
Lorne had been holding back his laughter since Luffy and Ace bounced back, and at this time he couldn’t hold it back, laughing wildly, and the laughter was full of schadenfreude.

After all, with Ace’s strength, this kind of famous scene is really rare.

“Ah—it hurts!。 Luffy slumped on the deck, feeling stars popping up in his eyes.

Actually, Lorne didn’t do nothing.

He quietly covered the poles and guardrails with a layer of armed color domineering …

It was mainly Luffy and Ace’s impact, who was afraid of damaging the pirate ship, and then did this home-damaging act.

Luffy was supposed to be in no pain, but now he had a big bag on his head and held up his straw hat.

Ace hit the guardrail, and then was bounced high, and his mouth said something that did not fit his image: “Luffy **.****… Lorne, you ****!***!”

Lorne got up and grabbed Ace and pulled him back to the boat, trying to restrain his expressions.

On Ace’s forehead, a large round bag appeared.

The first thing he did when he landed was to grab Lorne by the collar, “****!**!****!!”

Lorne Tainyima is not a human anymore!

Originally, Ace thought that Luffy had done such an unreliable thing, but when he crashed into the guardrail, he saw the winding armed color domineering, and immediately began to greet Lorne’s ancestor eighteen generations in his heart.

Even Ace, who was not super good-tempered, was also broken.

It’s so bad!

“Dissipate the qi and dissipate the qi, this is also a helpless move, and it is clear that Luffy did it… Hahahaha…” Lorne tried his best to appease, but he could calm half of it, and he couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

He himself didn’t know why he was so happy.

“Lorne, I fought with you!”

“Hahahaha… Don’t, don’t punch me in the face, I’m a captain!”

“Lao Tzu beats the captain!”


Perona and Franky covered their eyes unbearably just now, and at this time they were watching the funny scene in front of them from between their fingers, and gradually returned to their senses.

“Ah this… Not only did Lorne not help, but he also wrapped a layer of armed color domineering??” Franky was full of question marks.

To be honest, he couldn’t stand it.

“Ace, don’t fight, the pheasant rushed over. Lorne sensed the approaching cold aura and quickly opened his mouth to remind.

Ace stopped angrily and looked up at 19.

The sea is freezing at a terrifying speed, and it is about to freeze the pirate ship.

The green pheasant at the port, one hand into the sea, cast an ice age, and released super cold.

He also did so to rescue naval soldiers who had fallen into the sea.

To be honest, the green pheasant has not paid attention to the fleet of the Demon Slayer Order.

But when Ace retreated just now, he glanced at the sea and just saw the ten sunken warships, and he was immediately stunned.

The Order of Slaughter… Defeated ??

For so many years, no one has been able to resist the Demon Slaying Order!

Even if Barrett faced the demon slaughter order, he fell with Karp’s support.

Now, five vice admirals, ten naval warships, have been taken out ??

Is this Pirates of Spades really a newcomer Pirates??

The green pheasant was stunned.

But without much thought, he immediately flew to the shore and quickly attacked, and at the same time in order to intercept Lorne’s pirate ship.

Ace’s arm burned with flames again, ready to strike.

Lorne hurriedly grabbed him, “Don’t do it, just withdraw.” ”


“Understood! Let’s see the new features!”

French immediately rushed into the cabin and activated the super power unit – the wind comes to spray!

Phew – boom!

A brilliant blue flame shot out from the stern of the pirate ship, and then the entire pirate ship flew out like a spaceship.

“Ahahaha, the pirate ship is flying!”

Luffy laughed heartily, seemingly forgetting the haze just now, but the hand holding the straw hat accidentally touched the bag on his head, and the laughter immediately became unhappy.

“What kind of ability is this!”

Ace’s eyes widened, and his face was full of incredulity.

What the hell did Lorne and French do, and the ship can still fly?

The huge pirate ship flew over the heads of Klockdar and the others, and an iron chain hook shot out from the bottom of the ship and hooked on a guardrail in front of the original pirate ship’s hull.

This is a connection device specially created by French, originally just wanted to fix the two pirate ships together, but I didn’t expect that it would have a different role now.

“Ah—be careful!”

“Hold on!”


The people on the pirate ship immediately began to find the place to grab the hand, accompanied by a huge force driving the pirate ship to ride the wind and waves on the sea.

So, there was such a strange scene.

There is a pirate ship flying in the sky, and a pirate ship on the sea is raging…

The sea behind him is rapidly freezing into ice.

Franky observed the situation behind him through the telescope in the cabin control room, and the pirate ship below was about to be frozen by the ice…

“Ace, come to the cabin and help!”

French rushed for help.

Ace entered the cabin for no apparent reason, and then Franky asked him to aim a power unit to cast his flames with all his might, and the thrusters created with the power of Bursting Chiyan came in handy.


The pirate ship in the sky is flying faster again.

The screams from the pirate ship below were a little louder.

It seemed that except for Lorne and Luffy, no one was smiling.


The figure of the green pheasant shuttled through the ice, looking at the two pirate ships riding the wind and waves at an abnormal speed, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

What kind of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods did he encounter!

The variety is endless.

“Hahahaha, pheasant, there will be a period later-” Lorne waved his hand at the pheasant from a distance.

The green pheasant looked at the defeated Demon Slayer Ling Haijun and gave up the idea of pursuing.


The capital of seven waters.

Iceberg stood on a tall building, holding the letter that Frankie left him, looking at the pirate ship that gradually disappeared from view, and whispered: “Franky, I am looking forward to the peerless battleship you built…”


“General Kuzan!”


Navy soldiers climbed up from the sea along the ice and saluted respectfully when they saw the pheasants.

Kuzan strode over to Storobe and asked in a deep voice, “What’s going on?

The severely injured squirrel and ghost spider, and the half-injured burning mountain, all made the corners of the pheasant’s eyes tremble violently.

That’s how you executed the Demon Slaughter Order?

“General Kuzan… We…” Burning Mountain bowed his head in shame.

Dauberman stiffened and explained: “There was a guy named Monchi D Luffy on the other side who injured the squirrel. Another sword hao named Roronoa Solon severely damaged the ghost spider… Storoberg and Burning Hill failed to stop Klockdar, who destroyed all the warships. ”

His voice was extremely humbling.

The enforcer of the demon slaying order was defeated by a group of hairy boys who had just gone to sea, what face did he have?

Monchi D Luffy?

The green pheasant’s eyes flickered, and he did not reproach them, and ordered in a low voice: “Go to the capital of seven waters to find the mayor of the iceberg to borrow a few warships, and then return to Marin Fando to restore his life.” ”


The green pheasant commanded the navy to arrive in the capital of seven waters and clean up the mess.

The result of the crushing defeat once again silenced the pheasant.

Spandham is dead!

All CP-9 members died in battle!

Lucy is nowhere to be seen!

The pheasant could even imagine the anger of the world government when it learned about this.

However, he was helpless.

Throughout the battle, he was entangled by Ace to death, and he couldn’t get out at all.

With sad news, the pheasant returned to Marin Fandor to regain his life.

…… (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Headquarters of the Navy.

Marin Fando.

Marshal’s office.

The general Red Inu and the general Yellow Ape who were on a mission outside were all transferred back.

Karp and the crane staff officer sat opposite the yellow ape and the red dog.

In front of them, the green pheasant and the five lieutenant generals who carried out the demon slaughter order stood behind them.

On the first place, the Warring States looked gloomy, and after learning the results of the battle, his beard was trembling with anger, his eyes were about to spew fire, and he slapped the table fiercely, and said sharply: “The demon slaughter order has failed? You can’t even solve a group of pirates who have just gone to sea?

“No, Marshal, the other party has Klockdar of the Seven Wuhai, that guy’s strength has improved a lot, and his subordinates suspect that he already has the strength of a general…” Storobery defended in a low voice, but his voice became smaller and smaller in the end.

“Klockdar has the strength of a general?” Sengoku’s eyelids trembled, feeling incredulous.

“That’s right, not only Klockdar, that straw hat boy and Roronoa, are skillful in mastering domineering, not like ordinary pirates at all! And the knife in Roronoa’s hand looks a lot like the word Hedo, but the sharpness is unprecedented for his subordinates, and just one face cuts off the eight steel combat knives created by his subordinates. The ghost spider introduced the situation, and even now he shuddered when he thought back to Solon’s knife.

How terrifying will that little ghost be when he grows up in the future?

Will it shake the status of the world’s number one sword hawkeye?

Staff Officer Tsuru narrowed his eyes and analyzed softly: “Such young guys have the strength of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters? In the East China Sea, has something major happened that we don’t know about?”

In a period, being able to produce a stunning monster is tricky enough.

And now, a ship has emerged!

Sengoku glanced at Karp angrily, “Karp, don’t you have anything to say?”

Karp looked at his nose and nose, looked at his heart, looked like he didn’t care about himself, picked his nose and said: “What does the old man have to say, the old man does not know these things.” ”

The moment Sengoku knew Luffy’s name, he knew that this was Karp’s grandson!

Then connected with the last time Karp returned to the East China Sea and encountered this group of pirates, everything was figured out in an instant.

But now is not the time to question Kapuxing… Karp is not even the object of guilt.

“Kuzan, you’re not there, why didn’t you stop them?” Karp immediately changed the subject, targeting the pheasant.

Sell disciples in case of indecision.

The green pheasant said expressionlessly: “I was entangled by a guy named Ace. ”

“Kuzan, you’re a senior admiral, pestered by a hairy boy?

The green pheasant glanced at him coldly, “A pirate who has just gone to sea, his Devil Fruit ability is obviously flame, and his power is even stronger than your magma! Also, have you seen a pirate who not only awakens the overlord-colored domineering, but also masters the domineering pirate who has just gone to sea?”

When he heard that the flame was stronger than his own magma, a look of disdain flashed in the eyes of the confident red dog, but later when he heard the awakening overlord color and mastered the bully, the expression on his face froze.

“Pheasant, lying about information is a felony!” said Chi Inu incredulously.

The first thought in his mind was impossible!

Newcomer Pirate Awakening Overlord Color Domineering can also understand that it is his natural qualification, but what the hell is mastering the overlord?!

The red dog looked confused, but Karp was even more confused than him!

“What do you say!” Karp abruptly stood up from his chair, ignoring the fairy shell in his hand, and roared: “Ace mastered the bully?!”

Karp was dumbfounded, feeling as if he was dreaming.

The last time they met, Ace and Luffy’s overlord-colored domineering energy teamed up to release, which was that level.

As a result, it was only a few days before Ace mastered the bully?

This is impossible, even a cultivation warehouse with acceleration time!

What the hell is going on?

Karp was instantly calm.

Sengoku’s pupils contracted, and his eyes trembled, revealing a thick shock.

“Overlord color… Domineering…”

It’s a fantasy!

How old is the other party, bully?

If it weren’t for the green pheasant himself admitting it, the Warring States would definitely think this was a big joke!

“Hmm~ it’s terrible~” The yellow ape’s face was equally shocked, he knew very well what it meant to be bullied.

It not only shows that the other party has endless potential, but also means that they have grown!

But this is also outrageous!

The pirate who just went to sea, he was still young, and as a result, he came to a tyrant and a tough general, standing directly at the top of the sea!

Are you sure about this kind of guy, go to sea?

Isn’t it a trip to the sea?

Karp grabbed his hair, incredible, incomprehensible, and confused… When he launched the demon slaughter order, Karp imagined any outcome, but he didn’t expect that Ace Kaiba 853 would be entangled!

What exactly is that kid Lorne capable of!

Karp’s mind came to Lorne’s smile, and his thoughts had turned into a mush.

He realizes that Lorne is not easy at the first meeting, but he believes that everything is still under his control.

And now, Karp is full of confusion about who I am and where I am.

I always feel that something is wrong.

Under the questioning of the Warring States, the green pheasant described the course of the battle in detail.

After listening, everyone present fell silent.

The red dog lowered the brim of his hat and bowed his head without speaking.

The yellow ape held Erlang’s legs and stared out the window.

Karp clenched his fists… To be honest, he was still a little excited inside…

The green pheasant suddenly felt a lot more relaxed now.

At the beginning, they all pressured Lao Tzu and doubted Lao Tzu, but now you are all confused, right?

Sengoku leaned back in his chair tiredly, frowning and having a headache.

How can this situation be reported to the world government?

Robin, the son of the devil, didn’t catch it!

The most wanted man Lorne didn’t kill!

Klockdar ran!

I don’t know where the Pluto drawings are!

The Devil Slayer Order failed!

Spendham is dead!

CP-9 died in battle!

Luki is missing!

How does this tell him to report to the world government!

The General Marshal steel bone could not come to the headquarters of the Navy to pick his skin?

The more he thought about it, the more angry Sengoku suddenly raised his palm and slapped the desk in front of him to pieces,

“Ah–angry old man!”

【Cao Cao’s rice bowl gif…】

The Warring States were really a little collapsed, and the anger accumulated in his chest had nowhere to vent, and he was very angry and helpless.

Who would have thought that this operation would end in a rout!

It’s just being teased by the other party!

“Sengoku, calm down. Staff Officer Crane persuaded, and then looked at the green pheasant: “You just said that Lorne is the captain of the Spades Pirates?”

“That’s right. The Pirates of Spades was created by Ace, and Lorne was made captain because he lost the bet, but the meaning of Ace’s words is probably only temporary. Moreover, Lorne never made a move. The green pheasant nodded, glad that he still got some information.

When Karp heard this, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

And this operation?

Misled the pheasants?

“Lorne, that sinister guy, too thief!

Karp muttered silently in his heart.

At the same time, Karp also realizes that there is indeed a problem with Luffy’s fruit… In the fourth form, is the grandson of the old man really going to become a sun god?

“It seems that compared to Ace, Klockdar, Straw Hat Kid, and others, Lorne is the least threatening.” Staff Officer Tsuru’s cloudy eyes flashed with light, and he said slowly.

According to the analysis of the crane staff officer: Lorne managed to win the bet against Ace because his strength was too weak, became the temporary captain, and hugged the thigh of the Spades Pirates. Otherwise, according to the strength of Lorne in the intelligence, there is no qualification to join the group of monsters of the Spades Pirates.

“As it should be. Next, the old man reported to the marshal of the steel bone … Now immediately issue a wanted order, the whole sea wants the Pirates of Spades!” Sengoku calmed down, recognized the analysis of the crane staff officer, and did not treat Lorne as a person at all.

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