Half a day later.

There was a lot of laughter from the Primeval Island.

“Sorry two, because I know the past of the two, and because of the current situation of the giant race, I am saddened, and I said something heavier, and I am here to make amends with wine.” Lorne raised his glass and explained with a smile.

“It’s hard to imagine that there is such a magical ability to see the fate of others? Brocky laughed and picked up the wine bowl.

“Yes, Lorne, you will be our giant’s friend from now on, and you can come to us at any time if you have any trouble!” assured Dongli, patting his chest.

With his three-inch tongue and plot knowledge, Lorne finally managed to convince the two giants and became friends in their dealings with them.

Moreover, Lorne is completely strong to deal with these two, and after a long time, it will definitely not be an opponent, and the strength of Dongli and Brockie is beyond doubt.

Friendship is that simple.

Everyone raised their wine bowls and drank it.

“So, are you planning to return to Elbaf?” Lorne heard Dongli’s words departing.

Dongli nodded and said, “That’s right, if the Giant Race really falls apart as you say, we must go back!”

How can a powerful race of giants fall!

How can the warriors of Elbaf submit to others!

“Then expect the giant pirate group that is fighting the sea to appear again, I believe that the whole sea will be shocked by this by then!”

To make these two giants happy, drinking is essential.

Dongli and Brocky also enter the state, seeing that everyone is brothers.

Brocky said with a smile: “Phoen~Lorne, there will be time for Elbaf in the future, Lao Tzu will get you a piece of Adam trees to build pirate ships, and Treasure Tree Adam is the best shipbuilding material in the world!”

Lorne was overjoyed, “In a word, I’ll do it first!”

“In a word!

“Hurry! do it!”


During the banquet.

Lorne finds the two giants, one of whose purposes is the treasure tree Adam!

If you want to create a unique pirate ship, Lorne must use the best materials, and his construction requires materials that can be solved by more than just a piece of Treasure Tree Adam’s trees, and a large amount of Treasure Tree Adam!

Hearing Brocky’s promise, Lorne thought to himself: This wine was not drunk in vain.

Ace on the side drank absentmindedly.

This time, Lorne once again showed a powerful ability to spy on fate, even convincing the two giants!

Ace finally admired Lorne from the bottom of his heart.

That means one thing, Saab is definitely alive!


I will definitely get you back!

Ace jerked down a bowl of wine and silently swore in his heart.

After the wine was full, Lorne sacrificed the almighty cultivation warehouse, and proposed to let Dongli and Brocky feel it and go in to cultivate.

Moreover, under Lorne’s vigorous efforts and persuasion, one cultivation was three consecutive days.

Three days later, Dongli and Brocky re-enter the sea, leaving the Primeval Island and returning to Elbaf.

Perhaps, the early appearance of Dongli and Brocky will seriously affect Elbaf’s current multi-party pattern!

“Alas, Klockdar is also not strong, and after waiting for him for three days and still not coming, are you really curious about the news of Hades?”

Lorne leaned bored in the shadow of a tree trunk, wondering in his heart.

Three days, enough time for Klockdar to appear.

Lorne also plans to borrow the power of Dongli and Brocky against Klockdar, and now that both are gone, Klockdar has not yet appeared.

It’s a bit disappointing.

However, there will also be something to give Lorne hope.

That’s strength!

[Host: Lorne].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace, Monchi S. D. Luffy, Roronoa Solon, Usopp, Nami, Yamaji, Tori (Giant), Brocky (Giant)].


【Burnt fruit】

[Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nika Form (Unawakened)].

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV7)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV8)].

[See and smell domineering (LV6)].

【Physical Surgery (LV9)].

[Sword Art (LV5)].

[Enhanced Six Style (LV6)].

[Kicking skills… Sniping… Cooking…… Nautical Arts…].

[Strength: General].

In just three days, Lorne’s strength was directly improved from lieutenant general to general strength!

Everything comes from Dongli and Brocky, who went through three days of cultivation warehouse, and were directly judged to be crew members, summing their strength to Lorne!

With such a breakthrough, Lorne was shocked.

Brocky and Dongli, as the former captains of the giant pirate group, their strength should not be underestimated.

What’s even more terrifying is that both of them awakened the overlord-colored domineering and never showed it.

Let Lorne’s overlord color level break through LV7

Today, his overlord color level has been able to cast a bully!

It can be said that Lorne has reached the ranks of the strong.

Especially in terms of physical skills, reaching LV9, it is a well-deserved strongman.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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