Everyone in Dressrosa witnessed a shocking swordsman duel, and the final result was beyond most people’s expectations.

The world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye, defeated.

Roronoa Solon, victory over Hawkeye!

Steelbone’s gaze was glazed, and he looked at the fallen Hawkeye in shock, and whispered in disbelief: “Roronoa?

The steel bone was very confused at this time.

Someone actually defeated Hawkeye with his sword skills?

Originally, he was very optimistic about Hawkeye, but he turned out to be very slapped.

The Warring States looked gloomy, and said angrily: “Damn!

Today’s battle left the Warring States speechless.

Who would have thought that the first person to fall was Karp?

His best partner, a naval hero, becomes the first person to lose his combat power in this battle.

This is followed by the world’s number one sword hawkeye.

Could it be that the other party really does not kill the nameless?

Sengoku was stunned in his heart.

“Well done! Solon!”

Luffy shouted in joy.

Some mourn, naturally others rejoice.

“Nice job, green algae head!” said Yamaji sincerely congratulating.

“Whew~ Shiro worried, Solon, you have fulfilled your original vow. Ace let out a soft breath and relaxed.

The battle between Solon and Hawkeye brought all the fighting in the field to a halt.

At this time, everyone digested an unacceptable scene.

“Mihawk actually lost, damn it, who are the Pirates of Spades, why doesn’t Kaido dare to do it now!” Doflamingo whispered angrily, his eyes full of gloom.

He was getting angrier.

Why are these guys so powerful.

Someone can solve Karp in 20 seconds, and someone can slash Hawkeye, what kind of monsters are they?

The Doflamingo mentality is about to explode.

“Hawkeye lost…” Hancock’s beautiful eyes flowed, and a deep shock appeared.

What happened today also had a huge impact on her.

“Eight Nine Three” Jinping oozed fine cold sweat on his forehead, and said nervously: “That guy has defeated Mihawk with swordsmanship?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Jinping would never have believed it.

“Terrifying fellow!” said Ember through gritted teeth, his face solemn.

“It’s getting worse and worse…” Sengoku frowned, pondering the situation.

“Hahahaha… Hurry, Solon boy, fuck him!” the golden lion laughed heartily, and his laughter seemed extremely arrogant.

“The sword cut the eagle eye, what a gratifying achievement. With a smile on his lips, Klockdar took a sharp sip of his cigar.

“Whoops~ Killed Hawkeye, it’s amazing!” praised Moria with a laugh.

Solon’s performance inspired and boosted the morale of all of them.

“Solon, all right!” Usopp jumped up and cheered.

“The world’s number one sword, Solon. Nami hugged her arms and looked at Solon with a smile.

“Hehe, completed the goal ahead of time. Robin covered his mouth and chuckled.

“Solon, supper!” exclaimed Frankie.

“Great, Solon!” said Choiba with heartfelt amusement, his tone changing.

“Hahaha, what a terrifying sword hao! Roronoa, become the world’s number one sword hao to replace Hawkeye!”

Dongli raised his arms and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the giants began to shout in unison.

“The world’s number one swordsman!”

“The world’s number one swordsman!”

A cheerful smile was outlined at the corner of Solon’s mouth, and the cheers around him and the smiles of his companions made him try to dispel the exhaustion of his body, remove the word of harmony from his mouth, and put the knife into its sheath.

All three knives are sheathed.

The two knives were dangled by Solon at his waist, and his right hand clenched the words of Kazudao, raised his arms, and suddenly shouted:

“Captain, are you still satisfied?”

Lorne raised his arms, “The world’s number one swordsman! Laozi is proud of you!”

Lorne was even more excited at the moment than he was to be the strongest in the world.

Solon, who eventually became the first swordsman.

The expectations of countless people, the prayers of countless people, the youth of countless people.

“I have become the world’s number one swordsman!”

“Gu Yina, do you see that!”

“I’ve fulfilled our agreed dream!”

“You, you are in heaven, have you heard the name of the world’s number one swordsman!”


Solon raised his right hand, his voice roaring thickly, and finally his voice had become choked, venting the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for so many years.

Solon at this time was only a fifteen-year-old boy.

He covered his cheek with his left hand, and tears had already flowed down.


Did you hear that…

I’ve become the number one swordsman in the world…

Did you hear my name in heaven…


Everyone looked at this scene and was speechless.

“What the hell is this guy carrying!” said Kaido in shock.

He is a little moved at the moment, Solon’s strength, strength is only one aspect, he has a heart that does not give up, and he does not admit defeat!

This kind of guy deserves anyone’s respect.

This is the real strong.

“Mihawk actually lost!” Grimm’s face was already indescribably ugly.

My heart was about to explode.

Outside the game, you can’t beat it.

Inside the game, you can’t gamble.

How do you play this?

Especially those who fell are still Karp and Hawkeye, which is simply a heavy blow to morale.

In fact, Grimmgusheng did not realize that the world government and navy had no morale, and everyone was fighting passively.

Because of Lorne’s presence, no one knows what will happen in the next moment.

Lorne appeared beside Solon, patted Solon’s shoulder, and said with a hearty smile: “The name of the world’s number one swordsman will definitely resound in heaven!”


Solon calmed his emotions and gradually calmed down.

Lorne personally helped Solon back to the gambling table, and Tezzolo very sensibly conjured a golden chair to let Solon rest.

“The results are out, you, it’s time to make the bet. ”

Lorne slowly raised his head, his sharp gaze looking directly at the members of the Knights of God holding two swords.

The latter was startled in his heart, and drew his knife and attacked forward.

He took the initiative to attack and sought a glimmer of life.

It is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to surrender his life.

He chose to strike head-on, which was the right choice.

Because the Green Ancient Saint is by his side, as long as he can create opportunities, the Green Ancient Saint will definitely strike at the first time.

Grimmgu Sheng also thought so, his palm had just been placed on the hilt, ready to draw the knife.

A layer of fine, thick scarlet liquid suddenly splashed on his face.


The guy who gambled with Lorne just now, his head was blasted out as soon as he made a move.

The brain pulp was splashed like a shower with blood, staining the body of Grimm Gushen, and Kaido’s body was also stained.

For some reason, there was not a drop of blood on Lorne’s body.

He calmly withdrew his polished fist, glanced at the Green Ancient Saint, and laughed softly: “Why, do you want to solve it by means other than gambling?”

The sound was not loud, but the hand of the Green Ancient Saint drawing the sword was trembling, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

He felt like he was being targeted by an ancient beast, and if he moved slightly, he would be killed.

Glingu Saint swallowed his saliva nervously and slowly lowered his palm.

Just kidding, fighting Lorne now, it’s absolutely crazy.

Fucking how Lorne blasted that man’s head just now, Grimm Gusheng just saw a blurry figure appear, and then that head exploded like a watermelon, so fast that he didn’t have time to react, how to do it?

How does he do it?

To do it is to find death!

Grimm’s ancient saint is now numb.

When he first arrived, he had a strong confidence that he could solve Rox.

But now, he doesn’t even have the courage to say the other party’s true identity.

The strength of terror is not a level at all.

Ants in front of eagles, do they have the power to fight back?

The only hope of the Green Ancient Saint now is the five old stars watching the battle, quickly wake up Im, and if you don’t wake up Im, something big will really happen.

All that the Grimmberg can do now is delay time and hope for others.

He himself really didn’t have the confidence to fight Lorne.

I can’t even see how the other party shot, how to fight?

Also stunned was Kaido, looking at the headless corpse with a dull gaze.

Shot again…

Or a flash deal…

and did not see the other party’s movements clearly…

Kaido is stupid.

What kind of opponent is Lorne? (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Is it still necessary to amuse them with this strength?

Kaido is really going to break down.

He winked at Ember and Jack, signaling the two to stop fighting and come back quickly.

Ember understood, grabbed Jack, and the flying sextets, who were beaten very badly, quietly retreated, far behind Kaido, not daring to make any rash moves.


Holy Land, Mary Joa.

Inside the palace.




Five statues stood inside the palace, seemingly breathing to stop.

Seeing the moment Solon defeated Hawkeye, the five old stars were collectively stunned, and their expressions were as incredible as if they had seen a ghost.

They could not have imagined that Hawkeye would actually lose to the challenger!

That’s the world’s number one swordsman, what is he doing?

Just now, Lorne thundered, killing the members of the Knights of God in seconds, shocking the Grimm Ancient Saint Atmosphere and did not dare to breathe.

This scene made the five old stars collectively petrified.

How can this situation be solved now?

Is it the five of them who go to die together?

Or summon all the members of the Knights of God to die together?

They were all confused.

No one could have imagined that Lorne’s strength would exceed the horror of imagination, the strength of cognition, and the perversion beyond the code of ethics.

“Wake up Lord Im!”

The five saints of Nasjurang, Satan Saint, Vauchuli Saint, Piter Saint, and Maz Saint spoke at the same time, and said firmly in unison.

Whatever the consequences, he must wake up Im at all costs.

Otherwise, the world is really going to change.

The five old stars got up, walked through the palace, and walked towards the depths of Pangu City.



It seems that the fighting should stop.

Because there is no point in fighting.

The existence of Lorne is the god who controls all life and death.

“I feel… You should be like Luffy and carry out a fight to the end. ”

Lorne touched his chin, and after looking around, slowly suggested0…

After Lorne said this, everyone turned their heads to look at Luffy, who was at war with the steel bone.

Luffy’s fourth gear transformed into a snake man form, moving more flexibly and attacking more quickly, but against the steel bone, he still couldn’t get the slightest benefit, and he was a little embarrassed.

Steel bone, that is the teacher of Karp and the Warring States, a pure physical powerhouse, but also masters the existence of domineering, the horror of strength, I am afraid second only to Grimmgushen.

Luffy fought against the steel bone, and it was very difficult.

But admitting defeat or escaping is not Luffy’s character, or playing casually, Luffy will not be so serious, the key is that the other party is really stronger than him, which completely stimulates Luffy’s fighting spirit.

When everyone stopped fighting in their hands, Luffy was still fighting Steelbone, mainly fighting a person who did not admit defeat.

Lao Tzu is the sun god and can lock blood, what are you?

Lorne’s eyes flickered.

Sun God… Five gears… It’s close!

The guys in the Kaido camp really don’t want to continue fighting.

Now only the world government and naval camp remain.

Both Hancock and Jinping withdrew some distance back, making their attitude clear.

If they continue to fight, they will not mix.

In particular, Jinping also supported the fallen Hawkeye and stayed away from the central battlefield.

Of course, Doflamingo also wanted to retreat, but he was the leader of this time.


Withdraw a hair, retract a thread, unwind a yarn.

Karp was scrapped from the beginning, and now there is nothing he can do, and he has to thank Robin for protecting his body.

At this time, Karp is really going crazy.

He couldn’t understand why the enemy was so strong.

As for the Warring States and the Green Pheasants, they cannot retreat.

The golden lion will not let go of the Warring States.

The green pheasant is bound to make a move, and Ace will not let him stop the green pheasant.

They are destined to divide the winner and the loser today… Even life and death!

“Well, since you don’t want to fight, then there is no way, old sand, Moria, solve Doflamingo, find out the treasure tree Adam!”

Lorne said slowly, his gaze moving away from Doflamingo and returning to the gamble in front of him.

Klockdar, Moria, Ro, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, and Nami all made a move on Doflamingo for a while, even if it was a cadre of the Don Quixote family, if there was one, he came to do more.

However, in the battle just now, the cadres of the Don Quixote family have died several times, and even the sugar has been killed by Usopp’s sniper.

“Doflamingo, hand over the Treasure Tree Adam!”

Klockdar turned into quicksand and rushed to Doflamingo.

“Kaido, Treasure Tree Adam handed over to Kaido!” said Doflamingo with the attitude of dragging Kaido into the water.

Lorne wrinkled his brows, his gaze drifting to Kaido.

“Don’t listen to his nonsense, Lao Tzu promised to cooperate with him, but Lao Tzu has just arrived here, and Baoshu Adam has never seen what he looks like!” Kaido retorted fiercely, already greeting the ancestors of the Don Quixote family in his heart.

Now everyone knows that Kaido was found by Doflamingo, and it is clear that Doflamingo is planning to join forces with Kaido to join forces with the Yin World Government and the Pirates of Spades, but was unexpectedly destroyed by Lorne alone.

“Young Lord!”

Virgo suddenly broke out of the naval camp and rushed towards Klockdar.

Seeing this scene, the Sengoku teeth were cracked, and he angrily reprimanded: “Virgo, you are actually an undercover agent of Brother Doflaming 4.2. ”

Virgo’s “less master” said too much.

At this time, Doflamingo’s methods were all exposed.

The Don Quixote family was instantly isolated.

With the continuation of the battle …

Diamanti was captured by the shadow.

Pika is kicked by Sanji… Eggs, painful.

Torrepol’s protective suit was shattered by Nami’s lightning, revealing his thin body, shivering in the lightning.

Virgo was overwhelmed by the dark gold devouring sand, and Klockdar could end his life with a single thought.

Doflamingo’s eyes were crazy, and the strong mood swings caused the surrounding environment to change, and countless silk threads began to float.

Doflamingo actually entered the fruit awakening in advance!

“Let them go, Lao Tzu is willing to hand over the treasure tree Adam, the treasure tree Adam is below the palace of the King’s Heights above!”

“But that’s only half!”

“The other half, in the hands of the world government!”

“The plan to sneak attack Elbaf was proposed by the World Government, they took away half of the treasure tree Adam, and the dead giant race was also the hands of the people of the World Government, and it has nothing to do with Lao Tzu!”

Doflamingo’s chest rose and fell violently, revealing all the conspiracies behind it.

Although he was now in the state of fruit awakening, it was obviously impossible to defeat the guys around him.


Steel Bone drank angrily, trying to stop Doflamingo, which was completely leading the way to disaster.

“Bang bang ~ steel bone, now you know that you are in a hurry, why didn’t you expect that you would have such a day when you used Lao Tzu?”

Doflamingo laughed maniacally, his maniacal look and the frantically dancing silk threads showed the emotion in the heart of this hero.

Doflamingo looked at the growing and transformed teenager in front of him, and suddenly put away the silk threads around him, and the corners of his mouth smiled maniacally,

“Luo, I really want to kill Laozi to avenge Luo Xiandi, right?”

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