When Grimm Ancient Saint and Five Old Stars analyzed everything, they were even more shocked.

Rocks is really alive.

Putting everything on Lorne makes perfect sense.

Abilities, cultivation warehouses, and the means that Lorne has shown.

“But how did Lokes survive?” asked Satan Saint incomprehensibly.

None of the people present could answer this question.

All they knew was that Lorne must be Lokes!

Otherwise, what happened to the Pirates of Spades could not be explained at all.

Karp is the most confused and painful person.

Dear grandson started bullying at the age of fourteen, how much life was consumed?

And how much life has been sucked out by Rocks?

Karp finally knew what was the reason for the confidence and fearlessness that Lorne had faced him.

“The thing now is that Lokes doesn’t know how to use the cicada to come out of its shell, come back to life, and has already started to act. The attack of the Black Dashou Pirates was the first thing he did… Sure enough, Rocks’ style of acting was to strike at Draco. Grimmgu Saint frowned and made a final conclusion.

Although it is strange, everyone approves.

“Attacking Draco, playing with the navy, he is announcing his return in his way. Piter said solemnly.

“No wonder Klockdar and Moria are both under his command, apart from Lokes, what else can make Klockdar and Moria, the two Seven Wuhai, submit?” sighed Nasjurang.

Their seamless analysis has connected everything without loopholes.

Now, confirm the resurrection of Lox.

Lorne is Rocks.

Then mobilize all your forces and eradicate Lox at all costs!” said Wochuli Saint with a gloomy face.

“Yes, he must not be allowed alive!” echoed Maz.

Now that the truth is known, it is impossible to let Rocks go unpunished.

Moreover, Rocks has already provoked the Navy and the World Government, and attacking Draco is undoubtedly a signal to declare war.

“The old man personally mobilized the army of the world government and searched for Lokes all over the sea!” said Steel Bone in a deep voice.

At this moment, everyone present couldn’t bear it.

One day if Lockes doesn’t die, they can’t be at ease for a day.

“Do you want to… Inform your lord?” the steel bone then cautiously suggested.

“No one can disturb!” said Nasjurang Saint in a suddenly stern and extremely serious tone.

Although Rox is very important, that big talent is even more important!

The adults are sleeping and have not yet woken up, and if they are forcibly awakened, they dare not guarantee what the consequences will be.

Even with the personality of that adult, maybe he can directly kill the five old stars, and then 717 is just a matter of changing a batch.

“Wait. The matter of Lockes cannot be leaked!” said Grimmon Ancient Saint suddenly very seriously.

His identity has been confirmed. Steel Bone said very incomprehensibly.

Grimm’s ancient saint said faintly: “Don’t be too naïve. Rocks must have come prepared, don’t forget, who were the members of the Rocks Pirate Group in the first place!”

“Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling, Hundred Beasts Kaido, three of the four emperors, all of them are Locks’ former subordinates!”

“Yes, you can’t leak the news. Satan Saint suddenly reacted and said very seriously: “Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling all betrayed Rocks at the last moment, and Lockes will not let them go when they appear again.” ”

“Let them kill each other?” said Vachuli Saint looking up slightly.

Now, the only people who know Lokes’ identity are us. Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling don’t know that we hide the identity of Lockes, and find a way to lure Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling to attack Rocks to consume Locks’ strength. No matter how bad it is, you can also use Rocks to eradicate the Four Emperors, and then find an opportunity to kill Locks!” said Nasshoulang Sheng as he planned to do so.

“Indeed, exposing the identity of Lockes, if Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling choose to submit again, and the comeback Rocks plus the forces of the three Four Emperors, it will be terrifying! Piter said.

“I’m in favor. If the identity of Rocks is exposed, with his fame and appeal, it will almost echo, and the whole sea will be chaotic. Vauchuli agreed.

Whitebeard, Kaido, and Aunt are three of the four emperors who stand at the apex of the pirates, their power is too terrifying, and even over the years, the world government has chosen to turn a blind eye, just because if there is a conflict with one of them, the others will definitely move.

Rocks’ reputation is even more terrifying.

Maybe the new-age imps don’t know, but the old-time guys know what that means.

“Wait, could it be that their pirate ship’s ability to fly away could be Shiki’s ability?”

“Are you saying that the Golden Lion has returned to Lokes?” was taken aback.

“Quite possibly, I have to guard against it. Nasjurang Sheng nodded slowly.

Otherwise, how to explain the flying pirate ship?

This discussion was completely discussed by the five old stars, and the Green Ancient Saint listened quietly on the side, he was just not interested in speaking.

As for the staff officers of Steel Bone, Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru, there are almost no qualifications to participate.

(CFDD) They are only responsible for carrying out the final order.

“Is it possible to convince Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling to join forces to eradicate Rocks? Vachuli suggested.

Piter Saint pondered, “No, no, but no one can say what will happen to the three of them when they learn the news, whether they will choose to fight Lox or surrender again?”

Satan said, “This matter is considered in the long run. Now he wants to arrest Lockes in the name of Lorne, and to cause Whitebeard and others to contradict him. ”

“But no one knows where Rocks is now. Maz Sheng said.

“Rocks will definitely show up, hiding is not his character. Grimm’s ancient saint duly reminded.

“In that case, Steel Bone, you will arrange it. Send someone to the East China Sea to find the traces of the golden lion Shiji and arrest him! Be sure to arrest, even if you personally dispatch it!” the Satan Holy ordered solemnly, holding his cane.

“The old man knows. Steel Bone replied, already thinking about the battle plan in his mind.

Golden Lion Shiji, it’s not so easy to solve.

At first, Sengoku and Karp teamed up to still destroy half of the naval headquarters to arrest the golden lion, but Shiji, who was later imprisoned in the push process, cut off his legs and became the first person to escape from prison.

“Lockes’ wanted warrant, or Lorne’s name… Weakening his record, simply announcing that Sakaski was injured and fled by the Pirates of Spades. But be sure to be deliberate

Emphasize Lorne’s strength, give him the strongest title, replace Whitebeard! Bounty 5 billion, and say to the outside world that Lorne claims to be the fifth Sea God Emperor and will destroy the other four emperors within a year!” said Wochuli Saint.

This false news is really arranged in place.

Let Lorne and Whitebeard compete for the title of the strongest man in the world.

A bounty of 50 will inevitably cause dissatisfaction from Kaido and Aunt.

If you say it again, Lorne wants to destroy the Four Emperors in a year, which will immediately attract the attention of Kaido and Aunt to Lorne, and it is difficult not to make a move against Lorne.

The five old stars hope that Lorne and the Four Emperors will compete with each other, and the world government will profit.

“Okay, that’s it, Steelbone, you guys go down and arrange it. Maz Sheng said immediately.

Steel Bones nodded and strode away.

Sengoku and Karp both seem a little lost in soul.

This incident hit them too hard, and they were teased from beginning to end.

Karp swore in his heart: to save Ace and Luffy at all costs!

Steel bone, Sengoku and others left.

When only the Five Old Stars and the Green Ancient Saint were left in the palace, the Piter Saint said to the Green Ancient Saint: “Do you need to notify Shanks?”

“Tell him about this, let him not provoke the Pirates of Spades for the time being… However, there is one more thing that the old man should declare in advance, your plan does not mean that the old man will follow, as long as the trace of Lokes is found, the old man will attack him as soon as possible! As for whether the Four Emperors would have a dispute with Lokes, the old man would not pay attention. Grimmgusheng said unquestioningly.

His mission is to eliminate all those who pose a threat to Draco.

Lockes, undoubtedly, came first.

Therefore, it is useless to plan anything, as long as there is news, Glingu Saint will definitely attack as soon as possible.

“Good. ”

The five old stars glanced at each other and acquiesced to this matter.

An invisible storm began to sweep through Mary Joa.


At this time, the golden lion was still silently developing a plan to rule the East China Sea in the East China Sea, and he did not expect that he had been sentenced to death by the world government!


At the same time, Lorne and his group flew over the heads of the five old stars on a flying pirate ship.

Of course, it is a few kilometers in the air, which is completely outside the airspace of Mary Joa.

If they let the Five Old Stars and Grimm Gu Saint know, the enemies they are looking for will fly overhead, and it is estimated that they will be able to vomit blood.

Of course, if Lorne knew that he was labeled as a lox, he would vomit blood.

A group of stupid lacks and brain dead, Lao Tzu is hanging on the wall, what does it have to do with Lokes!

However, Lorne’s hanging, in the eyes of the Green Ancient Saint and the Five Old Stars, is the embodiment of Lokes’ ability.

But now, the situation of the Pirates of Spades is not good.

Because…… The ship leaked.

That storm bombarded the pirate ship and gave the pirate ship super power, but it also destroyed the bottom of the ship, and with the flight, the strong air flow made the bottom of the ship begin to fall off, and the power unit was damaged, plus the high-power operation, it was almost to the limit. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

If you don’t land, the ship will fall apart! French urged anxiously.

Although he is a transformation person, he can’t help this height fall.

“Frankie, you’re wrong. Lorne waved his hand and said lightly.

Frankie was stunned, “Am I wrong? What’s wrong?”

Lorne smiled mysteriously, “We’re all going to have to fall to death, you’re wrong.” It’s you, not including me, that I can bear this height. ”

Sure enough, in the next second, Franky’s face turned pig liver color.

“Lorne, you’re so insidious, so deeply hidden!” said Ace from the side.

“Yes, yes, yes!” everyone next to him immediately echoed.

None of them expected that Lorne would hit the admiral like hitting his grandson!

“Aren’t I afraid that you will know that I am so strong and have an inferiority complex, but your beloved captain is thinking about you, and you still think I am insidious?”

“If you’re not a pirate, you must be a big villain. Luffy summed it up.

The people next to them fell down in unison.

Just because he is a pirate, he is the big badass.

Co-author Luffy treats the pirates as good people?

But I really don’t blame Luffy, he’s such a good guy.

“Hey, don’t change the subject, what I’m saying is that the ship is going to fall apart, and we’re all going to fall to our deaths… We’re going to fall to our deaths except Lorne!”

Now in this autumn of life and death, you care about Lorne’s hidden strength?

You might as well care about how you survive…

Is it something like an empty island again?” Souron startled, almost breaking his defense.

The last time an octopus floated down from the empty island, it has left an indelible bad impression on everyone.

“Ah—help. Nami shouted.

“Are we really going to fall to our deaths?” said Choiba pitifully, teary-eyed.

“I’ll just say the spaceship is unreliable!” said Ace through gritted teeth.

Moria’s face was full of despair… Did he fall down, and he should be the first to fall to death?

“Okay, okay, the material for shipbuilding is not the treasure tree Adam, everyone is patient and patient. Lorne stood up and soothed.

Immediately, the ability of the flower fruit is activated, the hull of the ship is wound, the bottom of the ship is fixed, and then the quicksand flows, fixing the whole ship again.

Immediately after that, a large shadow appeared, and 900 ghost shadow warriors were fused by Lorne with the shadow fruit ability to form a super huge balloon, as if installing a parachute for the pirate ship.

“Frankie, turn off the power unit. ”

Lorne said with a smile.

Franky dies as a live horse doctor and enters the cabin to turn off the power unit.


In the next second, accompanied by a loud noise and a thick smoke, it floated out of the cabin.

“Lorne, I just said that the heat generated by the power unit, ordinary wood can not withstand at all, I go one step further, the entire pirate ship is burned!”

Spitting black smoke and exploding heads, French rushed out and roared madly.

Lorne is simply a madman and can’t play to death.

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, it’s safe now. “Lorne hurry up to appease, this is the first shipbuilding general under him!

Franky was stunned, and then noticed that the pirate ship was slowly falling.

This kind of falling speed makes people feel more at ease.

Ace and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, another crisis was avoided.

“Alas, it’s a pity, if the red dog didn’t have the overlord color domineering, Lao Tzu wouldn’t necessarily lose. Klockdar shook his head and sighed, his face full of unwillingness.

He lost to the red dog line, and that is also a loss.

“Don’t care, the red dog has to peel off its skin even if he doesn’t die, and the next time we meet to him, it’s really not okay to call Ace for help, his bursting Chiyan is not afraid of magma.” Lorne patted Klockdar on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

“Lorne, obviously you solved it with a shot, and you want me to come?” muttered Ace angrily.

Moriah asked from the side, “Captain, obviously we have won, as long as we stay, we can kill two admirals, why did we retreat?”

What a missed opportunity.

“The green pheasant has appeared, and there is a stronger aura approaching further away… Besides, if I kill the general, won’t you lack opponents in the future? Lorne said very reasonably.

In fact, Lorne is confident that he can kill the red dog and the yellow ape, but he did not expect the tyrant bear to block some of the attacks, plus the red dog lava hell three-headed dog and the yellow ape light full moon slash, which is really a hidden move that Lorne has never seen.

There is also the skyrocketing strength of Lorne, and his confidence is instilled a little more.

Speaking of which, Lorne really has to thank Renly, really a good person, who will say that Renly is a false teacher in the future, Lorne is anxious with whom.

“Yes, I’m going to defeat that wretched uncle myself!” Luffy waved his fist, feeling very bad for the yellow ape, because the yellow ape almost killed Sanji.

“Chi Inu, Lao Tzu will defeat him too!” Klockdar whispered to himself.

“Wait, have we forgotten something!” Ace suddenly stood up and looked around.

“You mean… Thunder Fruit!” Solon suddenly realized that the reason why everyone made a move was to sound the Thunder Fruit.

It was because of the thunder fruit that it triggered a series of subsequent battles.

“That… I can put it on the table on the deck, don’t look for me if you lose it.” Lorne hurriedly dissociated himself.

Oops, just care about shooting, forgot about the thunder fruit.

Everyone turned around in unison, and Flax froze in an instant.

The tables are gone, where is the thunder fruit?

Lean! Where did the thunder fruit go?

Everyone was stunned…

“That, the thunder fruit is in my place. ”

Luo looked at a group of guys of the same age but like wolves and whispered.

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