urchin didn’t worry about it, he lived heartlessly.

“Ahahaha! That’s fine Sengoku, I don’t have much merit. Zephyr taught the most recruits, and Akainu wiped out the most pirates, although it also affected many innocent people.” Garp replied indifferently.

“Hmph! If you want to accomplish the goal of eradicating evil, there is no way to make necessary sacrifices!” Although Akainu replied like this, he was still very happy in his heart.

No matter how “unfortunate family” Garp is, after all, it was once a legend of Marine, and he also looked up to Garp for decades!

To be praised by Garp like this is still very flattering and very face-saving.

Garp didn’t respond to Akainu’s answer, and smiled again unconsciously while watching the video.

Garp is heartless, but now he is more energetic, and his mind is full of pictures of himself being surrounded by countless lovely great-grandchildren calling him great-grandfather!

What a great-grandson of Lunaria and ghost blood; what a great-grandson of Lunaria and fur blood; what a great-grandson of Lunaria and Poseidon mermaid blood and so on!

Seeing Garp laughing so happily that he was dying, Sengoku almost died of anger!

Then there is envy, and I only hate that I devoted myself to the cause of “justice” back then, and missed the matter of having children!

I unconsciously glanced at the crane next to me. Back then, the crane was also the number one flower in Marine, so how could I be so ignorant?

“Why are you looking at me?” Crane Vice Admiral asked after seeing Sengoku’s inexplicable gaze.

“Ahem~! It’s nothing.” Sengoku looked back guiltily, and then looked at Garp to change the subject: “Twenty-three” “You old bastard, do you plan to return to East Blue after retirement?”

“East Blue? What East Blue, my warship is too rubbish, it will sink in Alabasta by accident!”

Garp replied, and started eating the crackers again.

Princess Vivi is in her prime, why stay busy in that desert?

With the energy of taking care of millions of people in Alabasta, why not take care of Luffy and their children.

Alas~! After all, is he grandpa? People call him grandpa in private chats. Naturally, this old bone is going to help Cobra.

As for Vivi, you should chase the life you want.

“Bastard! You bloody old thing! Vivi is such a good crown prince, you wouldn’t lure her to your grandson, would you?” Sengoku snarled at Garp.

“What is temptation? It is to give her a chance to choose her own heart!”

“Are you worthy of Alabasta’s tens of millions of people? They will lose a good king!”

“They just lost their excellent king! What I lost was my granddaughter-in-law and my lovely great-grandson!”

“You fucking! Akainu Aokiji is here to help, I’m going to beat this old bastard to death today!”

“Wait! I meant to know the situation of Alabasta in the past, and I will train my great-grandson to be a more perfect crown prince in the future!”

“Hit! Kill him!”

[Video: In the screen, facing Luffy’s invitation, Shirahoshi’s heart is moved!

“Then hurry up and get ready, let’s go out!” Luffy said immediately.

Shirahoshi immediately became nervous when he heard the words, this decision had a great impact.

“Now…do you want it now? But~ I…well, I haven’t…”

“Nothing yet?” Looking at Shirahoshi hesitantly, impatient Luffy circled his feet.

“It’s so sudden! I haven’t, that…… I haven’t prepared my heart yet, please give me a little more time!” Shirahoshi replied shyly.

Hearing this, Luffy sat helplessly on Shirahoshi’s big bed and said, “It’s just a walk, it’s so exaggerated! Hurry up! I really hate you!”

Hearing this, Shirahoshi’s expression was disillusioned immediately, and then he put his hands on his eyes and cried out sadly again!

“I know, I know, I’ll just wait for you! Hurry up!” Luffy said to the crying Shirahoshi, and lay flat on the bed.

Seeing that Luffy is still puzzled, or knowing that he just misunderstood the purpose of Luffy’s invitation for a walk, Shirahoshi cried even louder!]

【World Channel-Garp: You bastard grandson! Have you ever seen someone so shy? Don’t you rush to confess?】

【Roger: Well, this is the first time we met. If it weren’t for Luffy saving Shirahoshi’s pet and helping her block knives, plus the mutual attraction between Ancient Weapon and Joey Boi, I would have been kicked out a long time ago. Confession?]

【Ace: No, grandpa is right, it is Shirahoshi who has never seen outsiders, the first time I saw Luffy who rescued her, I moved!】

【Sabo: That’s right! Luffy’s sense of emotion must have known Shirahoshi’s heart, so he said he would take her out to play. Isn’t that very flirty?】

【Rocks: Ahahaha! Roger, your son is not against you!】

【Edward Newgate: There’s nothing wrong with his grandpa!】

【Rayleigh: As expected of my student, I will know it after two years!】

【Shakky: Really? Then why is he so confused? Shirahoshi is crying! It’s little Luffy’s fault!】

【Luffy: Huh? I didn’t make her cry!】

【Shirahoshi: Shirahoshi is not a crybaby!】

The fish men island Dragon Palace, Shirahoshi is still shedding tears of joy because of his mother’s resurrection, but he can’t admit that he is a crybaby!

And from now on, she will never continue to hide in the shell and cry! Because the mother has come back!

See you next time, she will never let Luffy call herself a crybaby and a coward!

Even just watching the video, in which Luffy saves her in the future and takes her out of the room, Shirahoshi still likes Luffy and longs for him to come again.

This time when her mother came back, she was not afraid anymore and could go out boldly.

But! In these two days of videos, she has envy and longing for Luffy and their travels around the world in the video.

Every time she makes a video, how she wishes she could appear in the picture!

[Video: In the picture, Luffy continues to work hard to insist on the invitation.

Although Shirahoshi is extremely eager, he feels that going out by himself will cause trouble for everyone.

“If I’m imprisoned here for ten years, my brain will definitely go wrong. As a reward for treating me to dinner!”

“I’m going with you! Where do you want to go?”

Luffy stood up and spoke to Shirahoshi enthusiastically and happily.

Bai Xing saw this, and the depressive thoughts in his heart became more intense!

Under Luffy’s insistence, Shirahoshi said with tears in his eyes where he wanted to go! Forest of the sea!

Although he had the courage to speak up, Shirahoshi still said that he could not be willful.

Seeing her like this, Luffy started to scold her again.

Shirahoshi, who was trained again, burst into tears again, but at this moment, a continuous sound of bang appeared outside the house.

Under Luffy’s insistence, Shirahoshi opened up his heart, held Luffy in his hands, and talked about the past seriously.

Everyone said it was too dangerous outside and hoped she would stay here.

But for the past ten years, she has always wanted to go to the forest of the sea.

“Lord Luffy! Can you really take me out?” Shirahoshi asked hopelessly.

“Hmm!” Luffy answered in the affirmative.

“Can you really protect me?”

Hearing this, Luffy replied with a confident smile: “It’s okay to wrap it on me!”

As soon as the scene changed, Luffy taught Shirahoshi a way to make her pet shark, Mekaro, swallow two people and then go out.

Shirahoshi, who came out for the first time in ten years, hid in Mekaro’s stomach, watched everything outside through the mouth of the big shark, and chatted with Luffy.

Just her family’s territory made her stare at everything curiously.

Then he told me that the reason why he wanted to go to the Forest of the Sea was because his mother’s grave was there. 】

[World Channel-Ace: Ho Ho~! Sure enough, another princess who has been defenced!]

【Sabo: No one can hold on to Luffy’s insistence!】

【Garp: Ahahaha! Great Luffy, complete the first step!】

【Roger: Why are you so happy? This is the future. There is no chance now. 】

【Rayleigh: Captain, haven’t you been declaring their fate?】

【Shakky: I’m jealous!】

【Rocks: Ahahaha! It must be so! Too bad he died!】

【Roger: I’m really jealous, but I hate Garp even more. 】

【Shiki: You hate Garp too! Then we are friends!】

【Rocks: Since you also hate Garp, I won’t tease you this time!】

“So you want to visit your mother?” The fish men island Dragon Palace, Otohime hugged her daughter tearfully!

Although, it looks like a two-meter child hugging a ten-meter adult.

The mother and daughter cried again, of course not sadness, but the joy of being miraculously resurrected after parting from life and death!

Watching the video, Otohime is also very grateful. The original future little Luffy has a heart and insists on helping Shirahoshi.

[Video: In the picture, Shirahoshi’s Mekaro still vomited Princess Shirahoshi out in the street because it was difficult to persist to the forest of the sea.

Thus, Luffy was identified as the villain who kidnapped Princess Shirahoshi.

The furious crowd, together with Van der Daken who was chasing him fiercely, and Mianjinjian, a huge 80-meter-long monster.

But none of these can stop Luffy’s commitment to Shirahoshi, and he went all the way to the sea forest with Shirahoshi.

Along the way, I watched Luffy’s persistence, hard work, and confidence.

Shirahoshi was gradually infected and became stronger. The longing for her mother also made her forget the danger. Facing the weapons that Van der Daken threw through the target fruit one after another, she was no longer afraid, because she believed in Luffy!

Facing Jinbei’s worries, Shirahoshi just smiled gently, expressing his complete trust in Luffy.

Then, at the mother’s cemetery in the sea forest, I came to pay homage to my mother for the first time! And poured out my thoughts.

But the crisis also broke out, Hody Jones launched a rebellion, and she had to face the enemy who killed her mother.

But this time with Luffy’s support, so she’s not alone.

But Jinbei disagrees, no matter how kind Luffy and the others are, their involvement in this war will rekindle the hatred of humans for the murlocs who have been scarred for hundreds of years, and Jinbei will go back to solve this matter…

Luffy disagreed, the two had a fight in front of Shirahoshi, and finally adopted a choice. Shirahoshi and Jinbei went to stop the rebellion, while Luffy hid in Mekaro’s stomach and played by ear.

The scene changed to Geelong Cowd Plaza where the scuffle took place, but Shirahoshi and Jinbei fell into Hody Jones’ trap.

Seeing that the situation was under his own control, Hody Jones told the truth about Otohime’s murder in public. The murderer was not human at all, but Hody Jones.

Hody Jones knows that Shirahoshi can summon Sea Kings, and wants to use this method to destroy Shirahoshi’s belief, so as to prevent Shirahoshi from using his ability to summon countless Sea Kings!

But! He made a mistake. Although Shirahoshi was in pain, he was still strong, watching with tearful eyes

Howdy Jones said.

She knew it long ago! But when her mother was killed, there was no hatred in her heart, and she was told not to kill because of hatred, and asked Shirahoshi to forgive the murderer who killed her.

Six-year-old Shirahoshi listened to his mother and persisted for ten years!】

【World Channel-Garp: What the hell? The old man is coming to The fish men island, you are not worthy of educating my granddaughter-in-law!】

Garp exploded! You said it’s okay if the kid doesn’t know the enemy. Now that he knows, why don’t you let the kid take revenge?

If you suppress the hatred in your heart like this, you will either be a fool or pervert in the end!

[Dragon: In this chaotic world, I am very happy with the concept of Princess Otto, but it is not suitable for use on bad people. 】

[Belo Betty: Exactly! Kindness to the wicked is cruelty to other good people! See how Hody Jones has harmed so many people, are you worthy of them? Oji! 1

【Nepton: Don’t say that, Otohime also wants to let the murlocs put down their hatred and establish friendship with humans!】

[Garp: Brainless! Friendship is built on strength. If you have no strength, the old man will not f*ck you. Who will f*ck you? Guide Shirahoshi’s Poseidon power well, and when the time comes you

They want to dominate the sea, who dares to say anything about my granddaughter-in-law?]

【Roger: What Garp said is not rough. 】

【Fisher Tiger: Is Otohime really wrong? Then where is the future of our The fish men island?】

【Kozuki Oden: Isn’t Luffy Taro here? Believe him, after all, he can help us found Wanokuni, but can’t he help you The fish men island?】

【Otohime: I’m very sorry, I only realized that Shirahoshi had awakened the power of Poseidon when he died. At that time, there was no time. In order to prevent the six-year-old Shirahoshi from using that power because of hatred

Wrong use, I can only do that!]

【Garp: Ah ha ha ha! Tell me earlier, it was a misunderstanding just now! Misunderstanding! The old man will come down and beat Hody Jones and Vander Dyken to death!】

Near The fish men island, Hody Jones saw this, and ran away with his subordinates without looking back! He is not One Piece, dare to face Garp.

Somewhere on The Fish Men Island, Hody Jones, who was gathering men and horses, had a contorted face and a heartless heart! He didn’t wait for the men and horses to gather, and rushed to the trick!

Make it or break it!

Ryugu Shirahoshi’s room here, Otohime is very sad!

Garp pissed her off, she explained.

But deep down, she still longs to forgive anyone, and hopes that everyone will change under her forgiveness!

But at this moment, the guards rushed to report that Hody Jones had entered the Dragon Palace!

Otohime turned pale immediately! Maybe I was wrong? Is it true that as Garp said, friendship needs to be built on strength 1.0?

“It’s okay, in the video, Future Hody Jones tied us up through conspiracy and tricks, this time it won’t happen!”

Seeing Otohime so confused, Neptune said, and then went out with his third son!

Garp is the top combat force in the world, and so are dragons. Since their approach to The fish men island was wrong before, and there is no good direction now, let’s listen to them!

Beat Hody Jones and Vander Dyken!

【Ke Lockedar: Shirahoshi awakened the power of Poseidon when he was six years old? Then why did he teach like this later?】

【 Doflamingo: Can this destroy Poseidon’s supplies like this? The fish men island? Serve it right!】


【Tiger: This……! King Neptune, you……I really don’t know what to say about you!】

【Aladdin: This! Princess Otohime also said it, because I was worried that Shirahoshi used the wrong power because of his young age!】

【Buddha Sengoku: Indeed, if this power is affected by hatred, it will even cause a crisis for many human beings. 】

【Kaido: Ugh! Are you afraid that Poseidon will take over the power and be the first to destroy the Marine headquarters closest to The fish men island?】

【 Kid: Isn’t the closest one Sabaody Archipelago?】

【Rocks: I really don’t understand. The fish men island with thousands of years of history, what kind of garbage is the royal family? Can’t understand such a simple truth?】

【John: Ahahaha! So he deserves to be humiliated for thousands of years. With such a trash royal family, the pitiful overlord of the sea is not as good as a dog!】

[Ledfield: My personal suggestion is that Luffy can take away Poseidon. As for The fish men island, it’s better not to save it. This kind of trash royal family can take the murlocs well. 】

【Nico Robin: Hey~! What’s wrong with them being so kind and benevolent?】

【Ace: Strength is everything! Check it out! I have a hunch that the next video will be Luffy teaching them how to do things! How to use strength to protect the country and the people!】.

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