[Tiandao Q&A: Next, take stock of Wang Luffy's red face, may I ask the following four options, who is the fourth red face who is about to be counted?


A. Fur Garrot.

B, shemale Sanji.

C. Trafalgar Rowe.

D, Vegapunk's No. 2 doppelganger Lilith.

The rush to answer starts, with a time limit of 30 seconds. 】


As soon as the multiple-choice questions of the Tianji question appeared, the world was in an uproar!

It was because no one had just guessed the fill-in-the-blank questions that no one was answering in the whole country, which caused heated discussions.

Now that the multiple-choice answers are given, almost everyone is shocked by these four options!

This mud horse, four non-human, fur tribe, shemale, sexual turn, old man Vegapunk's female doppelganger?

No matter which one it is, this taste...

[Heavenly Inventory-Locks: It's really up to me!What the hell is this?Karp? What's the situation with your grandson?].

[John: I'm dumbfounded!The three big beauties in front of us make us think Luffy's standards are very high!].

[Shiki: I didn't expect it!'s a pervert!ahahaha!].

[Sabo: No, no, no, I think option A's bunny is good!].

[Bucky: Hey, I think so too!].

[Kidd: Speechless!Choosing a fur clan, it's better to choose a Luo who turns sexually!It's beautiful!].

[Luo: Fuck off!].

Chambord Islands, Luo's expression was gloomy, and he looked at the picture of the Tian Dao inventory question and answer interface in amazement, in the picture of option C, the slender and plump girl!

Dressed exactly like him, but female!

How can I become a woman? Is it Luffy's face? impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Lao Tzu will never be struck by a sword in his life! He just wants to stab someone with a sword, but he doesn't want to be stabbed by a sword! Thinking about that picture, it is better to die!

[Hawkins: Yo~! Isn't the sexually turned Luo very beautiful?].

[X. Drake: Ahahaha! Luffy is rather stupid, so he can't really be deceived by Luo Xing, right?].

[Boya Hancock: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!].

[Kidd: That's not good, you look at yesterday's inventory today, Luo Du has acted with Straw Hat Luffy several times!].

[Apu:! Think about it this way! Could it be that Luo directly turned into a lady in order to be the king of relationships?].

[Capone Becky: Damn!Young people really know how to play!].

[Bonie: Ahahaha! The old lady thinks it's cute, isn't that good?].

[Bartholomy Bear: Ahem~!].

[Xia Qi: Ouch! I don't dare to think about that picture!].

[Zoro: Ahahaha! No one is talking about Shemale Sanji?].

[Sanji: Get out! Die! Impossible! I'll never be a shemale!].

[Ivankov: Eh, you have an opinion about our shemales?].

[Sanji: Yes! The opinion is too big!].

[Ivankov: Eh, hey, hey, you've been photographed by a bear in my shemale kingdom, if it weren't for Luffy's Boy getting the Vortex Gate reward yesterday and taking you away!heyhehe!].

[Inazuma: Then in the original future, if we return from the top war, Sanji will inevitably be turned into a shemale by my king!].

[Sanji: Ahh

Being ridiculed like this, Sanji wants to die!

At this moment, Sanji wanted to jump into the sea and stay away from Luffy!, but was dragged by Zoro who was laughing at him!

"Ahem~!Sanji, don't worry, I think the answer is not you, but the female doppelganger of option D, after all... It's really beautiful!" Saab says here.

"Don't, don't, don't!, you might as well pick a rabbit!" said Ace, shaking his head immediately.

This Nima is in love with an old man's female doppelganger?

[Vincemock Gaji: Fuck! It can't be the old perverted doppelganger of Vegapunk, right?].

[Quinn: Ahahaha! I didn't expect you to have such a good time with Vegapunk!

[Tezzolo: In yesterday's inventory today, it was mentioned that Luffy would go to Eggtip Island in the next two years, and it seems that he would take Vegapunk with him!].

[Morgains: Then, he hooked up with Luffy with a female doppelganger?].

[Vegapunk: How could I be so bored? But I didn't expect that two years later, I would succeed?].

[Nicole Robin: Bastard Vegapunk!You'd better not mess with a doppelganger!, especially the one named Lilith!].

[Vegapunk: Hey, hey, I'm a scientist, and for better efficiency, I've recently been researching how to separate my personalities, so that each doppelganger can concentrate on doing professional things!].

[Redfield: Look, this is called professional!].

[Quinn: And then the perverted hookup partner's son?ahahaha!].

[Gaji: It's really perverted, who uses a female doppelganger for a serious person?].

[Vegapunk: It's not me, the answer must be Sanji, after all, it's Luffy's partner. 】

[Sanji:! No! Absolutely not! It must be a sexual turn!].

[Luo: Shut up for me!Definitely not me!].

[Pedro: Don't be noisy! It must be our little rabbit Galot!].

[Roger: Little leopard, long time no see, right?].

Pedro: Hello Roger!].

[Karp: Rabbit? It's okay, I see that this rabbit has clear eyebrows, and they are happy! The old man can't take care of it!].

[Rocks: Poof... Aha!].

[Shiki: Karp, your grandson is really good at playing! It's better to find a mermaid, but you are looking for a rabbit?].

[Pedro: What's wrong with the rabbit?

Hancock: ???

[Nicole Robin: Looking at it this way, little Garrot is beautiful!].

[Rebecca: Sister Robin?].

Shanks: I was just shocked! I didn't know who to choose for a while?].

[Kaido: Uh-huh, haven't chosen yet? 】

[Edward Newgate: Alas~! I'm old, and I'm still lacking in heart, so I'm stunned for a while, so let's choose whatever you want. 】

[Titch: Thief hahaha! It must be a sexual transfer Luo!].

[Luo: Get out!].

"Luffy, who did you choose?" asked Nami, looking at Luffy.

"I don't know, I want to choose Sanji, but Sanji in the picture feels very unfamiliar. "

"Don't, don't!Pick the first!Pick A!" Nami Robin and Hancock were startled!

Thousands of prayers, thousands of prayers, Luffy don't have indescribable feelings for Sanji!

"Oh!" Luffy looked at the three girls blankly, not knowing why they were anxious.


Soon the thirty-second answer time passed, and the choice of the ten answerers was revealed.

[Bucky: A. 】

[Charlotte Lingling: A. 】

[Iam:D.] 】

[Kaido: C. 】

[Marshall M. D. Titch: C. 】

【Monchi · D. Dragon: A. 】

[Edward Newgate: B. 】

【Monchi · D. Luffy: A. 】

Shanks: A. 】

[Sengoku of the Buddha: A. 】

At this point, there are still quite a few people who choose option A.

Bucky didn't read the question and chose randomly, because he knew that he didn't react, so he was enlightened!

The aunt didn't react to the content of this question and answer, and chose option A, because in her impression, the fur clan was quite strong, so she chose the strong one.

Everyone else was stunned by the four options, and their movements were slow.

Imu chose option D, and the diaphragm should be begapunk.

Kaido and Titch both chose C, people with perverts and special fetishes, they have seen a lot and don't have too much emotion.

In addition, in yesterday's inventory video today, Luffy's allies are all Luo, Luffy seems to be very naïve, maybe he will be deceived by Luo Xing in the future?

The dragon thinks it's not good to choose others, and chooses the fur rabbit of option A, and reluctantly accepts it, which is better than what shemale sex turns and doppelgangers!

If it's option D, Vegapunk's female doppelganger, then I'm afraid he can't help but beat Vegapunk!

If it's B or C, well...!Well, the Shemale King is his best buddy, and he barely endures it, but he will definitely beat his son Luffy once!

After all, the first few, the hot and cute girl Rebecca, the sexy and gentle royal sisters Lei Jiu and Robin, aren't they all good?

Why did the style of painting suddenly change?

[Tiandao Q&A: Ding~!The correct answer is option A. The fourth celebrity of the relationship king Luffy, who is about to be inventoried, is the queen of the Furry Duchy, Garrot. The first person to get the answer right was Bucky. 】

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