“President, the personnel have been assembled!”

The dark-skinned Mr.1 reported respectfully.

In front of him was a tall man with a cigar and a thick coat.

Klockdar, one of the Seven Seas.

“Go, little garden. ”

After Klockdar learned the news of Hades, he suddenly couldn’t sit still, whether it was true or not, he had to personally confirm it!

Beside him, a woman dressed in white flashed her eyes, guessing in her mind about Klockdar’s purpose.

Son of the Devil, Nicole Robin

“President, what happened?” she asked cautiously.

Klockdar took a sip of his cigar, spit out a cigarette, and said in a deep voice: “There are enemies in the small garden, go and solve them.” ”

The truth, naturally, he could not say clearly.

Robin nodded quietly.

After that, the crowd set off.



The Pirates of Spades arrive on the Island of the Swires.

The Island of the Primeval is one of the islands located on the Great Shipping Route. Also called Pangu Island or Small Garden.

Because of the great shipping route, the difficulties of navigation between the islands, so there is no communication between the islands, so each island has developed its own civilization, there are islands with a high degree of civilization, there are also tens of thousands of years without any progress, completely maintain the original island, because the great shipping route, chaotic climate makes all kinds of things possible, so the island still maintains the appearance of the dinosaur era, not only dinosaurs, but also large beasts, all kinds of things are very huge, completely like the garden of giants, so it is also called a small garden.

Soon, Lorne and his group were attracted by the huge movement.

Lorne knew it, but Ace and the others were very curious and rushed to the place where the voice came from.

From a distance, everyone watched the shocking scene, and everyone closed their mouths in shock.

Those were two burly giants who were more than twenty meters tall!

One is armed with an axe, the other with a long sword, while both wear a shield in their left hand, their clothes are shabby, and they are dueling.

The huge momentum shook the entire island and trembled.

“What a big man—”

Luffy’s eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something new and interesting.

Usopp swallowed his saliva and said nervously, “Lorne, what kind of monster is this?

The first time he faced such a behemoth, Usopp couldn’t help but be nervous.

The sense of oppression of those two was simply too strong.

It’s not a cannibal, how can it eat people?” retorted Yamaji as he lit a cigarette on the side.

Hearing that he would not eat people, Usopp was visibly relieved.

“But their reminder is too big!” Nami sighed sincerely, really not knowing how this giant species appeared.

Solon clenched the handle of the knife and said with a solemn face: “A strong beast aura.” ”

He had an idea that jumped to the challenge.

Lorne hurriedly patted Solon on the shoulder and reminded, “Don’t mess around, this is not something you can deal with now.” ”


Once the captain of the “Giant Pirates”.

Blue Ghost: Dongli!

Red Ghost: Brocky!

Because of a childish question, two Elbaf warriors who once commanded the sea have been fighting here for a hundred years, which is really speechless.

But their strength is undoubtedly strong.

As for the upfront stage… It’s completely plot weakening.

How weak will two guys who can have a drink with red-haired Shanks be


“Lorne, let’s leave quickly, it’s too dangerous, if they find out, we can’t even run.” Nami persuaded.

The eldest sister also did not want to lift such a terrifying unknown creature.

Lorne has already come to the Primeval Island, how could he let go of such a good opportunity?

“Don’t worry, Nami, there will be no danger. Lorne smiled and walked forward.

Luffy followed closely with a look of excitement.

Ace, Solon, and Sanji all raised their heels.

Nami and Usopp shook their heads with a look of indifference, helpless to follow.

“Hey—how are you—”

Lorne clasped his hands to his mouth and shouted.

The sudden sound made the two giant warriors pause, and then the relay pulled back one after another, while looking for the source of the sound, and soon saw the small group.

“Who are you?” asked Dongli with a glance and a shaky voice.

“We happened to pass by here. Lorne responded loudly.

However, before he could continue speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Brockie.

“Stay away, don’t disturb our duel, Lao Tzu is about to win!”

“Fart! The victorious is obviously Lao Tzu!”

“Then let’s see who wins!”

Dongli and Brocky disagree and fight again.

Lorne had a black line on his face.

Don’t giants have brains?

Can such mentally retarded words be a signal for battle?

Lorne wanted to subdue the power of the two of them, but he couldn’t wait for them to fight endlessly.

“Hey, listen to me!”

Lorne roared dissatisfied.

Immediately, the pupils contracted, and a powerful terrifying aura was released, spreading to the entire Primeval Island in the blink of an eye!

Countless pawn beasts fainted, and birds fell from the sky.

Overlord color!


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