“Ice Gauntlet!”

This punch is brutal and full of unparalleled destructive power!

This punch is a combination of the frozen fruit ability and the iron fist inherited from Kapu!

A strong sense of crisis flashed in Ace’s heart, his face sank, and the arm that was originally flamed gradually solidified~, lifting the elemental form.

The brilliance in his eyes gradually brightened, and the golden flame luster under his eyes flashed away, his pupils contracted, and an indescribable terrifying aura erupted from Ace’s body, but it did not spread, but instead wrapped around Ace’s fist.

The aura around Ace gradually became deep-, full of oppression.

Along with the bright light on his arm, a stream of lightning that seemed to come from nothingness floated around him, and the aura that exploded all over his body made the green pheasant’s pupils shrink suddenly.

“Overlord color domineering entanglement?!”

“Only a very small number of strong people at the top of the sea can do it!”

Now, the green pheasant saw Ace exert a bully, and the whole person was stunned!

This is Mr. Karp’s grandson?

Look at this age, you can’t be eighteen, right?

Opened a bully?

Not to mention the navy, even if you look at the entire sea!

Don’t believe Lift the lid of Roger’s coffin and ask him, did he open a bully at the age of eighteen?

How exactly did Mr. Karp teach?

If Ace awakens the overlord color domineering, the green pheasant is not strange, but he can perform the bully, but he can directly dry the green pheasant.

Shocked and confused, it did not affect the battle decision of the green pheasant in the slightest.

Originally, perhaps in Mr. Karp’s face, the pheasant could put a little water, but now the other party forced him to shoot completely.


The green pheasant’s eyes became even more fierce, and his cold aura changed abruptly, and an aura that was no less than Ace rose in his body.

Void Burst Lightning!

Ice entanglement!

Ice Fist Set, Wrap Overlord Color!

It is said that the general is as weak as a dog, which one sees him and pesters!

The moment the overlord-colored domineering energy on the green pheasant was released, the majestic aura caused the island at his feet to collapse inch by inch, and the sky roared with dark clouds and thunder, eclipsed, and the domineering posture finally showed the true color of the general!

Pheasant, open the bully!

Whoosh —

Countless lightning flashed around Ace and the pheasant, and the light disappeared.

That sky-soaring momentum made countless people even more terrified.

“General Kuzan!”

“What a terrifying attack! What kind of enemy is encountered, even the general will launch a demon slaughter order!”

“A gesture of destruction of the world… Demon Slaughter Order, do you really need us to make a move??”

The vice admirals on the warship all had self-doubt.

The scene of the overlord color domineering in the distance was too shocking to the eye.

“Ace’s opponent is so strong, and the admiral is really powerful. Luffy sighed, recognizing the strength of the pheasant in his heart.

That admiral is just like Ace!” Yamaji’s figure shuttled through the sea, and he couldn’t help but turn his head and say in shock.

“It’s really not to be underestimated, Chef Se, you won’t be afraid, will you?” Solon smiled coolly, his eyes full of war.

“Green Algae, I must have knocked down more navies than you!” said Yamaji unconvinced.

Yamaji’s current strength, reaching the strength of the colonel, and the bloodline factor in the body, for some reasons, is quietly awakening, although the strength is temporarily lagging behind, but there must be a huge breakthrough soon.

“Those two guys!”

In the gravel tornado, there was a whisper, it was Klockdar’s voice.

Looking at the battle between Ace and the green pheasant, he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, it makes sense that the overlord color domineering is called the qualification of the king.

The means of domineering and ordinary means must be undoubtedly more powerful.

“Green pheasant, really has the color of an overlord, what is the strength of the admiral?” Lorne turned to look at the explosion scene entangled with ice and fire in the sky, with a clear look on his face, and slowly muttered in his heart.

The strength of the top war generals is generally recognized, however, the plot changes in the back are too much, the appearance of domineering, the appearance of domineering, completely collapsed the previous style.

Therefore, the red dog can become a marshal of the navy, is it a gift to go through the back door?

The green pheasant can fight with the red dog for ten days and ten nights, is it because the red dog is soft-hearted?

It doesn’t make sense.

The strength of the admirals is undeniable.

More need to be formal.

A strong person at the level of a general is enough to play a strategic significance, and even the demon slaughter order is not a level, the strength of the demon slaughter order is for the weak and ordinary people, once facing the strong, in addition to sending heads, delaying time, wasting each other’s physical strength… I don’t see what else works.

Are we all going to die here?” Perona wondered as she surrounded Lorne.

A devastating scene in the sky terrified her.

In her measure, even Moriah is not so powerful.

“Don’t disturb the army’s heart, just watch quietly.” Lorne said with black lines on his face.

The reason why Perona was not allowed to participate in the battle was also to slightly avoid her identity, and the download was left with the two of them in the port, on one side is the direction of attack of the Demon Slayer Order, and on the other side is the fight between Ace and the Pheasant.

Perona pouted, still skeptical.

And at this moment, a figure suddenly burst out from the shadows, appeared behind Lorne like lightning, slapped a palm, and even brought a piercing sound of breaking wind.


A palm full of strength blasted the ground at the port into a deep pit, filled with smoke.

“Oh, Lorne, are you all right?”

Perona was frightened by this sudden attack.

Who would have thought that someone would sneak up on Lorne at this time!

She didn’t notice at all.

In the smoke, the figure of Luqi with a broken arm was slowly revealed, and his murderous face showed great shock.

The raid opportunity hidden in the secret was actually evaded by the other party?

The attack was behind him, how did he dodge it?” was shocked in his heart.

The speed of the other party is really terrifying.

Lucy stood up and looked around with a heavy face, except for Perona, there was no Lorne at all.

You can’t run away, I’ll kill her if you don’t come out!” threatened Luki, pointing directly at Perona.

Perona pouted: ???

You’re looking for Lorne, what does it have to do with me?

However, seeing that Lorne dodged the attack, she still subconsciously patted her chest, sighed in relief, and muttered in her heart: “I know that Lorne that villain is not so weak.” ”

How can someone who can spank her ass every day be weak?

“Damn, you actually use Princess Ben to threaten people, Ben Gong is good-looking!” Pelora showed her witch nature, casually summoned several soul bombs, threw them at Luqi, and the negative ghosts also shuttled and flew out.

Lu Qi did not dare to be careless, and his feet moved and quickly dodged.

He was scared tonight, and he didn’t know what other party was hiding.

And at the moment when Luqi found a gap and wanted to attack Perona, a figure quietly appeared behind him, and a palm fluttered lightly on his head.

Uttered a sentence that made Luki sweat coldly,

“I didn’t expect you to die in such a hurry, I can only show mercy to you. ”

Lorne’s reappearance.

Lu Qi’s sneak attack just now, Lorne had long been aware that the moment of disappearance was just a silent solution to the naval soldiers rushing here, in case his own shot was seen.

So, let Luki live a few more seconds.

Lu Qi’s eyes were round, hollow, and expressionless, cold sweat dripping on his forehead, and great fear arose in his heart.

Only then did he realize that Lorne, who had always thought he was garbage, had actually been hiding strength!

The intelligence clearly said that Lorne was creating pirates, so Lu Qi dared to hide in the secret, wanting to sneak attack and kill the other party, at least completing one of the tasks.

As a result, it hit the largest iron plate of the Spades Pirates.

Lorne doesn’t talk nonsense, let alone be soft.

Five fingers hard, shoot down fiercely!

The speed is even fast enough to bring Luqi’s body out of the afterimage!


The ground under my feet turned into dark gold and sand at some point, which was a scene of a small desert… But the coffin is more aptly described.

Lu Qi was thrown into the gravel, as if swallowed by the abyss, completely hidden his figure, and the water in his body was drained, and then a golden luster flashed in the ground, and the bursting Chiyan burned silently.

Destruction of corpses.

Perona was stunned to see this set of flowing movements.

“Don’t you see, you dare to provoke me in the future, this is your end.” At such moments, Lorne did not forget to tease little Lori.


A violent sound suddenly erupted.

The tyranny of Ace and the pheasant collides, the ultimate explosion!

The surrounding space appeared shattered, and the flickering thunder and lightning of the Dao Dao were like fireworks in the night sky, illuminating the entire capital of seven waters. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Neighing lightning, bursting impact, high temperature of flames, freezing of ice… Under the convergence, everything around them was destroyed, buildings collapsed, the ground collapsed, the sea was turbulent, and the waves rolled, causing the naval warships to sway in the wind and waves, causing the artillery offensive to stop.

And Luffy and Solon also rushed to the warship and began to fight.

Ace and Pheasant, after one blow, the two sides stood facing each other, re-accumulating strength and preparing for the next outbreak.

“It’s really surprising that the newcomer who has just gone to sea has such strong strength,” the green pheasant’s face became calmer and calmer, but the cold became colder.

Ace’s strength really surprised the pheasant.

Is this a newcomer to the Great Voyage from the East Sea?

“Admiral, worthy of the name. Ace held up the cowboy hat and said with a smile.

Against the pheasant, he was very cautious.

“It’s hard to imagine that someone like you would obey Lorne’s call. I’m curious, what is the relationship between you?” asked the pheasant without a trace.

The Pirates of Spades, just emerging from the top, showed such strength that they had to pay attention.

But the Navy still has too little information about them.

Ace’s heart moved slightly, and he smiled gently, “Lorne is the captain, and I am the deputy captain.” ”

“I’m curious, why is he the captain, aren’t you his opponent?” the green pheasant looked puzzled.

Esming knew that the other party was inquiring, but he remembered Lorne’s words and directly misled: “Do you think Lorne became the captain because of his strength? Pirates of Spades was created by me. ”

Ace’s words express two meanings:

First, Lorne did not have the strength to become a captain

Second, the Pirates of Spades was created by Ace, implying that he is the one who controls the Pirates of Spades.

The green pheasant suddenly felt that this was the reason for this for a long time, and calmly said: “Your pirate group is really interesting.” ”

Ace also didn’t know if Qingxin believed his words, and the bursting chiyan condensed again.

“What’s going on with your flames?” the green pheasant finally couldn’t help but ask.

“No more comment!” grinned Ace.

In the next second, the fire exploded, and Ace attacked again.

The battle went to a white-hot climax.

On the naval warship, looking at the several figures killing them, the naval soldiers on the ship were full of stunned.

“Make no mistake, right? We’re here to carry out the Demon Slaughter Order! What do they want to do?”

“There are still people who want to resist the demon slaying order?

The soldiers were muttering in their hearts.

“Separate five warships and stop them!

The squirrel on the side added: “Don’t be careless, the other party is Klockdar, one of the Seven Martial Seas. ”

As soon as the words fell, Klockdar, who rushed to the front, turned into a flying sandstorm and landed on a naval warship.

“Klockdar, what do you want to do!” Storoberg’s eyes were startled, and he shouted loudly: “If you choose to be an enemy of the navy, the navy will not let you go!”

“Hahahaha, Lao Tzu is tired of hearing this kind of words!” Klockdar smiled lowly, and the gravel in his hand flowed, condensing into a sand blade and mercilessly cutting out!

Holding a katana, Storobery said with a solemn expression: “I will arrest you today!”

Next to the warship.

Luffy, who opened the fourth gear, as if entering no man’s land, ordinary naval soldiers were not opponents at all, and they were knocked into the sea.


The squirrel rushed from another battleship, its sword light flashing, and the arc slashed at Luffy.

If Luffy Hu is allowed to go down, the navy soldiers of this warship will fall into the sea.

Brush –

Luffy saw that the domineering launch was launched and dodged the slash at an extremely fast speed.

“Well? dodged! What speed is that!” the squirrel looked shocked, his eyes full of shock.

Before he could react, Luffy’s fist came first.

The squirrel’s eyes were cold, and the horizontal knife was in front of him.


Luffy’s fist hit the blade, and the compressed fist suddenly popped out in the next second—


The powerful force directly blasted the squirrel, like a cannonball flying upside down, and even broke the thick main pole of the battleship.

“Ahem… What are you!” the squirrel struggled to stand up, a hot pain in his back, and his heart was shocked.

Where did this guy come from?

Repelled the vice admiral with one punch ?!

The squirrel said that it could not understand, let alone accept.

“I’m Monchi D. Luffy!

Luffy swore an oath to introduce himself, then sprayed under his feet and rushed out again.

“Monchi?” the squirrel startled, always feeling that these two were a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Lieutenant General Karp’s last name is Monchi!”

The squirrel’s eyes lit up, and suddenly the surname sounded.

Then it was dark in front of him, because Luffy’s fist had arrived again.

Luffy in fourth gear is impossible to resist even the lieutenant general.

Battleship next to it.

Hundred eight troubles wind knocked dozens of naval soldiers.

Solon bit the evolved Wado Yi text, holding Oni Toru and Qiushui, and walked forward step by step, releasing a sense of oppression like a fierce beast, and his aura was powerful, which made the naval soldiers fearful and even afraid to move forward.

“This is the end, full of sinful fellows, Lao Tzu will cut off your hands and feet with his own hands and send you into Push City!”

The naval soldiers scattered a road, and the vice admiral ghost spider walked step by step.

His hair resembled eight spider legs, each clutching a katana, and the scars on his face made him look fierce, his eyes were fierce, and he stared at Solon murderously. 、

Ghost spiders, known for their brutality.

“Vice Admiral with a sword?”

Solon’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly became interested, and he really hoped that the other party could make him have a big fight.

The ghost spider did not say nonsense, eight swords behind him wielded, and he also held a sword in his hand, and his feet erupted, and his figure suddenly fluttered.

Six Styles: Shaving.

Rush towards Solon at great speed.

A smile appeared at the corner of Solon’s mouth, and the fighting intent in his eyes was surging, and the same shaving was launched, and the three blade streams broke out.


There was a fierce interlacing sound of iron and stone.

The two figures separated.

Dang, dang, dang…

At the feet of the ghost spider, eight broken knives were dropped.

His face was stunned, he raised his head in shock, his gaze fell on Sauron’s knife, and he exclaimed in disbelief: “What kind of knife are you using!”

How powerful and sharp a knife could it be to cut off all eight of his knives in one face?

He was careless for a moment, the eight knives in his hair were not wrapped around the armed color, but Solon was not entangled either!

Moreover, the ghost spider’s knives are made of stainless steel, which is one of the best knives, even if it comes to the fast knife series, it can resist.

Now, just a face, the knife is all broken?

The ghost spider was horrified in his heart, it was the first time he encountered such an outrageous thing!

What is the quality of the knife in the hand of the imp on the opposite side?

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