
Monster-level strength!

Moria, Brooke and others joined!

Ace, Klockdar’s breakthrough!

Luffy, Solon’s ascension!

With all-round improvement, Lorne finally entered the strength of the monster level.

And his current ability cannot be described as luxurious.

Burning fruits, rustling fruits, flower fruits, shadow fruits, etc., there are too many abilities, so even Lorne may not be able to use them.

Even the three cadres led by Klockdar have reached the standard of peace, and their fruit ability is also summed in Lorne.

Physical breakthrough LV10, domineering LV9, coupled with many Devil Fruit abilities, the strength that Lorne’s battle can exert is absolutely not limited to appearances, and the effect of combining various abilities is rapidly changing and difficult to speculate.

Unless, see a future farther away than Lorne.

With the increase in strength, Lorne was more cautious.

Gou, play to the extreme.

The standard he set for himself: do not become a god, do not shoot.

The previous situation may have been a little special, and Lorne had to make a move.

But now, Klockdar and Ace are both generals, Luffy, Solon, Moria are also fast, Sanji, Brook, Robin, Usopp, Robin, Nami, and Choiba are almost up to the reward standard, and will improve a wave fiercely.

At this time, the configuration of the members is comparable to the Four Emperors Regiment.

However, Lorne knew that Mu Xiu would be destroyed by the forest wind, and he was as strong as a white beard and would die one day, so he still had to hold on.

Lorne still thinks about Whitebeard and Karp… As long as Karp uses the Universal Cultivation Warehouse twice, Lorne can ask for his strength!

As for Whitebeard, Lorne was very eager at first, but after experiencing so much, that desire gradually faded.

When he stood on a high place to look at others, he suddenly felt that the existence he had looked up to was just like that.

The goal of everyone’s trip is naturally the capital of seven waters.

After inquiring about the location of the “French family”, Lorne arrived directly there.

With Franky’s strength, there is no room for resistance at all.

Moreover, the story on Franky is more tortuous, Lorne talked with him alone for more than two hours, and finally Franky resolutely decided to join the Pirates of Spades and fought like chicken blood to build the world’s first pirate battleship! !


It’s a battleship!

It’s not just a pirate ship!

The crowd held a networking party.

Only Lorne and Frankie were in the house, discussing plans to build a ship.

“No, no, no, how much material does such a large hull need? Moreover, the keel that meets the conditions cannot be found!

“What? Adam as material? You’re crazy! What is the whole big Treasure Tree Adam’s material! Unless you cut the Treasure Tree Adam!”

“You still want the ship to fly, I can do it, but how can I fly for a long time?”

Is it really a ship you want to build?



“I can’t do it!”

“That’s not okay!”

The room was filled with Frankie’s refusal.

The shipbuilding idea proposed by Lorne simply subverted his cognition, as well as so many years of shipbuilding experience!

Frankie’s manufacturing idea, which is crazy enough, was still subverted by Lorne.

He now regretted joining the thief’s ship, because he couldn’t do Lorenti’s conditions.

“Okay, okay, I’ll take a step back, let’s get a piece of Treasure Tree Adam’s material first, and then study it!” Lorne shook his head with a headache.

Damn, if you want to build a peerless battleship, I’m afraid that Franky alone is a little sloppy, it’s better to find a way to rob Vegapunk?

Lorne had a different mind in his heart.

“Treasure Tree Adam, the auction should be there, but it is very expensive. Franky spread his hands, looking helpless, he had no money.

“Money is not a problem, first get some materials, build a smaller boat, and use it as an experimental practice.” Don’t worry, I have someone in Elbaf, I can definitely get it!” assured Lorne, patting his chest.

Brocky and Donlina didn’t make friends for nothing.

Frankie sighed deeply.

It is not that he doubts Lorne, but that he wants to build a battleship that meets Lorne’s expectations, and the treasure tree Adam needed is not casual.

Unless the treasure tree Adam was planted by your own father, it is possible.

It’s just that this sentence in his heart, Franky didn’t dare to say it, for fear of being beaten.

Frankie looked around warily, then leaned over to Lorne and whispered, “When is the right time to start?”

Lorne touched his chin and pondered: “Strive to build the ship, and then kill them and we will go directly, in addition, remember to remind your senior brother to always be careful, because no one can say whether the World Government will have any means in the future.” ”

French nodded emphatically.

The next day, they went to the auction to buy the materials of Treasure Tree Adam, and after returning, French used the universal cultivation warehouse to start building ships, and also learned the techniques of shipbuilding inside.

As for Robin, Lorne didn’t let her leave at all, so as not to be exposed.

However…… The sky is still unpredictable.

News of Frankie’s purchase of the Treasure Tree Adam spread, attracting the attention of CP-9 hidden agent Luckey.

CP-9 secretly investigates the French family’s territory.

The owner of the Gate Fruit, Bruno used the fruit ability to secretly monitor for a day and found everyone!

Devil’s Son: Nicole Robin!

Draco Wanted: Lorne!

Disappearing Nanabukai: Klockdar!

This matter was immediately reported by Luce, and Spandam arrived with the fleet to join Luqi, and at the same time the people who arrived, as well as the admiral: Pheasant!

And they didn’t know how to contact Robin.

The third day of fermentation of the event.

In the efforts of the French family, as well as Franky’s overtime work in the universal cultivation warehouse, the new pirate ship has been built almost the same, which can meet the requirements for going to sea.

Lorne prepares to go to sea the next day.

That night, Robin left quietly.


Spandam’s office.

Robin stood expressionless in the middle and said coldly

“I promise you the conditions and go with you, but don’t forget your promise to spare them all. ”

Robin was inexplicably nervous at this time, because in front of her there was not only Spandam and Cp-9, but also a tall man with an eye patch on his forehead – Admiral!


The pheasant received orders to cooperate with all of Spandam’s actions!

Arrest Klockdar!

Execute Lorne!

The green pheasant’s eyes were calm, and his body exuded a cold breath, and he looked at Robin slightly, never saying a word, and no one knew what was going on in his heart.

And Robin was a little anxious in his heart, the scene at this time was completely different from the plan!


Pheasant, why is he here!


“Nicole Robin, you’ve finally fallen into my hands!”

Spandam laughed maniacally, his eyes full of brutality and disdain, and said sarcastically: “Originally, Lao Tzu was in a good mood and was ready to let them go, but there was a guy among them who Draco personally ordered to be wanted!”

“Take credit for you, credit for killing wanted criminals… If you can get the Hades design drawings again, Lao Tzu’s future will be bright! Hahahaha!”

Hearing this, Robin’s pupils contracted sharply, “What do you mean?”

“What do you mean?” Spandam played with the elephant sword in his hand, and said with a cruel face: “The 500 world government elites brought by Lao Tzu have now surrounded your gathering place, as long as Lao Tzu gives an order, the place will be razed to the ground by artillery fire, and none of your accomplices can run!

Hearing these words, Robin’s dark eyes flickered slightly, and he secretly cursed Spandam’s meanness in his heart.

“Despicable bastard! you damn it!”

Robin’s show hands clenched into fists at some point, and there was a little more anger on her beautiful face.

Spandam’s meanness, success annoyed Robin.

And Spandam wants to kill Lorne and his group, which touches Robin’s bottom line.

Robin was desperate to take out this ugly-faced guy, but there was a man behind the table who terrified her, and she secretly cried out in her heart.

Today’s action plan is about to change.

In the room, there were several figures standing.

Rob Luci, Kaku, Gabra, Bruno, Lion Snuggling, Otono Owl, Kalifa.

The entire CP-9 organization is all gathered.

And they should have been the target of the Spades Pirates tonight, but the other party had an unexpected change – the pheasant.

At this time, Lu Qi looked up at the time expressionlessly, and spoke: “Sir, the time is up, you can give the order to attack.” ”

“Hahahaha! Okay! Tell them to do it. Go find the iceberg now, and make him hand over the design drawings of Hades no matter what!” Spandam smiled grimly, fantasizing about the future promotion in his mind, and a mesmerized look appeared on his face.

Arresting Robin, killing Lorne, and snatching the Hades drawings are the perfect plan, and Spandam is immersed in his own fantasy.

At the same time, Robin’s legs were silently wrapped in a fine layer of dark golden gravel.

The green pheasant’s eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly sensed that something was wrong, but just as he was about to speak, Robin spoke.

“It’s a shame that your plan is going to fail. ”

Robin narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

“What did you say?”

Spandam’s gaze fell on Robin, and he shouted: “You are now in the hands of Lao Tzu!

In the second half of the sentence, Spandam said to Lu Qi and the others.

Robin suddenly looked up in the direction of the pheasant at this time, this was also the first time she looked at the pheasant tonight, and in the pheasant’s calm eyes, she could not see any emotion.

It’s just that the green pheasant noticed it slightly, and the cold began to fill the palm of his hand at some point.

Robin did not hesitate in the slightest, and the moment he looked up, he quickly stepped back and rushed towards the door.

“Want to run?”

When Luqi saw Robin’s action, his figure flickered, and he appeared behind Robin at an extremely fast speed, and his palm turned into a leopard claw and slapped it fiercely.

Robin turned a blind eye to the attack behind him.

Just as she was about to be hit hard, a familiar voice of Robin suddenly came from outside the door.


The blazing golden flame instantly melted the door and shone on everyone’s faces.



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