The Lorne returned to the pirate ship, woke up the ten miscellaneous pirates hypnotized by Zango, and left the place.

As for the heads of Chloe and the others in exchange for a bounty… Lorne had no plans to do this, and he didn’t want to attract the attention of the Navy for the time being.

On the second day of the voyage, an uninvited guest came to the ship.

Lorne was lying on the deck chair, lazily basking in the sun, seeing that he was domineering and noticed the change in the cabin, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he muttered: “I didn’t expect to take the initiative to send it to the door, this time you can’t run.” ”

The cultivation warehouse was placed on the deck, and Solon and Ace finished cultivating at the same time, and their expressions suddenly tightened.

“There are people in the cabin!” Ace’s gaze became cold.

Lorne waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, maybe he came to join us.” ”

After that, Lorne took Ace and Solon quietly to the storage warehouse.

There are indeed some treasures in the warehouse, which are left over from the previous pirate group.

As for Usopp, he was driven by Lorne to cultivate in the cultivation warehouse.

If you don’t hurry up to improve your strength, when you get to the new world, his “GOD” is really going to be eliminated.


The door of the storage compartment opens.

Inside, a girl with short orange hair, a beautiful face, and a fully developed figure turned her head in amazement, and her face instantly became flustered.

She was still carrying treasure in her bag.

The scene was awkward for a while.

“What a coincidence.” Lorne greeted with a smile, not looking angry at all.

Nami, ah… It doesn’t look that moving.

That’s right, the uninvited guest on the ship is none other than Nami!

All coincidences seem to be predestined.

“Good, so clever… What a coincidence! What are you! Nami said pretending to be calm, her eyes moving around, looking for a route to escape.

Ace took two steps to the right, stood in front of the window, and said loudly: “You are stealing our treasure, who do you say we are?” ”

Nami’s retreat was completely blocked.

She immediately put down the treasure and waved her hand sweatingly: “No, no, I just want to borrow some treasure, don’t misunderstand, the treasure is here, return it to you, if there is nothing I will leave first.” ”

Saying that, Nami took a cat step to try to get through the gap between Lorne and Solon.


Kazudo’s words came out of the sheath, exuding a chilling glow, coupled with Solon’s unsmiling temperament, frightened Nami and retreated to the corner, trembling and saying, “What do you want to do!” ”

“What do we want to do?” Lorne smiled.

Three big men and a little girl are alone in the room, what do you say we are going to do?

Of course, it’s to recruit you.

“Shouldn’t you pay for your actions?” Lorne sat down on the floor and said with a smile.

Nami stared at his gaze, subconsciously clasped her hands to her chest, and said warily, “What do you want?” ”

Lorne stretched out his finger, pointed at Nami, and said softly, “I want you to be my man.” ”

Be your person?


Nami’s brain was blank, and everyone was stupid.

She is a thief, but she can’t sell her art.

What is the other person thinking?

Looking at a very serious person, how could she have such dirty thoughts about this little girl.

“I, I’m not an adult.” Nami was powerless to explain, and there was despair in her eyes.

Three men, and one with a knife, she couldn’t resist.

Don’t…… Today is going to be …

“It’s okay. I’m an adult. Lorne grinned, a big smile.

He was in a good mood and it was fun to tease Nami.

Ace said incredulously: “Lorne, you don’t really want to do something wrong to her, do you!” ”

He was a little stunned, Lorne actually had this taste?

Solon looked at the ceiling, wondering if he should avoid the next picture?

“Hahahaha…,” Lorne laughed heartily, “amusing you.” I want to recruit her to our pirate group. ”

“Recruit her? Why? Ace said he didn’t understand.

He can accept the recruitment of Solon, the other party is ambitious and powerful.

But then he recruited a rookie chicken who could be stunned by his overlord-colored domineering… It is also said that what a desperate god.

And now to recruit a guy who stole their treasure?

“I see her line of destiny… She is a genius navigator. A true navigator. Lorne gestured his hands to his eyes, then pointed at Nami and said.

This trick again!

Ace’s eyelids jumped, and he became more and more convinced of this skill of Lorne.

“Huh? Genius Navigator? I? Nami became a little uncertain for a while, unable to understand what medicine was sold in Lorne Gourd.

Normal encounter with thieves, aren’t they all arrested and disposed of?

This person actually praised her?

Lorne assured: “As long as you join us, today’s affairs will be written off, and I will help you solve your troubles.” ”

A write-off… This is a good offer.

Nami’s eyes flickered, thinking about how to drag the scene in front of her over, and then looking for an opportunity to slip away.

Even if it is useless to praise her as a genius navigator, she has more important things to accomplish.

Her village is still waiting for her to be rescued!



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