Chapter 90 Lorne arrives in Dressrosa! Auntie sneaks up on Elbaf!

After figuring out the origin of the devil fruit, Usopp was excited in his heart, but he did not expect that Lorne had selected the right demon fruit specifically for him.

To be honest, watching everyone get stronger step by step, they are opening the gap with themselves, and the fourth Usopp on the boat is actually very shocked, but fortunately, Lorne did not abandon him.

On the contrary, it was for him, spending more than a billion.

Finally got the multiplication fruit.

Multiplying the fruit is tantamount to being more suitable for snipers.

Used by Wald, it was a complete waste.

This is Lorne’s assessment.

Usopp eats the multiplication fruit and gains the power of the Devil Fruit.

However, he had already run out of places for cultivation today, so he could only trigger the reward by entering the Universal Cultivation Warehouse tomorrow.

“Shiki, this time our actions are already on the surface… Although I don’t know how the World Government defines my identity, judging from their approach to you and their attitude towards Rox, the World Government will definitely not sit idly by this Dressrosa war. ”

“But the yellow ape was seriously injured when he arrested you again, and the red dog’s injury should not be so fast, so the senior personnel of this naval operation, Sengoku, Kapu, and Qingheasant, at most these three people. ”

“The navy is okay, but I don’t know what kind of troops the world government will send for the time being… So, you go to Klockdar now, count the time, and get ready to pick us up at Dressrosa 780. ”

Lorne slowly analyzed the current situation and said to Shiki.

“Now return, but I still want to use the Universal Cultivation Warehouse…” muttered Shi Ji somewhat reluctantly.

I just experienced the beauty of a leap in strength, and now I want to leave, I really can’t bear it.

“In the future, there is time to use, your strength is not bad these days, I have confidence in you, the next time I see Karp and Sengoku, you fight one, I fight one.” Lorne patted Shiki’s shoulder and assured.

Hearing this, Shiji’s eyes lit up.

Beat one yourself, then Lorne beat one, perfect!

“I’ll go now, what else do I need to do?” Shi Ji’s good state of mind stemmed more from the confidence of the increased strength.

“And there’s Tezzolo, you and Klockdar went to lobby him to join us… Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how to pinch him…” Lorne whispered in the golden lion’s ear to teach the secret technique of subduing Tezzolo.

Tezzolo is powerful, the Golden Fruit has awakened, and with Klockdar and Moria, the deterrent to him is very small.

But it’s different when you add Shiki.

After all, the golden lion is a strong man who masters domination.

The theatrical version is a joke and doesn’t have to be taken seriously.

Lorne said that finally, the golden lion had already slapped his chest with a “bang”.

Soon after, the golden lion, who arrived in a hurry, left in a hurry. (adaa)

Bucky stayed on board.

Lorne could actually use the Golden Lion’s ability to fly everyone directly across the sea and descend on Dressrosa.

But that’s so boring.

Exactly, there are five days left.

For those who use the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, it is completely several months, and there are many places that can be improved.

Luffy’s fifth gear!

The evolution of surgical fruits!

It’s all something Lorne was looking forward to.

And after his strength transformation this time, he is full of confidence in himself.

Systematic Review: Dominators!

Now the sea is no longer a survival game for Lorne.

I think that at the beginning, Lorne escaped death, and finally found a glimmer of life in Ace, and then transformed all the way, until now.

The strength of the crew under his command is more terrifying than the other.

Legendary Pirate Golden Lion.







These are all shots, comparable to the absolute combat effectiveness of a general.

There is also Nami who sounds the Thunder Fruit, Robin who awakens the Flower Fruit, and Usopp who takes the multiplying fruit… And others and others, the battle of the Pirates of Spades, why not just a group of four emperors?




There has been no real fighting, no one can say.

But Lorne didn’t know one thing: Elbaf was going to be attacked.



Headquarters of the Navy.

All the lieutenant generals of the Giants are bound by the strongest chains and are imprisoned in the makeshift prison of Marin Fandor.

This is what the Navy does.

A whole fifteen giant lieutenant generals.

The expressions on everyone’s faces were extremely angry, and their hearts had come to an end with the navy.

As long as the Navy does not kill them, the first thing they will do after they come out will definitely be to strike at the Navy, and there is no need to say anything else.

Their ethnic group was threatened, and the Navy treated them as such.

No one can bear to change anyone.

Now Marin Fandor, only the crane staff officer remains.

The red dog and the yellow ape, even if they were recuperating from their injuries, went to Mary Joa to act as a guard.

After all, Grimm Ancient Saint and Steel Bone Void are leaving Mary Joa.

Sengoku and Karp took most of the lieutenant generals, as well as 50,000 troops, and sent Dressrosa.

Countless warships, almost pouring out of the move.

This is the operation of the Navy at all costs!

It also shows the determination of Sengoku and Karp!

At the same time, in the camp of the Navy, several figures that did not belong to the Navy appeared.

The world’s first swordsman, Hawkeye.

Pirate Emperor, Boyahan Cook.

Sea man, very flat.

His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai gathered. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

That’s right, although it is three people, it already represents His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai.

After the tyrant bear was seriously injured last time, he was sent to Vegapunk.

Doflamingo himself is one of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas.

Then the remaining two are the anti-water Klockdar and Moria.

In this way, His Majesty Qiwu Hai no longer has that domineering card.

Seven people left with three representatives …


World Government.

Grimm Ancient Saint led two mysterious members of the Knights of the Gods to act.

Steel Bones personally led 30,000 soldiers of the World Government to send Dressrosa.

And the two people in the Blazing Angel Seven Martial Seas have already converged with Shanks and rushed to Elbaf.


Hundred Beast Pirates.

Hundred Beast Kaido led the Flame Ember and Drought Quinn, and the flying sextuplets: Fuzf, Sasaki, Runma, and Peggiwan, plus the mighty army of Hundred Beasts, were already on their way to Dressrosa.


All the forces began to gather.


Whitebeard Pirates.

They had already inquired about the large-scale deployment of troops by the world government and navy, and Whitebeard finally chose to go to the battlefield himself.

He is looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

But the most curious thing is Lorne.

He wanted to see Lorne.

This rare event, Whitebeard does not want to be absent.

However, Whitebeard does not intend to take sides, but more to watch the battle.

Of course, if it really comes at that time, Whitebeard’s hands are itchy for a while, and it is not impossible to shoot.


Aunt Pirates.

In this storm, the Aunt Pirates are even less likely to be idle.

Auntie didn’t know that Shanks chose to sneak up on Elbaf… But the result of the discussion between the aunt and the children was to take this opportunity to rob the treasure tree Adam.

Auntie has always dreamed of the giant race.

Therefore, the balance of the sea is mutually maintained, and as long as one party has an accident, it will cause a chain reaction.

All four emperors act!

World Government Action!

Naval action!

Operation Giants!

Pirates of Spades in action!

An unprecedented epic collision is about to take place at sea.


Time flies by.

Five days passed.

The Pirates of Spades and the Pirates of Giant Soldiers enter the waters of Dressrosa.

In the distance, you can already see the islands in the distance.

Lorne looked at the slowly enlarged building on the sea, and murmured in his heart:

“Dressrosa, Lao Tzu is here. ”

“Doflamingo, return the Adam of Lao Tzu!”

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