But either way, Karp won’t admit it.

“The soldier said, you encountered a gang of pirates in Rogue Town, what about them?” asked Sengoku slowly.

Karp scratched his nostrils and said with a big grin: “The slippery pirate, he actually ran away from the old man, it’s really angry old man!”

Ran away?

Sengoku was stunned.

You’re a dignified naval hero, not to mention your combat power!

Now you say that there are pirates in the East China Sea who ran away from you ?


“Karp, would you like to hear what you’re saying?” said Sengoku angrily.

The green pheasant sitting on the side looked at his nose and nose, nose and heart, and did not say much.

But in his heart, he had a new definition of that gang of pirates.

“I really ran away, and the old man couldn’t help it.” Karp looked tough, even if the Warring States guessed, he would not admit the slightest.

Of course, Sengoku definitely had some guesses, even if Karp didn’t admit it, he silently paid attention to the gang of pirates.

“Also, not only is Qiwu Hai Klockdar missing, but Aaron and his gang in the East China Sea have been solved by a group of pirates! Even Colonel Rat was killed by this group of pirates!” said slowly with a solemn face.

“Hmm~ really an arrogant pirate~ Mobi Sanya didn’t catch Lorne?” asked the yellow ape nonchalantly holding Erlang’s legs.

In this room, in addition to the yellow ape, there is also a crane staff officer.

The red dog seems to be still on duty outside, worthy of being a model naval worker, and rarely has time to rest.

Sengoku, Karp, Crane Staff Officer, Blue Pheasant, Yellow Ape ….

These five men are almost the highest power in the Navy.

“Still ran away. Mobi Sanya did not catch the other party. Sengoku said in a deep voice, his brows furrowed slightly.

“Hmm~ even Mobi Sanya failed, this group of guys is not simple~” The yellow ape pouted and sighed.

In the East China Sea, there are pirates who can escape from the hands of Vice Admiral Motobu?

It’s really surprising.

Thinking of this, Huang Ape added: “Lorne is a key wanted target of the Draco, should you increase the pursuit intensity?”

Lorne is wanted, but he is directly related to Draco!

It is a directive from the world government.

Sengoku fingers tapped on the table, his eyes flashing with a sharp light: “Lorne… But I can’t turn over any storms, don’t worry, now is the time when the Navy needs manpower, the inspection group set up by Gion has news from the North Sea, the commander of the G7 branch colluded with pirates, corruption and bribery, the branch generals are all a group of moths! Even if it is re-established, they will not be allowed to collude with the pirates and become scum of the Navy!”

The yellow ape was obviously taken aback, and said in surprise: “Hmm~ The situation in Beihai is already so serious? It’s so far away~”

Warring States dispatched his general at this time, and the situation must have reached the point where Gion could not control it.

“Go now. Sengoku ordered to the yellow ape.

Then he said: “The new four emperors of the new world, Shanks is also expanding his territory, and the members of the big ship group under his command are increasing, and the sphere of influence is no weaker than Whitebeard, Kaido, and Auntie… Pheasant, if you lead a force and find a way to cut off Shanks’ expanding minions, and let him go on, the threat to the navy will become more and more. ”


The current Shanks has only been the Four Emperors for more than three years, and it is normal to be in development.

The green pheasant frowned and nodded.

Four Emperors Shanks, it’s really tricky.

“Redhead, this matter is handled by the old man!” As soon as he heard the red-haired Shanks, Karp instantly came to his senses and directly took this task to himself.

The thought of the devil fruit that Shanks gave Luffy made Karp itch his teeth with hatred.

Take this opportunity to teach Shanks a lesson.

Sengoku’s fingers moved, and he looked at Karp in disbelief: “Are you going to deal with it?”

Don’t believe the old man, this lieutenant general?” said Karp with a blown, glaring.

“It’s really a twist. Warring States muttered, not forgetting to instruct: “Then this matter will be left to you, don’t mess around with the old man, this is a matter of importance.” ”

“Don’t worry. Karp waved his hand.

“Nakuzan went to investigate the cause of Klockdar’s disappearance. “The Warring States also arranged tasks for the green pheasant.

One of the seven martial seas, said that if it disappeared, it was missing?

“Understood. The pheasant got up and answered.

When Karp, Yellow Ape, and Green Pheasant left the office, Sengoku looked at Staff Officer Tsuru, frowned and asked, “What do you think of the matter in Rogue Town?”

Staff Officer Tsuru took out a few portraits and placed them on the desk in front of Sengoku, “According to the soldiers’ descriptions, the attack on Aaron and the gang are the same group of pirates who appeared in Rogue Town!”

After investigating from the mouth of the Mobi Sanya soldiers, the crane staff officer investigated the navy in Rogue Town, and in the photos transmitted back from the two parties, Ace, Luffy, and Lorne were particularly conspicuous….

The reason why the crane staff officer investigated, because after the accident of Aaron and his gang, it was the change in Rogue Town, which was obviously the result of sailing according to the route!

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