[Video: The screen turns again, and a new clip appears, and the subtitle 'July 8, 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar, advancing the city' appears.]

At the same time, Luffy and Ivankov appear in the picture, in a large and neat cave. 】

"End!" The dragon, who was discussing things with Sabo, blurted out immediately when he saw this video!

At that time, the women's clothing giant Mo Li under his command, who used the ability to push the fruit, opened up a five-point five-story space between the five and six floors of the Advance City.

Ivankov was placed inside, gathering men and waiting for the right moment.

Long Ke is counting on the future when he rises up, let Ivankov make a riot in the city, so that the navy has to suppress it with all its strength in order to contain the naval power.

Then, the revolutionary army attacked the Yellow Dragon and attacked Mary Joy.

Now this is exposed?

The dragon's face was slightly darker, and although he had just exposed the bear and involved Vegapunk, he managed to intimidate Vegapunk into coming to him.

But if Ivankov is exposed, then not only will there be one less action involving naval forces in the future, but Ivankov may also be obviously in a huge crisis!

So there was no time to explain the rest, and the dragon asked everyone to keep in touch with the phone bug or the private chat of this Tiandao inventory chat.

Immediately cast the Hurricane Fruit, take the ship and a few cadres of Mori, and go straight to the Advance City!

Hope things don't get too bad!

[Video: In the picture, Luffy is slightly weak, but his expression is resolute, and he mutters that he is anxious to save Ace.

By the way, Luffy asked Ivankov, "Little Ivan, don't you want to escape from prison? Because Xiao Feng came down because he wanted to save you! Before escaping, tell me where Ace is by the way!".

Ivankov was stunned for a moment, and she thanked Xiao Feng for his kindness.

However, she told Luffy that it was not time for her to escape from prison.

She understands the current situation, and if the White Regiment wants to go to war with the navy, the world will be turned upside down.

But the man behind the world revolutionaries, her compatriot, Monchi M. D. Dragon hasn't moved yet.

"Ah, my father!".

Hearing the familiar name, Luffy subconsciously responded.

"That's right, when your father leads the army into action, I will return to the ground and join the tide of the world. Now, even if you break out of prison blindly, you will only be wanted outside-".

As soon as he said this, Ivankov looked back at Luffy!

Big eyes blinked a few times, then sweated, looked at Luffy with a shocked face, and blurted out: "Dad, Dad, Dad... Dad?".

At the same time, a large number of ladyboys in the vicinity also reacted.

"You say he's your father?".

The crowd raised their hands in disbelief!

And Ivankov, even more overreacting, ejected and smashed into the wall!

"The dragon is your father?".

"Don't don't say stupid things! Are you the son of the dragon? Does he have a son?" Ivankov asked, standing up in horror.

"Ah, can't you say it!" Luffy reacted at this time, after all, grandpa had said that it was best not to say his father's identity.

But then Masashi continued: "Forget it, grandpa said it anyway." "

Immediately, Luffy explained to Ivankov and the others what his grandfather had told him, but he had not met his father.

This made Ivankov feel more real, that Luffy was not like a liar, and that Luffy had an extraordinary life, which was by no means ordinary, and it was entirely possible.

After asking Luffy about the place where he was born, Ivankov thought about the direction he had noticed that the dragon often looked at.

So, she believed that Luffy was the son of the dragon

Immediately, Ivankov's attitude changed drastically, and he immediately asked his subordinates to go outside to investigate Ace's situation.

Hearing Luffy keep calling Brother Ace, Ivankov thought that Ace was also the son of a dragon and was very anxious.

Later, Ivankov also warned Luffy not to easily reveal his father's identity outside.

Of course, she also revealed to Luffy that she was Luffy's father's partner and would do her best to help Luffy rescue Ace.

As a result, the entire new Shemale Paradise is ready to save people and escape from prison!].

[World Government-Sakasky: Bastard, I'm going to push the city and destroy you rats!].

Here at the Navy Headquarters, Akaiu is angry, and the city has become a stronghold of the revolutionary army

Moreover, he has bad intentions and wants to release countless vicious criminals in the city to contain the naval forces, and then facilitate the revolutionary army to attack the world government

[Buddha no Sengoku: Very good!Since you have been exposed, let's stay in Advance City forever!].

[Morgause: Ahahaha! The Revolutionary Army is really a big deal! It's just a pity!].

[Doflamingo: What an astonishing one! It is the means of the world's most vicious criminal!].

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Dressrosa, Brother Ming sighed!

If the Tiandao inventory video is not exposed, then in the future, the revolutionary army will attract naval forces by advancing the city to create a riot of criminals.

With the top powerhouses on the sixth floor of the city, it is not too much to let the three major admirals go together.

Then the navy has been pinned down by important forces, and the revolutionary army will attack Mary Joya of the Draconians again, and the success rate is very large!

At that time, if the revolutionary army and the Tianlong people are both defeated, wouldn't he be able to try the yellow finch to reap the benefits in the future?

Even! Get the world-destroying national treasure of the Celestial Dragon people in your hands! Become a new world powerhouse!

[Klockdahl: Tsk~!It's a pity that it's been exposed!].

[Ledfield: Hey~!Ivankov, can you help us?, and then we will help you resist the Navy's upcoming admiral.] 】

[Klockdahl: Yes, by the way, let's get Ace out!].

[Roger: I think so!].

[Sakasky: You are delusional!, Lao Tzu is coming to kill you!].

[Katerina Depen: Hurry up and make a decision, Ivankov, but don't forget the Flying Thunder God Technique that the Yellow Ape just obtained!].

[Abaro Pizarro: yes! If you hesitate, you won't have a chance!].

Ivankov: Hmph! We have our own way out, and we don't need you to worry about it. 】

Ivankov replied that in fact, she had no way out, and it would be difficult to be found.

Fortunately, the mention of her in this mysterious Tiandao inventory video is over, so the Navy doesn't know if she has a retreat like a submarine.

Just delay and wait for the dragon and Maury to come to their rescue.

As for Ace, the leader said that he was considering whether to save him.

Many of the criminals who were imprisoned in the city were making a noise at the moment, hoping that Ivankov would quickly rescue them, and even a large number of them expressed their willingness to join the revolutionary army.

However, neither Long nor Ivankov answered, the revolutionary army also needs to screen recruits, otherwise Ivankov would not have been in the past ten years to get such a few people.

Even though there are many people who have been framed by the World Government and Navy to enter the Advance City, there are even more wicked people!

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