The three of them sailed forward, hurrying during the day and finding an island to rest at night, while using the indicators of Ace and Solon’s cultivation warehouse that day.

With each passing day, Ace and Solon’s strength has increased at a rate of 15 days.

Lorne, on the other hand, grew at a rate of 30 days.

As for why not 45 days… That’s because Lorne was dissuaded to quit as soon as he entered the cultivation warehouse, and he had no cultivation talent.

Although it was very tragic, Lorne accepted it happily.

It seems that in the future, it will be necessary to live a flat life.

On the third day of departure from Frost Moon Village, Lorne encountered a group of pirates.

When the two sides met, Ace directly opened his fist.

Fortunately, Lorne reacted quickly enough, stopped Ace in time, and solved the other party’s proud pirate leader, about the level of garbage of an ensign… Then Lorne took over the ship, and the pirate flag was replaced with the word “spades”.

Bike for motorcycle.

It also recruited a group of junior brothers with the strength of the five scumbags, exactly ten people, responsible for driving the ship, working and other miscellaneous things on the ship, but this group of people with five scum, the strength is not within the standard of being able to summarise, and the workers are properly beaten.

Fast forward another two days.

Five days have passed since several people left Frost Moon Village.

[Host: Lorne].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace, Roronoa Solon].


【Burnt fruit】

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV1)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV4)].

[See the domineering color (LV3)].

【Physical Surgery (LV6)].

[Sword Art (LV3)].

[Strength: Major General].


[Crew: Ace].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].


【Burnt fruit】

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV1)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV3)].

[See and smell domineering (LV2)].

【Physical Surgery (LV5)].

[Strength: Brigadier General].


[Crew: Solon].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].


[Armed Color Domineering (LV2)].

[See the domineering color (LV1)].

【Physical Surgery (LV3)].

[Sword Art (LV3)].

[Strength: Major].

Due to the cultivation warehouse, Ace and Solon were equivalent to cultivating for 75 days, and their strength was enriched and improved.

Lorne even directly broke through the strength of the major general under the feedback of the strength of the two.

The growth of domineering in the early stage is also very rapid, and it will slowly weaken compared to the later growth.

And if Lorne wants to break through again, I’m afraid it’s not so easy, after all, the strength of the lieutenant general has been able to gain a foothold on the sea.

Fortunately, with Solon’s strength feedback, Lorne’s strength is still stable against Ace.

It’s just that the current Solon, because he was three years ahead of Luffy when he went to sea, his strength is still in the stage of consolidation, and he still needs a lot of room for growth.

This day.

Several people finally arrived at their foothold, the village of Sirobu.

Lorne’s target is the man known as “GOD” in the future – Usopp.

Although the current Usopp is still a 15-year-old brat, it does not affect his potential, after all, except for Lorne, no one will be so mad as to use the cultivation warehouse to squeeze the crew.

Landing on this small island, Lorne first visited Koya’s house to express his willingness to spend the night.

Keya’s parents were still alive, and seeing that the other party was just a child, they didn’t think much about it and readily agreed.

Here, Lorne meets Chloe.

This year is the time when Chloe faked his death and settled in Keya.

However, Lorne ignored the other and the two sides spent a peaceful night.

The next day Lorne went to the village in search of Usopp.

“Hey, Captain Ben is here, all the scoundrels are ready to die obediently!”

Far away, Lorne heard such middle two words.

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Usopp?

Several children around were there to put on adoring looks.

“Oh? I didn’t expect to meet other pirate groups here, but I’m the captain of the Pirates of Spades, so I can’t help but compete with you. Lorne put his hands in his pockets, not knowing what it meant for an opponent to step forward.

Dark-skinned, dry, with a long nose and a childish face, Usopp looked at the young man who came up much taller than him, his legs couldn’t help but tremble with fear, and his voice trembled: “You, who are you?” ”

“I’m the captain of the pirate ship ‘Spades’. Usopp, accept my challenge! Lorne got into playful minds and deliberately intimidated Usopp.

When Usopp heard that the other party turned out to be a pirate, he became more and more afraid, and a miserable white could be seen under his dark complexion.

“You, you, you wait… I, I’ll summon my subordinates! Captain Ben has 8,000 men, you better be careful with me. “Usopp is still the timid, big talker.

Lorne smiled, “Usopp, don’t pretend, come with me honestly, I will make you a great sea warrior.” ”

Before Usopp could relent, Lorne taught him a lesson, showing the strength to make the other party unable to resist.

“How? Plus or not? Lorne said with a smile.

This is the first time Usopp has realized that squinting is a monster.

“I, I join.”

Usopp covered his face and whispered.

Lorne’s lesson made him completely unable to pretend to be the boss in front of the children, and being a pirate is also his dream all along, the most important thing is that he has no room to resist!

【Ding! Successful recruitment of S-class crew: Usopp].

[Current progress: 3/10].



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