The main thing is that Da Dan feels that Ace is not Lorne’s opponent, and it is easy to be deceived and used by the other party.

And Ace called Lorne’s name in front of Dadan, which was remembered by Dadan.

Karp said that he would deal with the follow-up, and then hung up the phone worm.

“Foolish guy, the old man has to teach you a good lesson!”

“Come man! Prepare the ship, the old man is going to the East China Sea! ”

Capri yelled out the door.

His own grandson has been abducted, and he can’t calm down.

“Mr. Karp, has something big happened?” The pheasant took off his blindfold and asked with a yawn.

“Kuzan, you kid is fine, run to the old man to sleep!” Karp reprimanded angrily.

The green pheasant rubbed his eyes and said truthfully: “Except for the Marshal of the Warring States and the staff officer of the crane, no one dares to disturb you, you are the purest here.” ”

“Mr. Karp, what happened?” The green pheasant wondered, what made Karp so moved?

Karp frowned and thought for a moment and asked, “Kuzan, have you heard that there is a pirate named Lorne in the East China Sea?” ”


The green pheasant scratched his hair, and his eyes lit up and said: “Lorne, it’s not a sea thief… Last time, the Black Dashou Pirate Group collided with the Draco and was executed by the Navy, and a miscellaneous imp named Lorne ran on their boat. ”

“The East China Sea… Most likely it was that guy. The news from the recently arrested people is also in the East China Sea. ”

The green pheasant is still very sensitive to these news, after all, it concerns the Draco.

However, Lorne is just a miscellaneous person, and although the pursuit is strong, it is not so great.

“What? Is there still a connection between the kid and the Draco incident? ”

Karp blew his beard and glared, his heart burning with anger.

Ace and Luffy, the two guys who don’t make people worry, actually found such a guy as a companion?


“The old man knows. You tell the Warring States tomorrow, just say that the old man will go back to the East China Sea and scatter his mind. Karp strode out.

“I see.” The green pheasant didn’t care.

After Karp left, he continued to catch up on sleep.

In fact, Da Dan called just now, with the strength of the green pheasant, how could he not hear it, he just didn’t want to know too many things.

Tomorrow, he will only honestly repeat Karp’s words to Sengoku, and as for the names of Lorne, Ace, and Luffy, the pheasant will not mention a word.


Lorne didn’t know that because of Luffy’s move, Karp was killing himself!


Time is always the least valuable thing.

In the blink of an eye, eleven days had passed since leaving the windmill village.

In addition, it took Lorne more than three days to go to the Kingdom of Goya at that time, and now exactly half a month has passed.

For the original members of the Pirates of Spades, it is equivalent to nearly eight months in the past, and everyone’s strength has been greatly improved!

Moreover, Lorne and Ace’s January period is only the last two days left!

[Host: Lorne].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace, Monchi S. D. Luffy, Roronoa Solon, Usopp, Nami, Yamaji].


【Burnt fruit】

[Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nika Form (Unawakened)].

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV4)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV6)].

[See the domineering color (LV4)].

【Physical Surgery (LV7)].

[Sword Art (LV5)].

[Enhanced Six Style (LV5)].

[Kicking skills… Sniping… Cooking…… Nautical Arts…].

[Strength: Preliminary Lieutenant General].

During this time, Lorne went to Bharati’s restaurant and turned Sanji around.

How can a ship not have a good cook?

It’s just a pity that Jepp doesn’t get on board.

In this way, he has gathered 6 S-class crew members!

Ten S-Classes are close at hand!

With the efforts of everyone, Lorne’s strength has reached the level of lieutenant general, his physical skills have broken through LV7, and his armed color has reached LV6, which is the basis of all strength.

This is because Lorne asked everyone to focus on the improvement of physical skills, which is the foundation of everything!

Armed color domineering can master hardening, and it can walk sideways in the East China Sea.

The enhanced version of the Six Styles is a secret technique that everyone has learned from the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, which is more powerful than the Six Styles.

As for the other skills, they were also fed back to Lorne one by one.


[Crew: Ace].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].


【Burnt fruit】

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV4)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV5)].

[See the domineering color (LV3)].

【Physical Surgery (LV6)].

[Enhanced Six Style (LV4)].

[Strength: Major General].

Ace’s improvement is also very huge, but it is completely one level away from Lorne.

It is worth mentioning that the overlord color is domineering, and Ace has reached LV4.

The reason why the improvement is so fast is because there is an overlord color improvement training method in the universal cultivation warehouse!

If this matter is spread, it will definitely sensation the sea!

Moreover, Luffy also successfully awakened the overlord color domineering, and even developed to the second gear form, and his strength increased rapidly.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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