"Luffy-sama... I wonder if a concubine counts?"

Somewhere in the sea, in the VIP room on the Mole's warship, Hancock looked at Luffy who was overly sleepy and chatting softly.

Through the diving screen, Hancock not only learned that Karp was Luffy's own grandfather at this moment.

Even more excited was Luffy's father, Monchi M. D. Dragon!

The man who has been called the most vicious criminal by the world government and the man with the highest bounty in the world today!

For people like Hancock who hate the Draconians, Luffy beats the Draconians, and Luffy's father is the leader of the revolutionary army against the Draconians World Government.

That's just...!Heaven gave Luffy-sama to himself!

My own destination is Luffy-sama, right?

Hancock's eyes gradually became sickly, his face was crimson, slightly coquettish, and he hugged Luffy, who was sleeping with exhausted mental power, and the atmosphere was beautiful.

Nine points of energy is focused on looking at Luffy gently, and Hanku leaves one point of energy to connect with the Heavenly Dao inventory and look at Luffy-sama's father.

[Tiandao Inventory Announcement: The video inventory begins, and the relationship between Wang Mengqi · D. Luffy, Family Chapter. 】

[Video: In the picture, the black curtain at the beginning gradually opened, and there was a 'Inventory Relationship Wang Mengqi · D. Luffy, Family, Father Monchi Subtitles of D. Dragon'. Immediately, the portrait of the dragon is revealed. 】

"Damn dragons!" said Mary Joa, whom the five old stars hated.

During their tenure, such a powerful revolutionary army appeared with a clear anti-world government, and this slap in the face was very hot!

"Although I haven't witnessed it in person, but the Warring States, the Yellow Ape and the Red Inu, they all said that the Yellow Ape did obtain the Flying Thunder God Technique, so this future video of the Heavenly Dao inventory will be revealed in a while, or it may be a reference. "

Lord Imu was still sitting elegantly on the throne, and the five old stars were communicating softly.

Looking at this future video, can you reveal more of the dragon's movements? They can also better prevent it, and it is better to expose the main cadres and bases of the other party.

[Video: The image of the dragon on the screen gradually dissipates, and the video plays!


In the picture, seventeen years ago, the dragon returned to his hometown of Windmill Village with a months-old baby in his hand.

Seeing this, Karp, the father who had not seen him for a long time, was so angry that he fought with him.

The dragon didn't dare to fight, and Karp was really angry and wanted to beat the unfilial son.

So after a few tricks between the dragon and his father, they honestly stood up and took the beating.

If he hadn't seen the child in his hand, Karp would have broken his leg.

When he saw his grandson for the first time, Karp excitedly hugged the baby with one hand and beat the child with the other.

Taking advantage of his father's happiness, Long sold a miserable and said that his daughter-in-law had also left, and asked his father to help take care of the child.

After having a grandson, Long's own son was garbage in Karp's eyes, and those who disliked it were immediately driven away and didn't eat.

In the following time, every year or two, Long would quietly return to the East China Sea to see his own son Luffy from afar.

Seventeen years later, he learned through his intelligence officers that his child was going to sea to become a pirate.

The dragon sighed with emotion, feeling that now was not the time to bring his son to the revolutionary army, and it was just the right time for Luffy to go on the great voyage to experience it.

Later, he still took the time to go to the East China Sea, waiting for his son in the town of Roge, ready to send him to the sea. 】

[World Channel-Locks: Oh~!Is this Karp's son? It's much stronger than his father, and the D-Clan should overthrow the Draconians, and only Karp, a fool, is a dog for the Draconians. 】

[Karp: Gan! believe it or not, the old man fished you out of hell and beat you up again?].

[John: I, I, Kap, please be sure to get me with the resurrection crystal, and I will give you a good fight when the time comes!].

[Rocks: Get out! Karp clearly said to catch me!].

[Skee: Karp!, just tell me which of us has a deep friendship with you!].

[Karp: ...!].

[Crane: A group of rotten undead, don't even think about it. 】

[Roger: Ahaha, what's the matter with Karp?

Roger here, watching the discord between Karp and his son in the video, immediately opened fire.

Damn, I don't know what Karp taught Ace? Now he doesn't recognize him as Roger's father, and he doesn't even reply to any messages.

He's going to have to take care of it, bury Karp.

[Edward Newgate: Golp-la-la-la-la! Karp is stupid and not as knowledgeable as his child.] 】

[Kaido: Hello, Dragon, Interested in joining me, I guess we have a common language!].

[Long: I think that if you give up the arms business and make amends for the sins of the countries you have hurt, I will keep you in prison for the rest of your life. 】

[Abel: Arrogant, I will pay close attention to your revolutionary army!

[Jack: Arrogant Revolutionary Army! Lord Kaido is invincible in the world, what are you?].


These mouth-shut-in dragons don't care, although they really want to use the Four Emperors, but they must have the attitude they should have, so that the faith of their partners can be firmer.

At the same time, the dragon and the anxious Sabo negotiate to stop allowing Maury to sneak into the city from the bottom of the sea again by pushing the fruit.

Because of his father Karp's private chat, the yellow ape, who had really obtained the Flying Thunder God technique, went to the city to escort Ace.

It is impossible for Sabo to save Ace in Advance City, and even the dragon will not let Ivankov, who has built a new shemale paradise in Advance City.

That way, even if Ace is saved, they will be trapped in Advance City, and the gains outweigh the losses.

It's better to go and have a secret meeting with the White and Red Groups now to discuss countermeasures.

And secretly cautiously, it is hoped that the white and red regiments and the navy will fight fiercely, and their revolutionary army will secretly rebel against the CP agency of the world government.

This would greatly weaken the World Government and reduce the power of the pirates.

Even though the white group and the red group have behaved well over the years, they can be regarded as a blessing.

But pirates are pirates, and now there are enemies of the Draconians, and the dragons want them to exist to contain the world government.

If one day their revolutionary army succeeds in overthrowing the rotten world government, these pirates will be the first to strike!

[Video: In the picture, the dragon waited for a day in Rogue Town, and Luffy and the others finally landed on the island.

During this period, seeing that his son was lost, the dragon also deliberately used the ability of the Hurricane Fruit, and let a gust of wind take Luffy a few streets away, to the central square of Rogue Town, a mile away, to meet the execution table that Luffy had in mind.

Luffy happily climbed onto the execution table and looked around, very excited.

Then, he was yin by Bucky, and was almost beheaded on the execution table.

But the dragon was in the distance, manipulating the weather through the Hurricane Fruit, guiding a thunderbolt to slash Bucky, casually untying Luffy.

The mutation suddenly occurred, and Smoker, who secretly laid the siege net, had to come to collect the net in advance.

Although Smoker quickly captured Bucky and Yarrita and others, and held Luffy down.

But just then, the dragon appeared behind him and saved Luffy.

Smoker was furious about this, but could do nothing but watch the pirates escape and speculate about the dragon's purpose in coming to Rogue Town.

Then, the dragon watched Luffy and the others set sail from the high roof, and said happily:

"Go for it, if that's what you choose to do. "

Seeing this, Smoker asked below, "Why, why did you help that man?"

Hearing this, the dragon replied with a smile: "What reason can prevent a man from setting sail?".

[World Channel-Bucky: Damn the dragon! I remember you!]

[Roger: Ahahahaha!Little Bucky, you're so old, why are you so frustrated?

[Bucky: No, Captain! He's a sneak attack! Shameless sneak attack!].

[Smoker: Dragon! I should have thought about why you were helping the Straw Hat Kid!].

[Kidd: Ahahaha! I don't know if we'll be enemies in the future, but you're a funny person!].

[Luo: What reason can prevent a man from setting sail? 】

[Shanks: Hey, Mr. Long, have a drink? I think we have a common language!].

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